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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    par far

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  par far Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:15 am

    Speculation that Russia might have helped Iran with these attack's.

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    Eugenio Argentina
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:26 am

    🇮🇱🇮🇷 A Hebrew channel leaked a video of a direct strike in Hod Hasharon, north of Tel Aviv of an Iranian missile hitting something.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:27 am

    🇮🇷 New footage of Iran missile attack on Israel

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  nomadski Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:16 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    nomadski wrote:
    I was talking about the Iranian working class political party , that was exterminated and the large masses of Iranian people who are the majority and are powerless and oppressed by the right wing . The right wing in power now , is a mix of liberal and national elements , but in their oppressive and dictatorial rule , they unite against the majority . I think that , if confronted with loosing power to the left ( Iranian working class ) , that they would unite with even the monarchists and invite uncle Sam back .

    Rolling Eyes

    How do you know that most people in Iran are unhappy? What is your source of information? And of course, they want to live in countries where "refugees" replace their population, with censorship, high crime rates, chronic crises, and imprisonment for not using the correct pronouns. You mean Western democracies?

    Pahlavi was a British  bitch. He was dictator  too the only difference is they were western bitches. After  MI5/6 +CIA overthrow democratically elected Mossadegh. But ok I dont get it its   something else  Smile

    I was replying to KVS . This was about the relationship of internal politics and external conditions . I was saying that , there are groups and classes in Iran , that have and may still be using external ( as well as internal ) war as means of staying in power . A diversion , politically speaking . The killing of Haniyeh , may have been partly or entirely organised by this right wing group . As well as other incidents .

    I speak both from personal experience , and observing the political situation . As an example , the entire voter turnout in the last elections was very low , as low as 25% . It is not just economic factors . It is to do with the cultural and political life of the people . Becoming a refugee , is not a choice for people . Setting aside political refugees , such as your's truly , then most are economic . The new generation of young Iranians , many of them are misguided . They are influenced by right wing propaganda , and may form a romantic view of life under the Shah regime . Unfortunately .

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:41 am

    Plus many Iranians are propagandized by the Farsi version of BBC or the Saudi-financed propaganda network "Iran International".
    Most Iranians do not understand English very well, which makes it even harder for them to follow independent media. That is why they have only two choices: follow the Iranian state media or the Western state media. Because of their hatred for the corrupt Iranian government they often choose the Western narrative completely ignoring independent news that are easily available for people living in the West.
    That is why quite a lot Iranians even believe that Hezbollah is a "terror group", while thinking that Israel is some cool Western democracy or something. In reality Israel itself is by far the most dangerous terror organization in the whole world disguised as a nation. Even J.F.K. noticed from the very beginning the blatant terrorism spread by "Jewish" settlers.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Arrow Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:07 pm

    I used to be quite good in my profession, before I moved to business endevaurs. Why don't listen someone who had actually put the effort and the brains to study something instead of talking crap. What's wrong with internet? wrote:

    Many countries in the world are constantly working on systems to fight ballistic missiles. These are the USA, Russia, China, Feance, Israel, etc. Is something wrong with the physicists from these countries? Since they invest billions of USD in ABM systems? The fact that it is possible to intercept a ballistic missile has been known since 1961, when the Russians did it with the V-1000 missile. After that, a lot of ABM systems were created. For example, GBI, SM-3 block II, 53T6M, THAAD, ARROW 1,2,3, S-300V, S-300V4, S-500, PAC-3. Each more or less effective. Currently, the problem is not about physically intercepting the warhead of a ballistic missile, because this has been done many times. The problem is of course still complex, which is why few countries in the world are able to do it. The problem is that you can still saturate and overwhelm ABM systems. In addition, there are warheads that maneuver like HGVs or maneuvering hypersonic missiles, where it is very difficult to predict the flight trajectory and calculate the interception point. Modern SLBMs and ICBMs have dozens of decoys that are very difficult to distinguish from real RVs, in addition, some are designed so that they accompany MIRVs even in the atmosphere, some will burn out. In the case of ballistic missiles, you have very little time to react, so you need extensive systems for detecting and classifying targets. So you are right here, but I think not entirely. Because it is physically possible, but considering many other factors it is very difficult. Despite this, however, larger powers are constantly working on technologies to combat ballistic missiles. Of course, it is very difficult to stop a massive attack of 200 ballistic missiles, when you add decoys to this it becomes exceptionally difficult.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  nomadski Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:18 pm

