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Tsavo Lion
par far
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:24 am

    GarryB wrote:
    If we r smart, the Earth can sustain 2-3x more people.
    So what are we going to do in 40 years time when there is 4 times more people?- I think it'll level off at some point. Populations of China & Japan r aging; 30M Chinese men will never find wives & have offspring, & in 20-30 years there will be a lot less people as they now have more urban residents which will increase in # & who'll have less children per family.
    With global warming, slowing it down by cooling is actually a good thing.
    If you look at the temperature charts they use to prove global warming we should actually be in a cold period right now... -but the Earth's average air temp. been rising, leading to climate change, & 1 of the the prev. mass extinctions occurred with just few more degrees above of what it is now. 
    One Covid-19 vaccine is making its way across the country, and the FDA is meeting later this week to discuss an emergency use authorization for a second, this one from Moderna. In China, health care giant Fosun Pharma has secured a deal for 100 million doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. However, as much as a quarter of the world’s population will be unable to get vaccinated until 2022, according to a new study. In the meantime, more countries are locking down to avoid more uncontrollable case spikes. South Korea could enter its first national lockdown since the pandemic began as ICU beds in the country fill up, and London has already returned to a strict lockdown. In the US, things are so bad that California has had to order thousands more of the grimmest pandemic item: Body bags. CNN

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add a quote)

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:34 pm

    More evidence by the day shows that not only

    1)the vaccines pfizer ,and others ones done by west are not safe
    2)but that also they go as far as to hire actors ,for fake taking vaccine shots
    and use it as an example that they are "Safe".

    today US is in massive propaganda campaign with pfizer shots ,using the bullshit
    anglo lying media to downplay and sell the vaccine as "safe" by faking it taking the vaccine

    An El Paso, Texas, hospital tried to promote Covid-19 vaccination by turning its first doses into a media event, but the publicity stunt backfired when one of the nurses being inoculated was apparently stuck with an empty syringe.
    Video of Tuesday’s vaccinations of five nurses at University Medical Center of El Paso showed the second nurse being jabbed with a needle, but the plunger won’t go down because it’s already at the bottom of the syringe.

    let me ask to all pro vaccination bots .. if the vaccines are so safe ?
    why they fake taking vaccination shots in public to deceive population into the
    safety of them?   This is how pfizer gets those high "Efficiency" , by falsifying their test.. Laughing
    and manipulating public opinion..  and none of this surprise me , this is insulting instead.
    because shows they believe we are so stupid ,that will do anything they say we need to do.
    unfortunately there are stupid people a lot for sure.. that even if they caught cheating and
    acting and deceiving population ,and hiding the real numbers of casualties nd people injured.
    there are sheep people that will still trust in their western government ,even if americans requested
    to jump from high bridge.. "because is safe.". they will do it.. with a little bit of media help.
    but a big part of the population is already awakened , find them all the time in videos ,that advertise vaccination promoted and recommended by youtube.

    This is why i was warning ,that there are a million plus ways !!!!!!!
    To deceive population into thinking western vaccines are safe and that their intentions are
    genuine and sincere to "Save lives".

    -They can have a true vaccine for the elites ,for the 1% and another one for those not essential
    and disponsables for them ,to live ,that is the 90% of society .
    -they can do propaganda using purified water ,and later say in camera.. "see.. is safe"
    -now this report is Texas hospitals are lazy fat and not even trying to fake it.. and simply
    using empty syringes.  lol1  
    -they can also fool the population if their desgign vaccines ,that alone they don't kill ,
    but in combination with special virus ,they designed to unleash can be very lethal.
    -on top of all the ways ,they have to fool population into thinking their vaccines are safe.
    you all all anglo media ,defending forced vaccinations on all population.
    -if society demands "politicians vaccinated first"..  they can use the fake syringe trick in front
    of cameras ,(or just purified water and not their killer vaccine)  and so deceive population into thinking the government is "taking the vaccine" so it should be safe.

    but is also possible to use the most hard to spot way , like i think they will do it..
    that is nothing in First year or two. and when everyone vaccinated with their trojan horse
    vaccine for other viruses.. they can unleach covid21.. or covid 33.. and people start falling like
    flies in the thousands per day. and people will be afraid to go to the streets and protest if the
    media t ells them a new very lethal virus is on the streets and they could also blame the virus
    on China or russia or iran.  remember the novichok vs putin incident.. that boris johson was caught lying , about russia .

