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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  elconquistador Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:14 am

    @Aristide's couldn't make a better case for vaxx-scrutiny by just being himself. Haughty ramblings devoid of any self-awareness or actual grounded arguments. That whole post reeks of autism, not even joking now.

    And we all know what causes autism.

    Self masturbatory non-arguments, personal anecdotes (n=1), a poor understanding of historic events and a clear lack of reading comprehension in the dumbed down articles that are handed to him.

    1. There is no pfizer vaccine, the vaccine marketed by pfizer was developed by German company Biontech. Its not an american vaccine but a german one. The only american vaccine on the market right now is from Moderna

    There is no Pfizer vaccine. Okay smartass. There are also no Nike shoes, Apple phones or Volkswagen cars. All of these have part of their production outsourced to second or third companies located across the border, so following your logic they don't exist

    The Pfizer vaccine, with the emphasis on Pfizer was patented by Pfizer, first 'approved' by the FDA and pilot programmed in the US.

    About that approval - it was an emergency use authorization (EUA) because it didn't tick any of the boxes required for approval

    Purely political decision

    2. In the spanish nursing home the people already had Corona before the vaccine was given to them. When you read the article it says, they got symptoms 6 days after vaccination. It takes 14 days after the vaccination to get a basic level of immunity. Corona has a incubation time between 5 and 10 days.

    Covid1984 symptoms can show itself as early as 2 days after infection with a median of 5,6

    Also that's not what the article says, that's what you are making out of it because the shill must shill.

    Bottom line is that many people died after taking a dangerous vaccine. I am surprised stuff like this is still coming out. Subreddits dedicated to this shit have hundreds if not thousands of stories per day

    3. Yes people die from vaccinations, thats totally normal. Why? Vaccinations cause a immune reaction. Thats what vaccines do. Those very old people with preconditions often have such a weak system, they even that immune reaction is too much for them to survive. In otehr words, it doesnt matter what they get, corona, flu, common cold or the vaccine. They die. Believe it or not, we cant save evryone and so far death can not be cheated

    I thought there wasn't any corn syrup left but I guess there is.

    This simpleton talking about saving people from a mellow virus with a flu-like IFR by injecting them with experimental gene therapy - and when previously young and healthy people die and get permanently injured in the thousands he self-righteously starts talking about 'collateral damage'

    Captain save a ho' mentality coupled with a strong belief that there is no room for posterity. The damage simpletons like Aristide have done in the last 80 years is at this point uncountable

    4. As for the pharma corporations and capitalism, capitalism is not working in that way. The EU is the most powerful economy on the planet with the political tools to destroy companies. Those tools were put on the table for AZ and AZ understood whats going on. They comply now.

    Big fucking facepalm. Zero real world knowledge.

    And btw, evry charge of vaccine is tested by state institutions before delivery.

    LOL. All these gene therapies are fast tracked based on political motivations. EUA was approved before the half assed trials even ended - cutting out entire portions of the safety/testing protocol

    And about the few trials that were done? People dropping left and right. Not a peep from any legacy media outlet, just like everything gets covered up now and/or chalked up to covid1984 (as seen above)

    [quote]I know how mRNA vaccines work and i trust them fully. They are the future. The level of protection they provide is breathtaking. All mRNA vaccines have a efficiency over 90%. The speed that a vaccine can be developed is amazing as well.[quote]

    How many shekels do you get paid for writing BS like this?

    Also lolled about 'the speed'. Up until 4 months ago there was no mRNA gene therapy even though some of the brightest minds had been working on it for decades.

    It just took 3 days after the genome of COVID-19 was known, to develop the biontech vaccine.

    Again a big fat LOL.

    1. The virus genome has never been isolated when following Koch's postulates
    2. When conveniently releasing this academic gold standard the virus genome has been isolated independently in February already.

    This is the future and not just in vaccines, also in the fight against cancer and diseases like MS.

    People who bring up all kind of idiotic arguments against new technology are like those who once said trains are bad, cars are bad, airplanes are bad ect.

    mRNA is the future of medicine and no idiotic argument can change that. Its done since years in animal tests. Its absolute save and offers a new whole level of possibilities.

    This is the future and not just in vaccines, also in the fight against cancer and diseases like MS.