    @ solidarity

    A balanced political system , offers a balanced foreign policy and a balanced military response . How would things be different , if Iran had democratic system ? Well I could imagine that : ( 1 ) They would have joined the Eastern economic union much earlier . ( 2) Dollar economy would have been abolished . ( 3 ) A self - sufficient economy would have been established . ( 4 ) There would be political and personal freedoms , within the scope of morality . ( 5 ) The western states could not interfere with cultural imperialism . ( 5 ) The working class , would be a dynamic part of Iranian politics . ( 6 ) Freedom of political parties ,could enable adaptive and progressive policies . ( 7 ) Iran would by now have a nuclear deterrence . ( 8 ) The security services would operate well for security . ( 9 ) Iran would have a more flexible and effective foreign policy . ( 10 ) Food and agricultural sovereignty . ( 11 ) Population management . ( 12 ) Inflation and price control . ( 13 ) Environmental health . ( 14 ) Free medical care . ( 15 ) Free education . ( 16 ) Zero unemployment .

    Iran just announced it's readiness in striking again directly . I still think that sending troops to Lebanon and Syria , would prove more effective way to confront the Zionists



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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  flamming_python Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:18 pm

    nomadski wrote:I was replying to KVS . This was about the relationship of internal politics and external conditions . I was saying that , there are groups and classes in Iran , that have and may still be using external ( as well as internal ) war as means of staying in power . A diversion , politically speaking . The killing of Haniyeh , may have been partly or entirely organised by this right wing group . As well as other incidents .

    I speak both from personal experience , and observing the political situation . As an example , the entire voter turnout in the last elections was very low , as low as 25% . It is not just economic factors . It is to do with the cultural and political life of the people . Becoming a refugee , is not a choice for people . Setting aside political refugees , such as your's truly , then most are economic . The new generation of young Iranians , many of them are misguided . They are influenced by right wing propaganda , and may form a romantic view of life under the Shah regime . Unfortunately .

    Maybe take a look at how many people turned out for Raisi's and earlier Soleimani's funeral.

    Opposition in Iran doesn't seem to be too significant.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  nomadski Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:35 pm

    Yup . Their great numbers ( say 25% of 7 million people in Tehran ~ 2 million max ) that appear on the streets , is no measure of Iran's political strength or stability . So unusual to have so many appear for the passing of a General or President . The truth is that the population , facing many challenges , reach for flotsam in a raging sea , to save themselves from drowning . They are collected , like these Ants .

    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 2a838d10

    Of course internal political dynamics , has every influence on Iran's confrontation with Israel . The anti-Iranian elements , would like nothing more than to start a direct confrontation between nuclear armed states , and nuclear - less Iran . At a time of great political / economic  weakness in Iran . The retaliation for assassinating Iranian scientists was not responded to in a mirror fashion . Nor was enemy installations sabotaged in a similar manner . The killing of Iranian advisors in Syria was not responded to in a similar manner . The assassination of Haniyeh and Nasr- Allah was not responded to in similar manner . The latest missile attack , allowed Israel to retaliate against Iran directly , was not A mirror response . A dream come true for them . Is there not a lot of politics mixed in here ? The first missile strike in retaliation for Embassy attack was a mirror response and appropriate .

    Last edited by nomadski on Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:55 pm

    This thread is dedicated to the Iran vs Israel confrontation.
    It would be good to move the discussions on Iranian internal politics elsewhere.


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    Eugenio Argentina
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:56 pm

    🇮🇷| Ayatollah Khamenei praises Operation "True Promise 2"

    • What our armed forces did was the minimum punishment for the crimes of the bloodthirsty, wolf-like, and rabid dog that is America in the region.