    So what we could learn from this covid19 year 2020 about the anglo west?
    - west rigg the test for covid19 infested.. to artificially inflate the results in favor of more lockdowns..
    -west artificially inflate their death rates.. to keep lockdowns forever..
    -they rigg elections  ,cheat their democracy and freedom too.  as they did to trump .
    -they hire nurse actors ,doctor actors to on camera make it look they are being vaccinate ,to deceive population into how safety their vaccines are.

    lets see more shameful deceptions again anglo powers deceiving population ,
    about their government vaccinating with the vaccines they want population to take.

    Fukushima Exposed🇨🇦
    Dec 9
    Australia First Minister takes the vaccine, with the cap still in the needle 🙄
    As I keep saying, all the goverments are following the same script.

    so how anyone expect to trust their lives
    in companies and governments that lies to you so much?
    and why social media giants are censoring anyone who disagree with vaccinations?
    or expose the vaccines are not so safe as the anglo powers claim? i was banned from youtube
    for posting anti vaccine videos .. lol1 and a link i posted here ,was deleted in less than 24 hours
    that exposed how the west are engineering artificially a crisis , to make it worse that it is ,to justify
    permanent lockdowns and destroy middle class and small business. so in effect ,western elites want most of population up to 90% of it ,completely dependent of the government for food and a shelter ,so they can't stand by themselves on top of that forced vaccinations to control their health.

    Thats the name of the game. control ,control and more control ,absolute control of society , to accelerate their global plans for a global dictatorship.. Only Russia and china are the only stones in the road of the west to prevent them totally controlling their societies ,all the way to their homes privacy and taking away their children.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:10 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Kiko Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:21 am

    Sputnik V vaccine produced in large bioreactors for mass output, RDIF says:

    He noted that the production of Sputnik V started in other countries, for instance, in India, South Korea, Brazil and China:

    MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/. Production of Sputnik V has switched to large bioreactors which allows to set up a mass output of the vaccine, Head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev said on Thursday in an interview with the Russia-24 TV channel.

    "The vaccine production has already shifted to large bioreactors which, accordingly, allow to arrange a mass [output]," he said.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:56 am

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    par far

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  par far Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:09 am

    "Andrey Ilnitsky: Covid is a project of globalists"

    "On December 16th, the Federation Council held a “round table” of the Provisional Commission of the Federation Council for the Protection of State Sovereignty and Prevention of Interference in the Internal Affairs of Russia (Chairman – Andrey Klimov) on the topic “Foreign attempts to use the post-Soviet space/near abroad in order to destabilise the political system of Russia”.

    Senators participated in the meeting of the “round table” – members of the Provisional Commission of the Federation Council Elena Afanasyeva, Aleksandr Vaynberg, Margarita Pavlova, Vladimir Poletayev, member of the Presidium of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy and Foreign Intelligence Service Colonel Andrey Bezrukov, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Maria Butina, Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2010-2014 Nikolay Azarov, Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Andrey Savinykh, Deputy Chairman of the NGO “Belaya Rus” Aleksandr Shatko, chairman of the Bulgarian party “Revival of the Motherland” (created on the basis of the national movement “Russophiles”) Nikolay Malinov, Director of Communications of “Rossiya Segodnya” Pyotr Lidov-Petrovsky and others.

    But the speech of Sergey Shoigu’s adviser, scientist, publicist, member of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy Andrey Ilnitsky, received the greatest resonance.

    Unbalancing the economy and health systems of national states is the main task of the coronavirus project, which has been successfully done, said Andrey Ilnitsky, adviser to the Russian Defence Minister.

    Democracy should be established all over the world – of course, in the form that is of interest to the organisers of the venture. And those who want to preserve national states should be deprived of benefits: “We will not allow the return of the pre-coronavirus world, we will pose questions to politicians …” And who are we? Transnational corporations. They will pose questions about deterrent measures, from which it follows that “not covid is a threat, but the measures that are being taken around the world”, Ilnitsky explained.

    According to Ilnitsky, western multinational corporations are considering coronavirus as their own project. The task is to have a large-scale impact on states around the world and completely transform people’s lives through strict anti-coronavirus restrictions.