    The whole matrix Big Pharma + MSM + politicians have built around the issue of vaccinations needs to be deconstructed step by step, block by block.
    The notion that vaccines are the ultra-omega-super-mana from heaven without which humanity could impossibly survive is of course a psyop. Nevermind when we look at the toxicity of vaccines, that vaxxes had little to do with the improvements of mortality or that data from vaxxed vs unvaxxed children and populations actually showed higher mortality among the vaxxed. It all does not matter - the masters create simplistic propaganda and the gullible idiots swallow it hook line and sinker

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Vaxxvs10
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Afasxx10Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Vaxxvs10
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Afasxx10

    mRNA is the future of medicine and no idiotic argument can change that. Its done since years in animal tests. Its absolute save and offers a new whole level of possibilities.

    Another big fat LOL. Moderna bobo tacitly admits animal trials are not really going well - so we'll just skip them altogether and move on to the humans (which weren't properly trialed either) .

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Screen19

    Again how much do you get paid for writing this dangerous nonsense?

    The very fact that all global players USA, Germany, France, Japan and China go full support into mRNA shows where the future sits.

    There is only one problem, this technology is only for rich and developed nations. USA, EU, China, Canada and Russia, Japan, South Korea and Australia are only entities that have the technological level to develop, produce and store those vaccines.



    Jesús Christ am I talking to a third grader here or something? Zero critical thinking skills

    The old vector vaccines will for a long time bet the only vaccines avaivable in Africa or other poor areas.

    Again, clueless on how the real world works. You think Africa will be left unvaccinated (they are doing great with a IFR of below 0.1 bytheway due to their access to HCQ and Ivermectin) by the NWO 'because they don't have the money/technology'?

    Dude I don't even know where to start.

    Just leaving this tweet here

    @SomeB*tchIKnow:"One of the creepier things I've ever researched is the obsession with getting poor and rural African countries wired via cell phones and wifi, etc.

    There's a huge push, largely funded via Gates Foundation initiatives, to get African countries on entirely cashless systems, microtransaction systems for paying for basic needs, and using cell phones to track vaccinations and other personal information.

    There is a website that hasn't been touched since 2017, run by the WHO and PATH, for the Meningitis Vaccine Project.

    Most notably, and creepily, the homepage is not even about vaccinations. It's about using cell phone apps to track children. It is presented as a means for parents to keep up with their children's activities, but knowing what I know about the lack of security with these sorts of things and with the human trafficking issues in Africa...

    On a personal level i want also adress one you know there are the hardcore idiots who think vaccines are from the devil.

    I have all vaccination that one needs and i get each year the flu vaccination at job. But in 2016 winter i was at vaccation and did not get the flu vaccine.

    In february 2017 got the flu. It was like nothing i had ever experienced. I was perfectly healthy one day, went to bed and when i woke up i felt sick. I called university and said i cant come. I did not cough or anything, just felt sick with headache and fever.

    But within 30 minutes i lost almost all power. I could barely walk. I was alone at home and reached teh point where i could not walk up the stairs. Even to lift an arm was incredible hard.

    I made it back to the living room. I could not walk to the couch, i simply did not make it there and had to go down on the floor, to avoid falling. There i did lay on my back and had not the power to get up again.

    Im a fitness freak, do competive bodybuilding and all sports one can imagine. To reach within one hour the state where i could not lift an arm and lay on the ground was unimaginable for me.

    I remember i actually had no panic, its like you just lay there and think about strange stuff. For example i thought about calling an ambulance but i could not walk to the phone and thought about how i can crawl there.

    I had luck and my mother came from shopping and found me. I was brought to hospital, got infusions and after relative short time, within few hours i regained my strength. Took several days though to fully recover.

    I have a colleague who too was infected and it took him weeks to recover.

    That year the flu was incredible agressive and killed in France over 40.000 people. They estimate worldwide death went into millions.

    You just love to talk about yourself don't you

    And again a big fat LOL for a self-proclaimed healthy 23 year old individual that willingly gets an at best 40-45 percent effective flu jab for a common influenza virus

    If that doesn't say brainwashed I don't know what does

    Most people have no clue what battle humanity has always fought against Virus. The spanish flu killed more people than WW I and WW II combined. Its a silent killer.

