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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  Kiko Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:59 am

    Drone attacks: the winner in the air defence war between Russia and Ukraine has been determined, by Kirill Strelnikov for RiaNovosti. 09.11.2024.

    Yesterday night's massive attack by Ukrainian attack drones on several regions of Russia once again drew attention to the issue of the effectiveness of countering the enemy's increasingly sophisticated systems, which are being used in increasing numbers.

    At one time, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov wrote: "A grave grief awaits the country that is unable to repel an air strike." Military necessity now leads us to the same conclusions (in terms of maintaining a continuous, integrated, deeply echeloned air defense with several lines of defense, including "civil air defense"), but at a completely new level of threats - and our leadership and army are successfully and rapidly moving along this path, despite all the challenges and difficulties.

    Western psychological operations centers systematically promote the narrative of the unconditional superiority of Western air defence systems, trying to create a sense of helplessness and backwardness of our means of attack and defence, and with that, public dissatisfaction with the measures taken by the authorities and the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces.

    In particular, the example of the "world's most advanced and invulnerable" Israeli air defence system , the Iron Dome, has been promoted for many years, claiming that it has an efficiency of "90-99%. However, the facts speak of something completely different.

    In a report published in the American Journal of Global Security Studies, after analyzing the effectiveness of Israeli air defences during two major attacks by Hezbollah , experts came to the conclusion that the real capabilities of Iron Dome are no more than 32%. Experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology went even further: they claim that the actual effectiveness of Israeli air defence is "at best four or five percent." Russian experts were a little more generous and give Iron Dome 10-15%, given that air defence is considered good enough with an effectiveness of 50-60%.

    It should be understood that Israel is defending a very compact territory (half of the Moscow region ), super-saturated with the most modern and technological means of repelling threats from the air, for which absolutely fabulous funds are allocated, and that attacks on Israel are carried out completely predictably and using outdated missiles with long-known characteristics. Even in this case, the country's air defense system remains focal, that is, there is no continuous protection (confirmation of which are examples of mass evacuation of entire populated areas when threatened with attack), and the system complexes themselves work extremely unstable - there are many videos of Iron Dome missiles tumbling and exploding anywhere.

    The West planned to make Ukraine a similar "exhibition of achievements of the national economy" in the field of air defence, where, after the actual destruction of the entire post-Soviet arsenal by our army, the defensive lines of the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to be saturated with, again, "the best in the world" systems like the American Patriot and the German IRIS-T.

    From the very beginning of the SVO, Western sources claimed that Russian missiles were made of almost cardboard and that brave Ukrainians shot them down with their eyes closed: for example, in 2022, Reuters claimed that at least 60% of Russian missiles either fly in the wrong direction, explode in flight, or do not explode at all, and the remaining 100-500% are shot down with one hand.

    Not long ago, a Ukrainian publication cited an analysis by powerful Ukrainian experts, who recorded that "the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense has grown to 90-95%." By a completely random coincidence, the same figures were announced on September 5 by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, speaking at the ceremony of handing over to the Bundeswehr the first of six ordered sets of medium-range IRIS-T SLM air defence systems, where he stated that 250 Russian cruise and ballistic missiles and drones had been shot down in Ukraine by previously delivered German systems, and the hit rate allegedly amounts to 95%.

    Taking into account the total information iron curtain erected in Ukraine regarding any losses and destruction, even an observer far removed from military issues will see that this is an absolute lie, which would make Goebbels himself blush. In a recent report by the General Staff of Ukraine on the effectiveness of its air defence, even with the unlimited use of an owl and a globe, completely different figures were drawn: 29% in the destruction of missiles and 66% in the destruction of drones (but this is also their dream).

    According to the authoritative domestic project Lost Armour, which specializes in finding information about military losses based on open and confirmed information, Kiev's official figures are inflated many times over. A recent example: yesterday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmygal said that all thermal power plants that supplied Kharkov were destroyed by the Russians, so mobile boiler houses will be brought into the city for the winter. If the efficiency of Ukrainian air defence is 95%, then where did it suddenly go from Kharkov?