    Andrey Ilnitsky included in his report points indicating attempts to put pressure on our country and other countries of the world that decided to preserve their sovereignty. Among other things, he talked about the well-known closed forum in Davos, where they talked about the implementation of the globalists’ plan. It was openly announced that the coronavirus pandemic should become a tool for a “global reset” and no one should return to their former life.

    Democracy should be established all over the world – of course, in the form that is of interest to the organisers of the venture. And those who want to preserve national states should be deprived of benefits: “We will not allow the return of the pre-coronavirus world, we will pose questions to politicians …” And who are “we”? Transnational corporations. They will pose questions about deterrent measures, from which it follows that “not COVID is a threat, but the measures that are being taken around the world,” Ilnitsky explained.

    He recalled the combat formula of the virus in biological warfare. The main indicator of the virus in the biological attack of the enemy is virulence, i.e. the ability to infect the human body. The theses outlined by Ilnitsky are contained in the book of Klaus Schwab “Covid-19: The Great Reset”. Schwab, it must be said, organised the Davos Forum. In his book, he calls for a world ruled by corporations.

    “And in this world there will be no place for nation states. They are not there. Quote: ‘If democracy and globalisation expand, then there will be no place for a nation state’. Of course, there will be no place for sovereign Russia there in the first place. The covid project has put fear in people, demolished the Donald Trump administration, stirred up national states, placed a strain on health systems … It fulfilled its task. By the way, the combat formula of the virus, and it did not become known today … It is not a killer virus. The main indicator of the virus is virulence, it has to unbalance the enemy’s health systems. And after it the killer viruses are launched. This is simply just information … So, to continue dismantling the old world, globalists need platforms.”

    In particular, such platforms should be the “green agenda”, digitalisation and various kinds of ideological simulators – from LGBT to BLM, which will “enter” national states and take roots.

    The expert pointed out the danger posed by transnational corporations in relation to independent states. Ilnitsky called on deputies and senators of the Federation Council to reject draft laws that may even contain a potential threat to Russia’s national security."

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Dec 18, 2020 3:48 am

    Corporations won't succeed, as the RF & PRC combined have the most of the resources, mil. power, & Eurasian landmass than any other mil./political/economic bloc.

    LIVE UPDATES Covid-19 death rate three times that of flu, study finds

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    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:27 am

    I think it'll level off at some point.

    Well you were claiming the earth could sustain a 2-3 times bigger population... what are the chances we start electing smarter people?

    It really just takes one big business owned US president to shoot down any agreement worth a damn... and how often to US presidents fall in to office without a big donation from this big company or that one...

    Populations of China & Japan r aging; 30M Chinese men will never find wives & have offspring, & in 20-30 years there will be a lot less people as they now have more urban residents which will increase in # & who'll have less children per family.

    China has a booming economy and those men will be rather financially well off... who is to say a lot of western women suddenly realise there are lots of rich men with money to burn wanting a wife and a few children... not to mention women from other poorer countries.

    Lots of sad western men bought women from poor countries to solve their lack of love issues... do you think Chinese men can't do the same?

    -but the Earth's average air temp. been rising, leading to climate change, & 1 of the the prev. mass extinctions occurred with just few more degrees above of what it is now.

    That is right... changes that normally take millions of years are happening in thousands of years because of our impact... do you think when we stop using petrol driven cars and walk abit more it is going to balance to something ideal and then stay there?

    We might have already done too much damage to fix the problem now... much of Siberia is peat bog... when that heats up it will release thousands of billions of tons of methane... a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide... by about 20 times. Over time it will break down.... into CO2... but in the mean time it should cause a massive spike in temperatures which will likely kill off most marine life because the water will get too hot to sustain life at current levels... add plastic pollution and over fishing and we are screwed... but that should also sort out the over population problems too... directly with starvation.

    More evidence by the day shows that not only

    1)the vaccines pfizer ,and others ones done by west are not safe
    2)but that also they go as far as to hire actors ,for fake taking vaccine shots
    and use it as an example that they are "Safe".

    Dude... it is OK... there are not enough vaccines to go around anyway... if you don't want to take it then don't. You are reasonably young aren't you?

    No diabetes? No breathing problems? Do you have a serious allergy?

    No to everything but yes to allergy and you should be fine not taking a jab or two.

    At the very least give it 6 months to find out if people start growing extra arms and shit.