    Yeah, not really. The vast majority of the victims chalked up to the Spanish flu died of bacterial pneumonia caused by extensive - here it comes - maskwearing

    States Dr. FAUCI in his PhD

    There is also a very convincing case to be made that the Spanish Flu in reality was a meningitis vaccine program gone wrong (the source of the outbreak, an US Army base in Fort Riley, Kansas was the center of this experimental vaccine)

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  kvs Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:42 am

    Excellent post with some actual intellectual effort behind it instead of kneejerk conformist "non-think".

    Interesting how mRNA has been accepted without any discussion or even official concern for its lability. How exactly does one
    approve a vaccine where its behaviour in the field is randomly different. Maybe Russian Roulette should be approved as a
    viable entertainment activity since you know, 5 of those chambers are empty.

    We can see why all the propaganda about Sputnik V being unproven and unsafe. Pfizer needed some diversion.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  elconquistador Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:54 am


    Just for the record I am not anti-vaxx per se. But there needs to be cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment

    Couple of weeks ago I head several heavy anti-rabies shots because the neighbourvs dog bit me and I am currently in a rabies prone area

    Rabies has a 100 percent mortality rate. But the shots are too heavy to take preventive (+ necessary boosters of course)

    Now compare that to Covid1984 (+ the not-so-hidden agenda). I hope you get my point

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Isos Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:32 am

    elconquistador wrote:@kvs.

    Just for the record I am not anti-vaxx per se. But there needs to be cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment

    Couple of weeks ago I head several heavy anti-rabies shots because the neighbourvs dog bit me and I am currently in a rabies prone area

    Rabies has a 100 percent mortality rate. But the shots are too heavy to take preventive (+ necessary boosters of course)

    Now compare that to Covid1984 (+ the not-so-hidden agenda). I hope you get my point

    Where do they put the rabies vaccin ? I saw once they put that in the chest/belly area with a very long needle but I think it was in a tv show.

    I always wondered if it was true.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  elconquistador Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:10 am

    Isos wrote:
    elconquistador wrote:@kvs.

    Just for the record I am not anti-vaxx per se. But there needs to be cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment

    Couple of weeks ago I head several heavy anti-rabies shots because the neighbourvs dog bit me and I am currently in a rabies prone area

    Rabies has a 100 percent mortality rate. But the shots are too heavy to take preventive (+ necessary boosters of course)

    Now compare that to Covid1984 (+ the not-so-hidden agenda). I hope you get my point

    Where do they put the rabies vaccin ? I saw once they put that in the chest/belly area with a very long needle but I think it was in a tv show.

    I always wondered if it was true.

    In my case one shot in each upper arm (2 each time)

    Scheduled shots on day 0, day 3 day 14 and day 31

    I skipped day 31

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Aristide Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:31 am

    elconquistador wrote:@Aristide's couldn't make a better case for vaxx-scrutiny by just being himself. Haughty ramblings devoid of any self-awareness or actual grounded arguments. That whole post reeks of autism, not even joking now.

    And we all know what causes autism.

    Self masturbatory non-arguments, personal anecdotes (n=1), a poor understanding of historic events and a clear lack of reading comprehension in the dumbed down articles that are handed to him.

    1. There is no pfizer vaccine, the vaccine marketed by pfizer was developed by German company Biontech. Its not an american vaccine but a german one. The only american vaccine on the market right now is from Moderna

    There is no Pfizer vaccine. Okay smartass. There are also no Nike shoes, Apple phones or Volkswagen cars. All of these have part of their production outsourced to second or third companies located across the border, so following your logic they don't exist

    The Pfizer vaccine, with the emphasis on Pfizer was patented by Pfizer, first 'approved' by the FDA and pilot programmed in the US.

    About that approval - it was an emergency use authorization (EUA) because it didn't tick any of the boxes required for approval

    Purely political decision

    2. In the spanish nursing home the people already had Corona before the vaccine was given to them. When you read the article it says, they got symptoms 6 days after vaccination. It takes 14 days after the vaccination to get a basic level of immunity. Corona has a incubation time between 5 and 10 days.

    Covid1984 symptoms can show itself as early as 2 days after infection with a median of 5,6

    Also that's not what the article says, that's what you are making out of it because the shill must shill.

    Bottom line is that many people died after taking a dangerous vaccine. I am surprised stuff like this is still coming out. Subreddits dedicated to this shit have hundreds if not thousands of stories per day

    3. Yes people die from vaccinations, thats totally normal. Why? Vaccinations cause a immune reaction. Thats what vaccines do. Those very old people with preconditions often have such a weak system, they even that immune reaction is too much for them to survive. In otehr words, it doesnt matter what they get, corona, flu, common cold or the vaccine. They die. Believe it or not, we cant save evryone and so far death can not be cheated

    I thought there wasn't any corn syrup left but I guess there is.