    • Any duty of the Islamic Republic, will be carried out. We will neither delay nor neglect.

    • The action taken by our armed forces two or three nights ago was both legal and legitimate.

    • In fulfilling this duty, we neither delay nor act hastily.
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:59 pm

    🇮🇷| Ayatollah Khamenei: Every blow to the Zionist regime is a service to all of humanity. The Zionist regime remains standing only through US support.

    The Zionist regime is rootless, artificial, and unstable, and it will never defeat Hamas and Hezbollah.

    • It is our duty, and the duty of all Muslims, to repay our debt to the wounded and bloodied Lebanon. Hezbollah and Sayyed Hassan, by defending Gaza, striving for Al-Aqsa Mosque, and striking the usurping and oppressive regime, have taken crucial steps in serving the entire region and the whole Islamic world.

    • America and its allies' reliance on maintaining the security of the usurping regime is merely a cover for their deadly policy of turning this regime into a tool for controlling all the resources of this region and using them in major global conflicts.

    • The Zionist regime is barely standing, only due to the sucking up of US support; and even that will not last long, by the will of God.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:00 pm

    🛑| The israeli Nevatim air base was struck by 32 missiles, pinned out on this map.

    Sattelite imagery that were released yesterday only showed 5 of those 32 impacts.

    (Thanks to Dr. Jeffrey Lewis’ team)

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:00 pm

    🛑| 🇮🇱🇮🇷 New sattelite images of Nevatim & Ovda airbase was released with visible damage

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    Eugenio Argentina
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:03 pm

    📝| People wonder why some Iranian missile hits are very accurate some less so: Read all of this to understand

    ➡ Iran used new generation Kheybar-Shekan-2 as well the one decade old Emad

    The Emad is very useful with its heavy 900kg warhead, but its CEP of 30-50m means that it can't hit very small targets reliably

    ➡ Its mission are larger objects

    Iran displayed its capability to knock-out Israeli air bases in time of conflict.
    Hence the Emads in the mix would have to be used on small or very hardened targets for which they lack the necessary precision and CEP of ~10m

    ➡ If Iran hit a target like the hangar of Israel's AEW fleet, then it was likely a Kheybar-Shekan-2
    ➡ If it hit precisely the middle of a runway or taxiway, then it was the KS-2
    ➡ If it hits the street in front of the Mossad HQ, then its most probably a warning shot by the KS-2

    ➡ If the missile hits just 10-30m away from the center of the target, its likely the Emad

    People must bear in mind, that no soft defeat measure helped to prevent the strike:
    - No GPS/GLONASS spoofing and jamming helped, whether by 🇺🇸 or 🇮🇱
    - No sabotage asset
    - No secret space-based counter system

    In the last strike in April, Iran avoided the use of Kheybar-Shekan-2 and resorted to older missiles

    ➡ In a real war scenario, Iran would use its high-precision missiles against the hardened and small targets.
    While the less accurate ones would be used against various large targets

    ➡ Iran did show its "mercy" by hitting runways and taxi-ways. If maximum pain at the airbases was the goal it would not have done so
    ➡ It was a capability display for a high-intensity war scenario in which the loss of the runways for just 1-2 days could decide the war.
    ➡ Israel is highly depending on its air force. The degradation of its power for just 1-2 days, can allow for heavy exploits by its adversaries

    In summary: Even the one decade old Emad with its 30-50 CEP is for 98% of the worlds nations an almost mystical capability, they lack

    (Repost from Patarames ( on X)

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:10 pm

    — Imbeciles: “Iranian people are against Khamenei and want peace with israel”

    ➡ Reality: The people of Iran attending the speech & prayers of Imam Khamenei while chanting death to israel amid israel’s threats.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:12 pm

    ❗🇮🇷/🇮🇱 NEW: U.S. Analysts from the Center of Naval Analyses (CNA) have identified 32 direct hits on Israel's Nevatim airbase in the Negev, with several ballistic missiles impacting directly at the protective hangars of Israel's F-35 'Adir' jets.