    Seems that the Russian vaccine is over 95% effective and of the people who do end up getting Covid, none are serious life threatening requiring hospital beds so it doesn't make it 100% sure you wont get Covid, but it seems to be 100% sure you wont die from Covid... that sounds like the sort of Vaccine I want to be taking...


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Yugo90 Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:48 pm

    It is very stupid to trust a man like Bill Gates. First of all people need to know who he really is...and who his father was...he was eugenist....i think that says enough.

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:23 pm

    The Eugenics Movement was a potent political force in early 20th century America. However, its membership was of a much different ilk compared to Hitler and the jack-booted soldiers of the Third Reich. As Ross Douthat wrote in the New York Times, [These] American eugenicists …were often political and social liberals — advocates of social reform, partisans of science, critics of stasis and reaction. [Quoting author Richard Conniff] “They weren’t sinister characters …but environmentalists, peace activists, fitness buffs, healthy-living enthusiasts, inventors and family men…who saw the quest for a better gene pool as of a piece with their broader dream of human advancement.”
    The basic premise remained the same, however: it is far easier to eliminate the poor and the suffering, than it is to eliminate the complex and tenacious sources of their poverty or their suffering. .. Make no mistake: Planned Parenthood was built on population control schemes — allied with the same groups who wanted genetic hierarchy laws to ‘preserve’ humanity and who sought to ‘beautify’ countries by stopping the “unfit” from reproducing. .. So, a man who has profited largely off vaccine development for years and also held ‘simulations’ of pandemic outbreaks is now cashing in on the chase to develop a COVID-19 vaccine? How fitting. .. Gates has a rich history of eugenics influence and partakes in activities across the world that further progress the aims of the original movement, albeit in disguise. ..
    Using objectivist logic, we must all exercise the precautionary principle when approaching Gates’ claims to ‘improve’ health through vaccines.If a COVID-19 vaccine uses strains of an actual virus, as many do, in order to encourage the body to build immunization, subjects who receive the vaccine will be carriers of that virus.Bill Gates, and the forces that drive this puppet, are pushing the world towards a choice: Take the COVID-19 vaccine and deal with the health consequences, or refuse and be denied basic services and after being labelled as a ‘health threat’. Take the jab or be targeted.

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    Post  Yugo90 Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:28 pm

    The point is that he is a very dangerous man with alot of money. There is a video on yt where he admited there is a 20:1 return for vaccine. So he invests 1 billion and gets 20....

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    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:34 am

    It has always been easier to make money with money than to earn it in the first place.

    Bill Gates was a university dropout and while he was business savy he wasn't technology smart really.

    Wouldn't trust him to look after a dog...

    The fact that he knows the financial return on making vaccines suggests helping people is not its primary focus... most western pharmaceutical companies have skeletons in their closet... often nazi scientists or coverups where people were given products that were known to be harmful sold on markets years after they were banned from western markets because of their side effects...
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:29 am

    Former Sec. Def. Donald Rumsfeld served as CEO, and then as president, of Searle between 1977 and 1985.,_LLC#Notable_products

    I wouldn't be surprised that he also has a hand in the issues surrounding in this pandemic.

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    Post  Kiko Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:01 pm

    So VVP may be inoculated soon enough.

    Murashko allowed the start of vaccination of elderly Russians next week

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    Post  kvs Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:41 pm

    Kiko wrote:So VVP may be inoculated soon enough.

    Murashko allowed the start of vaccination of elderly Russians next week

    Putin supposedly already took the Sputnik V vaccine.


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    Post  kvs Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:46 pm

    So between 30 and 75% of people who show up to be vaccinated already have antibodies in Russia. That implies that these
    people had symptom free infections with Covid-19.

    Also, the sanctimonious west has reserved more vaccine shots than it needs and has crowded out the developing world which
    can cover about 20% of its needs in all of 2021.

    Canada is the biggest spazz in terms of overload with vaccine shots. I guess the Canadian government of Justin "Skippy" Trudeau
    has too much taxpayer money to dish out to Big Pharma.

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    Post  kvs Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:19 pm

    Some numbers on the Covid-19 vaccine racket:

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Epe3l-uXIAAkaVJ?format=jpg&name=small

    Note the outright extortion from Moderna. And Moderna's vaccine ain't all that.