    This simpleton talking about saving people from a mellow virus with a flu-like IFR by injecting them with experimental gene therapy - and when previously young and healthy people die and get permanently injured in the thousands he self-righteously starts talking about 'collateral damage'

    Captain save a ho' mentality coupled with a strong belief that there is no room for posterity. The damage simpletons like Aristide have done in the last 80 years is at this point uncountable

    4. As for the pharma corporations and capitalism, capitalism is not working in that way. The EU is the most powerful economy on the planet with the political tools to destroy companies. Those tools were put on the table for AZ and AZ understood whats going on. They comply now.

    Big fucking facepalm. Zero real world knowledge.

    And btw, evry charge of vaccine is tested by state institutions before delivery.

    LOL. All these gene therapies are fast tracked based on political motivations. EUA was approved before the half assed trials even ended - cutting out entire portions of the safety/testing protocol

    And about the few trials that were done? People dropping left and right. Not a peep from any legacy media outlet, just like everything gets covered up now and/or chalked up to covid1984 (as seen above)

    I know how mRNA vaccines work and i trust them fully. They are the future. The level of protection they provide is breathtaking. All mRNA vaccines have a efficiency over 90%. The speed that a vaccine can be developed is amazing as well.

    How many shekels do you get paid for writing BS like this?

    Also lolled about 'the speed'. Up until 4 months ago there was no mRNA gene therapy even though some of the brightest minds had been working on it for decades.

    It just took 3 days after the genome of COVID-19 was known, to develop the biontech vaccine.

    Again a big fat LOL.

    1. The virus genome has never been isolated when following Koch's postulates
    2. When conveniently releasing this academic gold standard the virus genome has been isolated independently in February already.

    This is the future and not just in vaccines, also in the fight against cancer and diseases like MS.

    People who bring up all kind of idiotic arguments against new technology are like those who once said trains are bad, cars are bad, airplanes are bad ect.

    mRNA is the future of medicine and no idiotic argument can change that. Its done since years in animal tests. Its absolute save and offers a new whole level of possibilities.

    This is the future and not just in vaccines, also in the fight against cancer and diseases like MS.

    The whole matrix Big Pharma + MSM + politicians have built around the issue of vaccinations needs to be deconstructed step by step, block by block.
    The notion that vaccines are the ultra-omega-super-mana from heaven without which humanity could impossibly survive is of course a psyop. Nevermind when we look at the toxicity of vaccines, that vaxxes had little to do with the improvements of mortality or that data from vaxxed vs unvaxxed children and populations actually showed higher mortality among the vaxxed. It all does not matter - the masters create simplistic propaganda and the gullible idiots swallow it hook line and sinker

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Vaxxvs10
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Afasxx10Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Vaxxvs10
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Afasxx10

    mRNA is the future of medicine and no idiotic argument can change that. Its done since years in animal tests. Its absolute save and offers a new whole level of possibilities.

    Another big fat LOL. Moderna bobo tacitly admits animal trials are not really going well - so we'll just skip them altogether and move on to the humans (which weren't properly trialed either) .

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Screen19

    Again how much do you get paid for writing this dangerous nonsense?

    The very fact that all global players USA, Germany, France, Japan and China go full support into mRNA shows where the future sits.

    There is only one problem, this technology is only for rich and developed nations. USA, EU, China, Canada and Russia, Japan, South Korea and Australia are only entities that have the technological level to develop, produce and store those vaccines.



    Jesús Christ am I talking to a third grader here or something? Zero critical thinking skills

    The old vector vaccines will for a long time bet the only vaccines avaivable in Africa or other poor areas.

    Again, clueless on how the real world works. You think Africa will be left unvaccinated (they are doing great with a IFR of below 0.1 bytheway due to their access to HCQ and Ivermectin) by the NWO 'because they don't have the money/technology'?

    Dude I don't even know where to start.

    Just leaving this tweet here

    @SomeB*tchIKnow:"One of the creepier things I've ever researched is the obsession with getting poor and rural African countries wired via cell phones and wifi, etc.