    Detailed closeup imagery is not yet available to fully assess the damage. The satellite imagery from Tel Nof airbase, which was also struck by Iran, has not been released yet, and the damage is likely severe.

    On another note, while the damage at Nevatim might not look severe, Iran used 'airburst' warheads, which don't leave large craters but sling shrapnel in a large radius, effective against soft targets like jets.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:23 pm

    🇮🇷/🇮🇱 NEW: Satellite imagery from Ovda airbase in southern Israel also shows at least 3 direct hits of Iranian ballistic missiles against the hardened F-16 hangars in the base

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:25 pm

    ❗🇮🇷 🇮🇷 Admiral Ali Fadavi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC: 'If the Zionist regime makes a mistake, we will target all of its energy infrastructure, power plants, refineries and gas fields'

    He adds: 'The Zionist regime has only 3 power plants and a few refineries, their infrastructure can be knocked out easily. Iran on the other hand is a vast country with many facilities spread across the nation.'


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:36 pm

    🇮🇷/🇮🇱 NEW: Satellite confirms at least 3 ballistic missile impacts at Israel's F-35 'Adir' shelters in Nevatim airbase, with one direct hit on a shelter

    Hebrew sources are slowly starting to report that 1 F-35 has been taken 'temporarily out of service' and another F-35 was 'slightly damaged'.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  ALAMO Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:38 pm

    Some interesting news was revealed.
    USN launched 12 pcs of SM3 missiles in an interception attempt.
    And this is - now hold my beer - a yearly US production.

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Arrow Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:51 pm

    Yes, Israeli AD was supported by the US ABM system, the question is whether the SM 3s intercepted anything? The number of production 12 pieces per year is hard to believe Laughing

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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 4:43 pm

    🇮🇷🇮🇱Additional satellite images of Israel's Nevatim airbase after Iranian ballistic missiles landed there.

    As you can see, one of the buildings on the airbase territory was damaged, and one of the shelters for F-35I fighters was also hit - a couple more missiles hit near other shelters without causing damage.

    It is unknown whether the fighters were in their shelters at that moment, or whether they had been raised into the air and redeployed in advance.
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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:01 pm

    Middle East Spectator, [4/10/2024 11:50]
    Another thing that you guys have to keep in mind is that not all of these were hyper accurate ballistic missiles. There were a number of different systems utilized to overwhelm air defense, so some of the craters that you see randomly on the ground or far away are not necessarily intended.

    It almost looks like they oversaturated, and some of the less accurate missiles hit areas that they weren’t necessarily meant to hit. They were supposed to take an interceptor for the accurate missiles.

    Middle East Spectator, [4/10/2024 11:50]
    Something like this

    Middle East Spectator, [4/10/2024 11:50]
    If they wanted to hit every single one of those F-35 shelters, they would’ve launched the proper number of missiles with a relatively low CEP.

    Middle East Spectator, [4/10/2024 11:54]
    — Scott is right. Many of the missiles were simply intended to overwhelm Israeli air defenses, if any of them actually hit it would be an 'added bonus'. They did have target coordinates input, of course, for the case that they did manage to bypass defenses.

    The blue circles are likely the targets Iran REALLY cared about and actually wanted to hit. That's why we used Kheybar Shekan and Kheybar Shekan-2, one of our most accurate missiles in the arsenal. If we actually wanted to make sure of destroying the F-35 hangars, we would've used a much larger quantity of these.

    Keep in mind that Iran still hasn't used the 'Khorramshahr-4' LRBM, which has a warhead of 1,500kg and could be devastating if they make any direct hits.


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    2024 Iran–Israel conflict - Page 37 Empty Re: 2024 Iran–Israel conflict

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:47 pm

    🇮🇷 🇮🇱 A new video showing start of Iran strike on Israel. Sirens and air defense system get disabled as soon as first missile hit a target with large explosion.

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