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    Post  Kiko Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:43 am

    Russia's Gamaleya Research, UK-Swedish Astrazeneca Sign Memorandum of Cooperation in COVID-19 Fight:

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:33 pm

    Kiko wrote:Russia's Gamaleya Research, UK-Swedish Astrazeneca Sign Memorandum of Cooperation in COVID-19 Fight:

    The friends of Jimmy Savile at the BBC are shitting their pants right now lol! Razz Embarassed pwnd

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:00 pm

    BBC is gonna defecate their bloomers some more....remember that bullshit Shittish media claim that Russia was covering up the 'real' Covid-19 infection/death toll? This celestial irony/justice is truly something to behold lmao!!! lol1 Razz

    These are the countries banning flights and travellers from Britain over a more-infectious new coronavirus strain... so far:

    - Hong Kong
    - France
    - Germany
    - Italy
    - Ireland
    - The Netherlands
    - Belgium
    - Finland
    - Switzerland
    - Estonia
    - Latvia
    - Lithuania
    - Bulgaria
    - Romania
    - Canada
    - Turkey
    - Iran
    - Israel
    - Saudi Arabia
    - Kuwait
    - El Salvador
    - Argentina
    - Chile
    - Morocco
    - Russia
    - Denmark
    - Norway
    - Spain
    - Portugal

    ...Many more coming soon....So instead of the protectors of Jimmy 'Salivating' Saville (The BBC) worrying about the Federation, they should worry about Great Shittin transforming in to a bigger shit! Worry about you damn selves you limp-wristed jackasses lol!clown pwnd

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    Post  Kiko Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:16 pm

    Russians Sputnik V vaccine is effective against new Covid strain detected in Europe:

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    Post  franco Thu Dec 24, 2020 12:26 am

    World Covid total equals 1% of population

    Russia is running 2% and the USA is at 5.7%.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Dec 24, 2020 1:21 am

    Airplane with 300K Sputnik V vaccines for Argentina takes off from Moscow. Country intends to buy enough doses to inoculate 10 million Argentinians.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Fri Dec 25, 2020 4:51 am

    Yugo90 wrote:The point is that he is a very dangerous man with alot of money. There is a video on yt where he admited there is a 20:1 return for vaccine. So he invests 1 billion and gets 20....

    Neither bill gates ,who openly do conference world wide about the need to depopulate the world
    with a smile in his face and investing his own money for sterilization of Africa.. nobody invest his own money in depopulating africa unless ,they suffer allergy to humanity and human life.

    Then you have George Soros also a major investor in US pharmy industry , he can be the owner
    of US pharma industry through multi nationals and investment funds.

    But idiots will call  you "Anti vaxxer" if you don't trust your health for sicopaths that are popular
    for causing misery in the world ,with the billions they openly invest in promoting civil wars.
    he for example himself told in an interview ,that he financed the ukraine revolution of 2014
    as if he was discussing a weather report. As just any other business.

    in more eye opening reports.. must read investigation ,reveals ,
    how we are being lied about this man made virus crisis ,an engineered pandemic.
    bolded parts ,reveals the fake nature of this virus behavior , as a "natural event".
    Sarscov2 did not behave like any other virus ever in human history.. or like any other
    natural pandemic virus in the past. This is how you do investigations ,with world wide
    comparisons of how the virus behave ,using each country official numbers.

    COVID-19 Un-Explained

    I watched Russia very closely from early in 2020. For about two months, infections were stable at only a few hundred per day. Russia had implemented many containment measures and it began to appear that the virus would be a non-event. Then suddenly an explosion in April with new infections quickly rising to more than 10,000 per day, and occurring simultaneously in almost every area of the country. It was painful watching Russia for four months attempting to lower the daily infection rate below 5,000, but finally 4,900, 4,800, and it appeared the tail was nearing, then suddenly another explosive jump to nearly 30,000, again simultaneously in all regions, and still increasing. There is no infection that manifests in this manner without human assistance.


    proof of an engineered man made crisis.. not a natural pandemic.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Russia-LR

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Latvia-LR

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Triple-LR

    interesting observations..