    There's a huge push, largely funded via Gates Foundation initiatives, to get African countries on entirely cashless systems, microtransaction systems for paying for basic needs, and using cell phones to track vaccinations and other personal information.

    There is a website that hasn't been touched since 2017, run by the WHO and PATH, for the Meningitis Vaccine Project.

    Most notably, and creepily, the homepage is not even about vaccinations. It's about using cell phone apps to track children. It is presented as a means for parents to keep up with their children's activities, but knowing what I know about the lack of security with these sorts of things and with the human trafficking issues in Africa...

    On a personal level i want also adress one you know there are the hardcore idiots who think vaccines are from the devil.

    I have all vaccination that one needs and i get each year the flu vaccination at job. But in 2016 winter i was at vaccation and did not get the flu vaccine.

    In february 2017 got the flu. It was like nothing i had ever experienced. I was perfectly healthy one day, went to bed and when i woke up i felt sick. I called university and said i cant come. I did not cough or anything, just felt sick with headache and fever.

    But within 30 minutes i lost almost all power. I could barely walk. I was alone at home and reached teh point where i could not walk up the stairs. Even to lift an arm was incredible hard.

    I made it back to the living room. I could not walk to the couch, i simply did not make it there and had to go down on the floor, to avoid falling. There i did lay on my back and had not the power to get up again.

    Im a fitness freak, do competive bodybuilding and all sports one can imagine. To reach within one hour the state where i could not lift an arm and lay on the ground was unimaginable for me.

    I remember i actually had no panic, its like you just lay there and think about strange stuff. For example i thought about calling an ambulance but i could not walk to the phone and thought about how i can crawl there.

    I had luck and my mother came from shopping and found me. I was brought to hospital, got infusions and after relative short time, within few hours i regained my strength. Took several days though to fully recover.

    I have a colleague who too was infected and it took him weeks to recover.

    That year the flu was incredible agressive and killed in France over 40.000 people. They estimate worldwide death went into millions.

    You just love to talk about yourself don't you

    And again a big fat LOL for a self-proclaimed healthy 23 year old individual that willingly gets an at best 40-45 percent effective flu jab for a common influenza virus

    If that doesn't say brainwashed I don't know what does

    Most people have no clue what battle humanity has always fought against Virus. The spanish flu killed more people than WW I and WW II combined. Its a silent killer.

    Yeah, not really. The vast majority of the victims chalked up to the Spanish flu died of bacterial pneumonia caused by extensive - here it comes - maskwearing

    States Dr. FAUCI in his PhD

    There is also a very convincing case to be made that the Spanish Flu in reality was a meningitis vaccine program gone wrong (the source of the outbreak, an US Army base in Fort Riley, Kansas was the center of this experimental vaccine)

    You propably should read first about the topics you write about, your first argument was bullshit so i did not read themrest.

    There is no Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine was created by german company Biontech, which also holds all patents on the vaccine. Pfizer acts like distribution partner for North America and Europe but holds nomrights on the vaccine. The chinese company Fosun plays same role as Pfizer on the asian market, but also holds no rights on it.

    Since your first argument was bullshit, its save to say the rest is wrong as well.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:46 pm

    GarryB wrote:Sputnik V is described as 100% effective against serious reactions to the virus and can be used by any age group.

    Those who get the virus anyway only have mild and non life threatening symptoms.

    It has shown to be effective in all age groups.

    I think it is great that the US and EU keep bagging it, because if they decided to buy it a lot of other countries would have to wait to get theirs.

    The third stage trials have been peer reviewed in the Lancet which is a British medical journal that is respected for not being a political tool of the west.

    It has cleared the vaccine as safe and effective.

    They said it is the only vaccine that does not use monkey DNA that has an efficacy over 90%.

    The new experimental vaccines with unclear potential future possible effects have similar results in efficacy, but have side effects and also issues of storage and transport requiring specific handling and expensive transport and storage to keep it effective. And they are more expensive and more complex to make.

    Another advantage of Sputnik V  is that each jab is different and each further builds effective immunity, while with other two shot vaccines the second is just a booster the same as the first... so the second improves immunity but not as much...

    Once EMA gives the certification, we can produce the russian vaccine here.

    Hungary is already testing it for themselves I think, and another EU country has asked to buy the vaccine from them if they clear it because they intend to put it into production if it works.
    Apparently they were discussing about joint production and distribution also here in Merkelland.