    Our military reports are simply replete with reports of more and more military and infrastructure facilities being destroyed in Ukraine every single day, while Kiev and the West draw inspiring percentages. One example is the recent successful strike by our Aerospace Forces on a training center for electronic warfare specialists and drone operators in Poltava . The shock from the strike is still spreading across the West, and it is not even due to the huge number of one-time losses of specialists in high demand in the Ukrainian Armed Forces (more than 1,000 people, as well as dozens of NATO officers ), but to the fact that both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and NATO were 1000% sure that this facility was fully protected by all possible Western air defence systems. But our Iskanders did not know that this facility was invulnerable, and razed it to the ground.

    As for the effectiveness of Russian air defence forces, we traditionally do not emphasize their efficiency. Probably, each of us is aware of yesterday's attack, as a result of which 140 out of 144 drones were shot down, and four crashed into residential buildings. According to experts, these "hits" are a side effect of the failed attack, which aimed to test new routes to significant military and infrastructure facilities bypassing the Russian air defence nodes known to the enemy. At the same time, for some reason, we do not talk about the fact that almost every day our army successfully repels increasingly massive raids - but if there are no hits and destruction, then there is nothing to discuss.

    According to the American publication Breaking Defense, Russian air defence has the highest efficiency in the world - no less than 90%. No other country in the world, no other army in the world has such efficiency.

    But, according to the founder of the OSINT resource Lost Armour, Sergey Sitnitsky, effective air defense does not begin with the destruction of enemy missiles or drones - it ends with them, that is, this is the last line of defense: "We need to absolutely ruthlessly identify and destroy the air attack forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the ground - where they are produced and stored, and not wait for all this to fly in our direction. We must get rid of the illusion that we need to preserve something in Ukraine "for future use". We must destroy everything: absolutely everything that is still working there, is working against us. And we are doing it better and better."

    If, as always, we have no prophets in our own country, we will quote Israeli expert Ari Sacher from the US Israel Education Association regarding the effectiveness of Israel's air defence and its future: "These systems (Iron Dome) are not the final solution for Israel's defense. Air defence does not win wars. Wars will always be won by imposing your will on the enemy." In other words, the best defence is a good offence.

    However, we must proceed from the fact that both the scale of attacks and the capabilities of the weapons used by the enemy will only increase. And this means that the importance of developing domestic air defence will also increase - first of all, increasing the quantity and quality of attack and defence systems, which are currently being produced by our military-industrial complex in three shifts and used by our valiant warriors every day and every night.

    Work hard, brothers. You are the best.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:10 pm

    What the US/UK have no conception of is the power of the motivation in a military defeating and rolling back an invasion in their own country. Basically we have never done it, the Romans set a trend. The last real invasion force that got ashore in England (weather saved us from the Spanish Armada) was the Normans in 1066 and they beat us.

    Just look at what is happening now in Kursk, that's the Real Deal. The UA is now in deep shit, compounded by poking Russia in the eye with UAVs. Few apart from those who surrender will make it out alive. 

    Wars make careers and in the Russian Army there are many today at all levels very determined that theirs will be one of them. "I was there, liberating Kursk" will be proudly uttered by many.

    GEROMAN -- time will tell - 👀 --

    It took the Russian forces a couple of days to stabilize the Kursk Bulge - and 3 weeks later they took 10% (or even more) in less than 48h.
    Ukrainians said that Russia has now around 40k to 60k deployed in this area.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 GXLkNVTWcAEkrQL?format=png&name=small

    holy crap - that was fast: The 155th Marine Brigade took🚩 Obukhovka in Kursk region.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  The-thing-next-door Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:12 pm

    kvs wrote:

    India and any other global south country can sod right off with this negotiation BS.   They are trying to curry favour with the USA at Russia's expense.   If
    they want to taste Uncle Swineshit's schlong, then they should go all in.   But Russia does not need submit to this pressure.   If they care so much, they
    should put pressure on the Khuiyiv regime to repeal its law banning any negotiation with Russia.