    Notice how Latvia and Russia second wave explosion ,happened at the same time with
    russia . And this will be impossible to happen if this was a natural pandemic event. my theory
    is that if this was man made crisis , that either latvia is lying about their numbers too ,just like
    US and UK artificially inflate theirs.. or if latvia and russia numbers are correct.. then what we see
    here is a man made created second wave , and it could happen if for example a plane fly over latvia airspace full of viruses sarscov2 farmed in a lab and spread the virus to Russia flying very high altitude using the winds to spread it there.. and sacrificing latvia too for keeping Russia economy
    locked. so either whether the virus is natural or not , man made or not.. i have no doubts ,that
    if the pentagon/cia/us congress, had the opportunity to use covid19 as a weapon against russia ,they will do it without thinking twice if they know they can get away with it.. they are at war with russia
    and if they can go as far as arming alqaeda and isis , then they will be capable of unleashing a biological war on russia any day ,regardless of civlians deaths if they know they can hide their hands after the attack. if this is a military conflict what we face in this plandemic , then the world will never
    get away from this pandemics until the authors of it suffer a military defeat  in a world war 3.

    - instead of pandemic in the past.. like the previous virus epidemic in africa or asia ,
    that from A go to B ,then from B go to C and as quickly the virus start..  the virus end after contained.   what we have today is  from virus explode in all parts at near similar time
    and the patters in the west being totally not in harmony with the east.  and on top of this ,
    mutations show up at the same time ,that the virus in other bordering nations..  in other words..
    the virus did not spread in a linear progressive way ,but appears as if someone was pusshing
    a button somewhere and suddenly everyone get the virus at near same time , and social distancing
    very little effect on the virus.

    1) so either some nations are plain LYING about their numbers..
    2)or people inside every country , paid terrorist spreading it ,in everyone noses.. intentionally.
    3) or this is something more sophisticated a military operation ,we are in the middle of a biological
    war between nations and we are not being told about it ,for not scaring population.
    4)or is all of the above and more.  that is we are facing war , with a natural virus ,but being propagated by unnatural ways , like drones using winds currents around the world. You could easily
    load viruses in a military bomber , near the border of any country and drop millions of viruses using the planet natural wind highways that cross countries.

    If this is possible  , spreading virus by drones or planes without invading a nation air space ,
    but just close to it , then we are in for a very long long pandemic crisis of many years if not decades .
    Because Russia and china can retaliate with their own version of covid19... and vaccination will not solve much if every new year ,we get a new virus.. either done in lab by man or taken from nature and cultivating it in labs in big numbers and spreading it in military ways.

    This is why Russia bans any air flights over its airspace and close the borders ,but allows people to go out of their homes and do business with precaution . Means they are more worried about what comes from outside ,that from what is inside.

    If im correct ,which will not surprise me , ie.. world is facing a biowar from anglozionist
    powers.. then Russia ,germany and france could significantly stop this if they kick from europe
    all american military bases.. that is leave NATO and prohibit american-british military planes or their civilian ones from using european union airspace until the pandemic is over . So that no viruses spread in the air by their planes.

    From a follow up report .. by same author.
    The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic

    According to this research the 1918 "spanish flu" was not spanish but began in america
    and it was their negligence and experiments with vaccines that rockefellers promoted
    world wide.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Shutterstock_248206198-600x391
    Army Hospital No. 4. Fort Porter, N.Y. during the 1918-19 "Spanish" Influenza pandemic.

    For the anglo pharma industry lovers.. lol1

    Dr. Kevin Barry wrote:

    It would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra of “vaccines save lives” if a vaccine experiment originating in the United States . . . caused the deaths of 50-100 million people. (and) “The American Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and its experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19” is a far less effective sales slogan.[6]  

    This is why i love history , the study of history ,from alternative sources not western bullshit zionist controlled media ,the study of true past events is extremely under rated , because if you want to understand the present and the future ,you only need to look at the past what happened earlier.. and those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. this is why the west manipulate the past ,delete world history ,try to get a monopoly over information with their anglo bullshit crap media.. and if people are informed correctly , and get the true information of what happened in the past , major tragedies , if people get the truth history ,they will be able to have the tools and the information to take the wiser choices in the future.  By only looking at  the terrible record of US pharma industry in the past with the influenza vaccine alone ,that they
    only gave 50% of effectiveness and people was dying in the many thousands , then is not hard
    to figure out ,that if they were terrible handling influenza virus ,what makes anyone think they are
    today a completely different pharma industry with high ethics ? first day of pfizer vaccination people died..or got paralysis in face ,they were few but happened in first day of vaccination of population. and with russia sputnik v vaccine nothing of that have happened. Russia vaccine have not killed anyone ,neither inject in people veins animals cells.. as if we were rats in labs. The sole mention of
    rockefellerfoundation and george soros as major investor in any pharma industry is enough to reject any vaccine from anything their dirty blood hands have touched. purely evil satanic people have no place anywhere in the health industry.  No

    Why none of this surprise me any fucking way ,  you don't need future telling abilities ,
    to understand how this pandemic began ,you only need to observe the past ,what was the past behavior of americans in the world before this pandemic..

