zg18 wrote:First images of new BTR-4E taken out of service in Slavyansk
I don't understand the outcome of that attack..
The steel cage protect against RPGs shots somehow? sometimes? or it totally useless?
zg18 wrote:First images of new BTR-4E taken out of service in Slavyansk
Not since the end of the Cold War has there been so much media and political conformity on an international issue as there is over the Ukraine crisis. The story we are presented with is this: In the years following the end of the Cold War, Ukraine has been struggling to be free of Moscow’s yoke and to join the European Union. Thus when President Viktor Yanukovich (a Moscow stooge) rejected the EU Association Treaty in November 2013, the country’s pro-democratic forces could stand it no longer and they launched a struggle for the heart and soul of Ukraine. The current crisis, we have been told, is all about Ukraine attempting to make an historic break from Moscow’s clutches.
To say that Western coverage of the Ukraine crisis has been light on facts and heavy on anti-Russian propaganda does not begin to do justice to the extraordinary levels of misinformation. In fact, the reality of the history of the relationship between Ukraine and the EU is almost the exact opposite to the claims being made in the mainstream media. Far from Ukraine being at the centre of a battle between West and East, actually the EU has consistently rejected Ukraine’s requests for membership. In place of membership, the EU has attempted to manage its relationship with Ukraine through various agreements and frameworks, all of which have been premised upon the refusal of the EU to accept Ukraine as a member. Most recently, the relationship has been managed through the European Neighbourhood Programme (ENP)/Eastern Partnership (EP) Programme. It was Ukraine’s rejection of an EP association agreement (which had been negotiated over several years and again was explicitly not a stepping stone to EU membership) that sparked the current crisis.
Ukraine was the first former Soviet Bloc state to sign a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PAC) with the EU in 1994 (though it was not ratified until 1998). In 1998, Leonid Kuchma, who was then president of Ukraine, formally stated that Ukraine sought EU membership. The context for this request was the beginning of the accession process for the ‘Luxembourg Six’, the first wave of candidate countries agreed at the 1997 Luxembourg European Council: Poland, Hungary, Cyprus, Slovenia, Estonia and the Czech Republic. In 1999, the EU announced another wave of candidate countries and opened accession negotiations in 2000 with Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Malta. Ukraine’s aspirations for membership were rejected, but the EU formally welcomed Ukraine’s ‘European choice’ .
macedonian wrote:
The effin' hypocrisy!!! Seems, when America has your back, you can afford to kill civilians, lie, steal, and cheat...and still come out clean in western media.
Can't wait for the chickens to come home to roost!
Firebird wrote:I'll reply to some other posts later, but just a quick thought here.
Even during Cold War 1.0 (as I think it should now be called), had America EVER committed such atrocities as its committing today against Russians on their OWN LAND?
The only thing I can think of is creating Al Qaeda and causing various bombings.
But I don't really recall it ever using US citizens to kill Russians civillian or military.
Bathhouse Barry is openly talking about giving the Nazis military tech.
These seriously changes the dynamic of things. I wonder how far Russia will consider this.
Surely, the "Mexico issue" is being worked on. After all "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".
Likewise, was there something more to the Chechen bombing Boston marathon?
A foretaste of what Russia can do in America? Remember the US has 15 MILLION Muslims, I believe.
Vann7 wrote:macedonian wrote:
The effin' hypocrisy!!! Seems, when America has your back, you can afford to kill civilians, lie, steal, and cheat...and still come out clean in western media.
Can't wait for the chickens to come home to roost!
Yep.. Shows the level of Sub Humans they are.. shows absolutely no care for civilians being bombed in hospitals or schools , just today was reported another Hospital was bombed with 25 civilians killed. and not a single protest or condemnation of the west or UN or so called human rights groups with the combat plane attack to lugansk that confirmed by several cameras videos..
This is why i will welcome Russia to take the war directly to United States. a couple of warships destroyed or US military bases bombed will teach them they have gone too far with Russia.
On other news is reported that there are German Paratroopers friendly to Russia will be joining the conflict to help Donetsk Forces.
I actually quite agree on some of that.
As I've said many times before on these boards, Russia is always in reactive mode.
It now needs to rethink that policy. It needs to become proactive. Take the fight to the enemy, think two steps ahead of him.
I think it's obvious by now that the US will never EVER rest before beating Russia into submission. The gloves are off now, and only a naive person would think that Russia could ever be a partner to the US. Not after this much provocation in diplomatic circles and in the media...not to mention the situation on the ground!
It's time for Russia to think 'KGB'. Plausible deniability. Covert actions. Gloves off. Exploit weaknesses.
Or be prepared to lose. It's as simple as that.
macedonian wrote:Aaaaand now, for something completely different:
/Comic relief
Homegirl be trippin dawg!Werewolf wrote:Women weights, i did not expect anything else.
Vann7 wrote:Check this Polish mercenary thugs joined the Ukraine Army to fight anti-kiev forces..
So much for Anti-kiev forces being foreigners ..i bet poroshenko says nothing about hundreds
of Americans and Polish and NATO mercenaries supporting them.. in their criminal war in the eastern Ukraine.
Anyone can now show that photo to the Rusophobics in others forums , that have been saying only foreigners fight
in the separatist forces.
fragmachine wrote:Check in more closer. Look at the rank on the guy from the very left. DPR colors, orange black orange. They have balaclavas - not sure if RS wear these too but might be.
Also the BDRM is clearly the one I saw on another pic as captured one by DPR.
How is that possible I missed them while they still were gathering in Poland?!
Sorry, I know it is against the rules to not post first in the introduction section. I will do that just right now.
Also: http://www.newsbalt.ru/detail/?ID=30740
"Few Polish volunteers led by Bartosh Becker arrived in Donetsk to help DPR"