    With allies like these who needs enemies.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:33 pm

    Ooooops, Norway could have a problem.

    via avia-pro:

    Drones attacking Murmansk region were flying from Norway

    In the Murmansk region, the "Carpet" plan was introduced on the territory of two airports after the discovery of unknown unmanned aerial vehicles. According to the publication "Baza", three unidentified drones were spotted in the area of ​​Severomorsk, where the main naval base of the Northern Fleet of Russia is located. After the drones were discovered, flight restrictions were imposed across the entire Kola Peninsula, including the airports of Murmansk and Apatity. Preliminary data indicates that one of the drones arrived from Norway, while the other two are moving from Arkhangelsk.

    Murmansk Region Governor Andrei Chibis reported that all necessary measures are being taken to ensure the region’s security "Air defense forces are working to destroy enemy drones", he said. Chibis stressed that the situation is under control and called on residents to remain calm.

    The introduction of the Carpet plan means increased readiness of all services and restriction of airspace for civil aviation in the potential threat zone. Severomorsk, being a key base of the Northern Fleet, is of strategic importance, and such incidents attract special attention.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:41 pm

    It seems that Zitadel 2.0 is coming to inevitable and sorrow end.
    Today TG is being flooded with pictures of tens of ukro POWs, piles of ukro SPAM, and Russkie army advancing in all directions.
    Interesting fact is, that we can see a full developed company level attacks, with bells&whistles.
    Which tells a lot about ukro condition. They are lacking everything FPVs included.

    And as always, a pic worth a thousand words ...

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Photo355

    "elite units".

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:59 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Two of your best comments there Garry, the last and two before last.

    The West, specifically US/UK/France, can't shake off the colonial mentality, it is the basis of the unbalanced increase in their wealth since the Industrial Revolution.

    I would argue it's less about mentality and more about the economic model—similar to the southern USA before the Civil War. It was based on slavery, and no other industries were truly developed. Take away the slaves, and the economy starts collapsing.

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:04 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    I would argue it's less about mentality and more about the economic model—similar to the southern USA before the Civil War. It was based on slavery, and no other industries were truly developed. Take away the slaves, and the economy starts collapsing.

    An interesting observation is, that the western societies were so deluded about their leading position and superiority, that hardly noticed how they fell into a carefully planned trap.
    EU is stagnant for a decade, and this stagnation is an effect of steadily increasing debt emission.
    So in real terms, EU is in decline stage for years.
    After covid justified debt emission, the players from the backstage guaranteed two great goals.
    First, they made the EU very deeply indebt - which was not a case before.
    Second, by enormous and idiotic money emission, they spinned the debt spirale, leading to inflation and obligatory rise of interest rates.
    So after a decade of zero cost debt, EU - and most of the "western economies oriented on values" were push under the bus of expensive debt rolling.
    It will be western citizens who will pay the bills.
    Hip hip hooray, mission accomplished. Real masters applaud.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:10 pm

    When it comes to destroying the EU, the US is playing it perfectly.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:19 pm

    The US citizens are in exactly the same boat, only not noticing.
    Income gap is steadily rising.
    The rich are even more rich, and the poor even more poor.
    Rust Belt looks even worse than it looked a decade ago.
    Infrastructure is in agony.
    There is no medical care, education, public transportation ...
    Hey, at least they have Hollywood Laughing

    Edit : I have an interesting observation.
    There is a series The Rookie at Netflix. I have gone through all 5 sesons avaiable at the moment, and there was something that catched my attention immediatly.
    The first observation was, that as the series is about police officers starting careere - they constantly claim about low income and what they can't afford. The list is impressive and sums up with general conclusion, that they can not afford a principial things like the cost of living. They are using "special apps" that help them distribute the income Shocked
    Well, I do have some friends who are working in police, both here and in Germany - and it is a well paid job. You don't bother much about costs of living.
    The second is even better. In the 5th seson, there is scene of how the boss is coming to New York, which is being portraited as a great, fancy and chic place.
    Well, there is a scene made by a drone from above, how they drive via some "fancy and chic" streets.
    The condition of it is shocking. The surface is cracked, full of holes, and represents some shithole in Africa standard rather than 25+ mln metropolis in a called "the wealthiest country of the planet". It represents a Moldovan standard, unseen in any of the EU countries.