    1)US at was with china and russia sanctions sanctions to break their economies.
    2)US threatening europe with sanctions sanctions if continue trading with russia and china.
    3)US military bio labs deployed none in europe and most of them located at russia and chinese
    4)US financing and arming terrorism in syria to break the russian military
    5)US seeking to destroy huawei and their 5G technology and seeking to block nord stream 2.
    6)germany and france and italy and spain cooperating with russia and china not listening american demands.
    7)latin america too cooperating with russia and china .

    the best for the last..
    British and german scientist traced the first strains of the virus to Americans and australians.. not chinese.. the same countries accusing china of the virus by an accident and demanding economic
    compensation . how predictable is that all 5 eyes anglo nations government and their media cnn ,skynews ,reuters ,bbc united to blame china ?  

    There was also independent research by a Cambridge geneticist suggesting the coronavirus may have been circulating much earlier than previously believed, also claiming powerful circumstantial evidence that the virus did not originate in Wuhan.[31] In a paper published in May of 2020 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, he reported three main strains of the virus that he labeled A, B and C. His research determined that A was the founding variant because it was the version most similar to the type of SARS-Cov-2 discovered in bats. But the A strain was non-existent in China, with only a handful of samples discovered in the entire country, and those in American nationals. Wuhan was infected with type B, a version two mutations from A, meaning it could not have originated in China because it had no prior source from which to mutate.

    Further, a German scientist has recently assembled a volume of evidence that the virus in Europe spread from (but not necessarily originated in) Northern Italy.[32] Germany’s top virologist Alexander Kekule said “[the COVID-19] rampant around the world is not from the central Chinese city of Wuhan, but a mutation from northern Italy.” The Italian strain is called “G” mutant, which has genetic mutations, and is likely to be more contagious than the variant found in Wuhan. He said that over 99% of the COVID-19 cases can be genetically traced back to the Italian variant, and even the current cases in China are re-imported from Europe and the rest of the world. He noted that for at least the European pandemic, “the starting shot was fired in northern Italy.”

    There is more. Recent research conducted jointly by British and German experts, testified the variant of novel coronavirus that is closest to that discovered in bats was actually found mainly among cases from the US, rather than in Wuhan. Experts from the University of Cambridge and their peers from Germany analyzed 160 virus genomes that were extracted from human patients around the world and found the coronavirus mutated into three distinct strains. They found that most cases carried type A virus – the ancestral type of virus, which is bat coronavirus, with 96 percent sequence similarity to the human virus – were mostly seen only in patients from the US and Australia. And of the five individuals with type A detected in Wuhan, all were American patients who had resided there.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 16 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Yugo90 Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:55 am

    Vann7... Luc Montagnier french virologist who got a nobel prize openly said on a french television that he studied the virus in a lab and told that this is a MAN MADE virus by a person who has skills. You have it on yt. And i believe him.

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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:06 pm

    This would be par of the course of the verminous yanquis. They used biological warfare against Cuba's agriculture, the USSR's
    agriculture and for sure against North Korea which substantially contributed to the famines in North Korea. The yanquis have
    advanced in their brain rot and are now trying to attack "enemy" humans directly. This is why they have opened dozens of
    biowarfare research labs all around Russia in the ex-USSR. Nobody has any real explanation for the non-military use of these

    I suspect that one of the reasons for yanqui hubris about taking Russia out with a first strike is based on their belief that they
    will be able to release an engineered virus into Russia before any attack that will be worse than the bubonic plague. This
    engineered virus will have been designed to target the genome of ethnic Russians (but of course Ukrainians and other Slavs
    or mixtures will be collateral damage).

    The yanquis will learn that Russian genetics research is more than likely better than their own. Whatever they unleash is going
    to bite them in the ass so hard that they will be ripped in two.

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