    I am even more interested in the other russian vaccine, called Vector.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:21 am

    They say Sputnik V is easy to make and cheap and it seems to be as effective as any other type, but without the side effects...

    What is not to like.

    The huge irony is that the west has essentially dedicated all their cynicism and their caution on the Russian vaccine which uses existing and accepted technology, but they are giving a seeming free pass to the new technology stuff that is not really well tested or fully understood...

    I am sure that wont bite them in the ass...

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:31 am

    Now Macron is willing to fly Sputnik as well, like like diseases​ don't care about "democracy" Cool

    France Says It’s Open to Russian Vaccine, Regardless of Politics

    France insisted that geopolitics isn’t a factor when it comes to making decisions about sourcing life-saving coronavirus vaccines.

    During a press briefing on Wednesday, an official in Emmanuel Macron’s office, who asked not to be named in line with protocol, said the French president and Chancellor Angela Merkel were aligned in welcoming any inoculations that meet European Union standards, and that geopolitics plays no role.

    The comment came in answer to a question about whether Macron would consider purchasing Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, which Merkel has said she’s ready to consider using in Germany. At the same time, the French official noted that the Russian vaccine hadn’t yet been approved by bloc.......


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  andalusia Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:44 am

    Just discovered this on another forum what do you guys think of this:

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    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:10 am

    If this "gain function" approach is the truth, then it is criminally insane. If these asswipe researchers can't be bothered to deal with
    existing strains and feel the need to test their mettle against artificial super-virulent strains, then they are wankers and not scientists.
    There is nothing in anti-virus research that requires creation of new strains. That is a task for genetic engineers who want to
    figure out how DNA works and how to better manipulate it. No, we do not understand how DNA + cellular organic machinery works.
    If you are getting that impression from the MSM, then put it down.

    I recall the genome project was going to solve all problems. In the end it turns out that DNA is not an exact recipe but a what
    is known in dynamical systems as a set of constraints or constants of the motion (in the abstract phase space). So the molecular
    machinery orchestrated by DNA is actually a more complex system. The idea that DNA is a precise recipe would have any offspring
    of a man and a woman being exact copies of each other. There could still be a randomization for sex based on a deterministic
    macro-scale process (like a random number generator chip).

    The realization that DNA functionality involves gene expression through environmental stimuli that manages to carry over to offspring,
    aka epigenetics, is a reflection of the above fact.

    If the objective is to control viruses, then "gain function" shenanigans are totally not needed. No vaccine is ever going to be
    adaptive to any virus evolution. So even if you understand how a virus evolves, you will still need to create vaccines on
    a snapshot basis.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:32 am

    Chilling trend: A longer, deadlier pandemic​

    Mutated versions of the coronavirus threaten to prolong the pandemic, perhaps for years — killing more people and deepening the global economic crisis in the process.

    The big picture: The U.S. and the world are in a race to control the virus before these variants can gain a bigger foothold. But many experts say they already expect things to get worse before they get better. And that also means an end to the pandemic may be getting further away.

    “It may take four to five years before we finally see the end of the pandemic and the start of a post-COVID normal,” Singapore’s education minister said last week, according to the Wall Street Journal.
    Where it stands: "There are essentially two separate COVID-19 epidemics," Dutch officials said recently, referring to the original strain of COVID-19 and the burgeoning threat from mutated versions of the virus.

    There’s light at the end of the tunnel for the first epidemic. Although the virus is still spreading uncontrolled across the U.S. and much of the world, cases and hospitalizations are down from their peak, and vaccinations are steadily increasing.
    But the next iteration, fueled by variants of the virus, is already taking hold.

    What’s next: A British variant of the coronavirus will likely become the dominant strain within the U.S. pretty soon, experts say. It’s significantly more contagious than the virus we’ve been dealing with so far, and some researchers believe it may also be about 30% more deadly.

    “That hurricane's coming,” Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota and Biden transition adviser, said Sunday on “Meet the Press.”

    A more contagious and more lethal strain of the virus could easily send cases, hospitalizations and deaths soaring right back to record levels, even as vaccinations continue to ramp up.
    “We are going to see something like we have not seen yet in this country,” Osterholm said.

    It’s already happening in the U.K., where skyrocketing hospitalizations prompted another round of lockdown measures — and pushback against those restrictions.

    Wow, so surprising. Totally did not see that coming. Two more weeks!