    Well ... that is a niche that can be joyfully swallowed, right? Europe do covers expenses for infrastructure, when those would fit easilly into some pockets, right ...?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  nomadski Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:10 pm

    GarryB wrote:Perhaps you are not familiar with shotguns..

    I still like the pepperbox disposable electric firing type better . Bird shot works wonders on soft target close range . Ideal , cheap .
    Twisted Evil

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  franco Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:02 pm

    Russian MoD reporting 2375 Ukrainian casualties over the past 24 hours including.

    During the day, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to more than 350 military personnel and 13 armored vehicles, including three tanks, three armored personnel carriers, seven armored combat vehicles, as well as an artillery piece, two multiple rocket launchers and 19 vehicles.

    In total, during the fighting in the Kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 12,200 soldiers, 96 tanks, 42 infantry fighting vehicles, 77 armored personnel carriers, 656 armored combat vehicles, 401 vehicles, 90 artillery pieces, 26 multiple rocket launchers, including seven M142 HIMARS and five M270 MLRS manufactured by the United States, 8 launchers anti-aircraft missile systems, two transport-loading vehicles, 22 electronic warfare stations, 7 counter-battery radars, two air defense radars, 8 units of engineering equipment, Of these, two engineering barrier vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearance unit.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  franco Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:04 pm

    Statement by the Russian Ministry of Defense

    Last night, an attempt by the Kiev regime to seize the Russian self-lifting drilling rig "Crimea-2" in the Black Sea was thwarted.

    To capture the Russian drilling rig, the main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine sent a marine landing force of fourteen American Willard "Sea Force" boats with servicemen of the special operations forces of the Ukrainian Navy.

    During the battle, the forces of the Black Sea Fleet and Russian servicemen performing the tasks of protecting and defending the drilling rig sank eight sea boats and destroyed up to eighty Ukrainian special operations forces soldiers.

    Six more Ukrainian boats retreated without even making attempts to pick up the wounded Ukrainian servicemen who remained in the water.

    Another "media operation" of the Kiev regime in the Black Sea area, timed to coincide with the arrival of high representatives of the United States and European countries to Ukraine on September 11 this year, drowned in blood and claimed the lives of many dozens of Ukrainian servicemen.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:52 pm

    Not sure if this already posted, but a bullseye, again.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:04 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Not sure if this already posted, but a bullseye, again.

    Just for the records, what is visible at the end is the "objective control record" of the Russkie recon drone, which is obligatory for all aftermath calculations.
    What we can see are the ukr evacuation units tasked for collecting the bodies - and they are gathering those next to a truck to be removed from all the surrounding area.
    I consider Russkie official data as quite reliable, actually being the best we can get out there.
    That is why it is better to wait 24+h for an official Russkie briefing, rather than wanking to the rhythm of "voyenkors" and "bloggers".
    This particular strike was calculated as "up to 80", and what you see on the ground are the bodies being collected for morgues. So we cal judge by ourselves that there was no exaggeration as wounded were already evacuated and those are dead only ...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:49 pm

    The US citizens are in exactly the same boat, only not noticing. Income gap is steadily rising. The rich are even more rich, and the poor even more poor. Rust Belt looks even worse than it looked a decade ago. Infrastructure is in agony. There is no medical care, education, public transportation ... Hey, at least they have Hollywood Laughing wrote:

    Western elites are sawing off the branch they are sitting on. The dollar as a world currency is slowly coming to an end, and printing money and issuing debts will also end someday. Let's just hope they don't try to escape into a major conflict. Since they will fall anyway. The Third Reich was also bankrupt before it started the war, although it planned its conquests regardless of debts.