    Obviously every new strain will require new vaccination - the Moderna ghouls are already talking about new booster shots in September

    Feel sorry for the average Joe in the streets that still thinks that it's all nearly over. That 'leaked' Canadian memo is turning more and more accurate by the month

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:39 pm

    Scientists Ominously Warn COVID Is Reducing Fertility

    Just when you thought the future couldn’t get much more dystopian, scientists have issued more stark warnings that COVID-19 is reducing fertility in men, and could contribute to depopulation of the planet.

    Scientists say that there is increasing evidence in patients of testicular damage and lower sperm counts and mobility, with initial studies revealing the presence of the virus in semen samples.

    Researchers at the Justus-Liebig-University in Germany. along with scientists from Allameh Tabataba’i University in Iran have reported significant inflammation markers in samples of testicular tissue from 84 Covid-19 patients.

    They discovered that the inflammation and cellular stress were twice as severe in the Covid-19 positive group as in a control group.

    Researchers also noted that sperm was three times slower in COVID patients, and sperm count in general was much lower.

    The study found that sperm concentration was reduced by 516 per cent, mobility by 209 per cent and sperm cell shape was altered by 400 per cent.

    The researchers further noted that this represents oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, one of the most common causes of subfertility in men.

    “These effects on sperm cells are associated with lower sperm quality and reduced fertility potential,” noted lead researcher Behzad Hajizadeh Maleki.

    “Although these effects tended to improve over time, they remained significantly and abnormally higher in the Covid-19 patients, and the magnitude of these changes were also related to disease severity,” Maleki further warned.


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    Post  kvs Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:54 pm

    Well, the Pfizer vaccine comes with a warning not to have unprotected sex until a month after the final injection. I bet like
    with Thalidomide, Pfzier is not fully aware of the teratogenic potential of its concoction and we will be seeing the consequences
    a few years down the road.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:47 pm

    Obviously every new strain will require new vaccination

    Not if the people who worked on the vaccine know what they doing ,and did it right.
    There are thousands of mutations of covid19 in the world , and is not practical to produce
    a vaccine for just one particular mutation. and not the other hundreds others. The Russian scientist
    behind sputnik already told ,that any new strain or mutation of covid19 will not change anything in
    the effectiveness of the sputnik v vaccine . They developed their vaccine in such a way ,that will not care how many times mutates ,it will still work . Russia for example already confirmed in the media
    their sputnik v works equally effective against the latest strain from london ,that media are promoting like the end of the world. Rolling Eyes

    All this panic that western media promotes is to justify lockdowns and endless pandemic for the low and working class. this pandemic is not for the super rich and those professionals working in big corporations. i know many relatives ,that works as engineers or in pharma industry and they actually have more work now post pandemic ,than earlier. and others working from home using internet for teleconference. the lying media , is recruiting more people for their propaganda , radio and television is growing , us military industry have never stopped working either.. neither hollywood stop , this pandemic is mostly only for the poor people and working class . you notice how all small business private family restaurants are closed ,but big fast food chains are allowed to work in 2020.

    The west and east experienced the same pandemic with the same virus ,but only the west shutdown for a year the small famility business and working class jobs. While most in the east keep the economy goin after a couple of months of partial shutdown . Sweeden not even closed any business
    and keep schools open and their numbers of covid were relative low. There is no pandemic going in the world , what we witness is more a political operation ,that fear as a tool to keep people away from working and earning any income ,so that the government can fully own them for a piece of breath

    par far

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  par far Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:22 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    Chilling trend: A longer, deadlier pandemic​

    Mutated versions of the coronavirus threaten to prolong the pandemic, perhaps for years — killing more people and deepening the global economic crisis in the process.

    The big picture: The U.S. and the world are in a race to control the virus before these variants can gain a bigger foothold. But many experts say they already expect things to get worse before they get better. And that also means an end to the pandemic may be getting further away.

    “It may take four to five years before we finally see the end of the pandemic and the start of a post-COVID normal,” Singapore’s education minister said last week, according to the Wall Street Journal.
    Where it stands: "There are essentially two separate COVID-19 epidemics," Dutch officials said recently, referring to the original strain of COVID-19 and the burgeoning threat from mutated versions of the virus.