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:08 pm

    That is why this red hair narcissistic fart has already scared the market that when he will be the president he will sanction all the countries that are dumping $ for 100% tariffs Laughing
    Good luck!

    Edit : just one more example of the meaning of perspective.

    This is Lesovka village, being a doorstep to Ukrainsk settlement.
    Here :
    48.10044492473415, 37.37426534222548

    As we can see, Russkie took it on Sep 7th, only to acknowledge it today - as the whole area was cleaned up.
    So we have once again witnessing the fact, that Russkie hurray optimism is a de facto pessimism delayed by a few days, until they consider the place really secured.
    The front is steady rolling, all directions, and the real scale is much wider than it turns out from official Russkie briefings.
    So ... just chill.

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:18 pm

    Sorry for double posting, but I have just come on this.

    It is how the on-the-ground situation seems to look like.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Zrzut_24

    Keep in mind the basis - those deep intrusions were nothing solid, only a group of tok tok tourists managed to get so far and make a location, which was later used by TG pussy team to spread the shit.

    You see a small encirclement on the left, and this i a state of being for yesterday midday.

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    Post  Hole Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:31 pm

    The condition of it is shocking. 
    Just take a look at the woke capital San Francisco.
    A shithole. Literally.

    that Russkie hurray optimism is a de facto pessimism delayed by a few days,
    The dude on Defence Politics Asia stated the same a few days ago, that all those mappers on
    Youtube and Telegram channels are way to generous to the Banderites and that the real picture looks
    much grimmer.

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    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:49 pm

    Britain has given permission to strike Russian territory with Storm Shadow missiles, The Guardian reports, citing sources. Tomorrow the US will make a decision regarding ATACM or JASSM. The West thinks that these missiles hitting deep inside Russia will change anything in this war. Growing desperation and the end of the West's possibilities in further escalations.

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    Post  lancelot Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:53 pm

    Hole wrote:Just take a look at the woke capital San Francisco.
    A shithole. Literally.
    There are still nice places in San Francisco. But the blight is just huge and obvious. Their public transport system is also totally decrepit.

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    Post  Arrow Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:01 pm

    There are still nice places in San Francisco. But the blight is just huge and obvious. Their public transport system is also totally decrepit. wrote:

    The most important thing for the world is for their army, air force and navy to fall and above all the nuclear triad. Then they will pose less of a threat to the world. Very Happy

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    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:34 pm

    Bandera holiday fun is drawing to a close, and now its time to settle the bill...


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  JohninMK Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:14 pm

    Arrow wrote:Britain has given permission to strike Russian territory with Storm Shadow missiles, The Guardian reports, citing sources. Tomorrow the US will make a decision regarding ATACM or JASSM. The West thinks that these missiles hitting deep inside Russia will change anything in this war. Growing desperation and the end of the West's possibilities in further escalations.
    There is no way, with under 8 weeks until the US election, that the Democrat Party will allow the accusation that they did not do everything they could to help a major ally, in this case Ukraine, to in any way be used against them. It is therefore highly likely that attacks into Russia with US munitions will be allowed.

    The US, under normal circumstances expecting a harsh Russian response, will be well aware that Putin is on a 6 week countdown to the hugely important BRICS meeting in Kazan and in turn will not want anything that Russia does to have any adverse effect on it. Putin being well aware that, if he can hold it together, BRICS++ is the biggest strategic weapon there will be to end the 'Rules based Order' that the US enforces.

    To achieve its long term objectives Russia will be biting the missile bullet in terms of a direct response against the US/UK/France in the short to medium term but no doubt Ukraine and especially its transport and airfield infrastructure will suffer badly. If new supplies of these missiles never make it to the launch point many Western politicians will no doubt heave a sigh of relief.

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    Post  ucmvulcan Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:29 am

    If I were Putin, from now until the U.S. Election day would be the worst two months Ukraine has ever known. I would completely decommunize the country. No, electricity, no tv, no internet, telephone or cell phone communications, no trains running, no planes flying, no train stations to arrive at, no airports for planes to land. For Zelensky and co to meet with their NATO masters they have a perilous journey between Kiev and Lviv and a limited chance of arriving to and from. No Eurotrash truck driver should want to have NATO equipment in his truck (lorry) or drive anywhere in Ukraine because doing so means having a burned out truck. No natural gas should be transported to or from Ukraine, no electric should be generated at any Ukrainian nuclear power plant. Government? Its a rubber stamp mockery of a parliament anymore so its illigitimate and so the Rada and its offices should be flattened. Pagans committing sacrelidge and blasphemy at the so called Ukrainian Autocepholous Church? Send them to hell. Not one factory should exist for the construction of anything military or military/civilian usage. They are proud of their toilets? Let them have as many as they want, but no connection with any sewer or septic system should exist. The cities of Lviv and Kiev should have streets running with excrement.

    Meanwhile, continue to drive them out of Kursk, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaprozhiye, and Kherson. Where possible, and do this respectfully with military burial because while the goal is to bring sense to the Ukrainian people, the goal is not to be unscrupulous about it, be sure to daily publish the names and photos of the Ukrainian dead and POWs. Ukrainians need to know where their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and sons are. Zelensky tries saying only 50,000 dead, make it so that its 10 times that many. I'd send flowers and condolences to each of the dead Ukrainian families. The flowers would have a card attached saying, your brother, sister, uncle, aunt, father, mother, died for nothing, To stop this from happening to anyone else, now is the time to rise up and overthrow the illigitimate government installed by NATO.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #60

    Post  Kiko Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:40 am

    Talk of Kiev’s potential strikes inside Russia seeks to pressure Moscow — Russian diplomat, 09.11.2024.

    This is an element of psychological warfare, which in turn is part of the hybrid war that Washington has waged against our country for a long time, Ryabkov said.

    MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/. US statements that it could lift restrictions for Kiev to strike inside Russia represent an attempt to put psychological pressure on Russia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters.

    "This is an element of psychological warfare, which in turn is part of the hybrid war that Washington has waged against our country for a long time. This is an attempt to psychologically influence and affect the strong and firm determination of our country to fully complete all the goals that have been set for the special military operation," he said to a question from TASS.

    He emphasized that escalatory policies and signals coming from the United States will not force Russia to change its course, but will instead create additional risks for Washington and its allies.

    "Signals and actions that we are witnessing today are aimed towards escalation. This remark will not force us to change our course, but will create additional risks and dangers for the United States and its allies, clients and satellites, no matter where they are," he said, commenting on the possibility of lifting restrictions on the use of US-supplied weapons for strikes deep into the Russian territory.

    He went on to say that If the United States is indeed interested in its own security, its government needs to stop its provocative statements on the issue of Ukraine’s missile attacks and stop supplying the Kiev government with weapons.

    "If - as they claim - the United States is interested in reinforcing its own security, it needs to immediately stop making such provocative statements, and, naturally, to refrain from delivering any types of weaponry to the special military operation zone," he said, adding that Washington should also "refrain from inciting its clients in Kiev to make steps that can aggravate the general situation even further."

    Previously, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the West has apparently already authorized Kiev to carry out strikes at Russian territory with long-range missiles. According to the spokesman, this decision is being formalized in mass media.

    The British daily The Times reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, who arrived in Kiev, were planning to discuss the possibility of letting Ukraine use long-range missiles for strikes on Russian territory. Washington's plans to give such permission were reported by Bloomberg. CIA director Bill Burns also said that the US might reconsider its stance.

    US needs to stop anti-Russian provocations if it wants security

    If the United States is interested in its own security, its government needs to stop its provocative statements on the issue of Ukraine’s missile attacks deep into the Russian territory, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters on Wednesday.

    "If - as they claim - the United States is interested in reinforcing its own security, it needs to immediately stop making such provocative statements, and, naturally, to refrain from delivering any types of weaponry to the special military operation zone," he said, adding that Washington should also "refrain from inciting its clients in Kiev to make steps that can aggravate the general situation even further."

    GarryB, flamming_python, Big_Gazza, MMBR and Mir like this post

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