    There’s light at the end of the tunnel for the first epidemic. Although the virus is still spreading uncontrolled across the U.S. and much of the world, cases and hospitalizations are down from their peak, and vaccinations are steadily increasing.
    But the next iteration, fueled by variants of the virus, is already taking hold.

    What’s next: A British variant of the coronavirus will likely become the dominant strain within the U.S. pretty soon, experts say. It’s significantly more contagious than the virus we’ve been dealing with so far, and some researchers believe it may also be about 30% more deadly.

    “That hurricane's coming,” Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota and Biden transition adviser, said Sunday on “Meet the Press.”

    A more contagious and more lethal strain of the virus could easily send cases, hospitalizations and deaths soaring right back to record levels, even as vaccinations continue to ramp up.
    “We are going to see something like we have not seen yet in this country,” Osterholm said.

    It’s already happening in the U.K., where skyrocketing hospitalizations prompted another round of lockdown measures — and pushback against those restrictions.

    Wow, so surprising. Totally did not see that coming. Two more weeks!

    Obviously every new strain will require new vaccination - the Moderna ghouls are already talking about new booster shots in September

    Feel sorry for the average Joe in the streets that still thinks that it's all nearly over. That 'leaked' Canadian memo is turning more and more accurate by the month

    "The war on terror" has been going on for for almost 20 years(and it is going to go on for another 10-15 years), the same thing will happen here.

    Science will say one thing and the US paid asshole motherfuckers will say another thing. This is why I think people living in Russia and China are lucky, they will get their vaccines(vaccine that are actually safe and effective) and they will continue with their lives(as much as possible) and people in the west are going to get treated like animals.
    par far

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    Post  par far Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:42 pm


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    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 05, 2021 10:50 am

    Big Pharma Is Racing to Bolster Its Vaccines Against Variants
    Booster shots that can handle virus mutations could become a sustained revenue stream for drugmakers.

    Just two months ago, the prospects for beating the novel coronavirus with highly effective vaccines couldn’t have seemed better. Shots from Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech partnership proved more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 symptoms in massive trials, surpassing the most optimistic forecasts. An end to the pandemic appeared imminent.

    Yet pharma companies now suddenly face a daunting challenge that few anticipated we’d see so soon: an onslaught of fast-spreading and potentially dangerous mutations of the virus. So even as they ramp up production in the early stages of a massive rollout, drugmakers have to retool their vaccine strategies. That’s raised the possibility that patients will need extra shots to protect against the new strains—and that drugmakers could get a new revenue stream that, for some, may prove lucrative.

    The highly transmissible B.1.1.7 mutation first identified in the U.K. is spreading across the U.S. But the strains researchers are most worried about come from South Africa and Brazil. The South African variant has spread quickly across Africa and has been seen in at least 24 countries elsewhere. It was reported in South Carolina on Jan. 28 and in Maryland two days later. The strain prominent in Brazil shares one of the same key mutations.

    relates to Big Pharma Is Racing to Bolster Its Vaccines Against Variants

    Current Covid vaccines are formulated to fight the form of the virus that was most prevalent last year. But small changes occur as the virus replicates, so as the pathogen spreads, it mutates into viruses the original vaccines might not be properly tailored to fight. The world has “allowed the virus to infect 100 million people already,” says virologist David Ho, who heads the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at Columbia University. “That is 100 million chances for mutation.”

    If that sounds terrifying, scientists say it should be manageable with either new strain-specific vaccines or booster shots. It’s also likely to be good for business. “It is increasingly likely” that wrangling the virus with a series of booster shots will translate into a sustained revenue stream for drugmakers, Pfizer Inc. Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla said on a Feb. 2 call with investors. When Moderna Inc. said on Jan. 25 that it was working on a pair of booster shots, its share price increased 12%.

    Meanwhile, AstraZeneca Plc and its partner, the University of Oxford, plan to have a revised version of their vaccine tailored to new variants available by fall, researchers involved said on Feb. 3. The same day, Germany’s CureVac NV and British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline Plc announced a €150 million ($180 million) pact to devise next-generation messenger RNA vaccines against emerging variants.

    Clearly, there’s money to be made in booster shots. Industry leaders and analysts have been talking about Covid boosters in terms similar to those used to describe the market for flu shots, those never-ending annual jabs that go into hundreds of millions of arms around the globe. Morgan Stanley analyst Matthew Harrison estimates the yearly market for Covid vaccine booster shots could range from $5 billion to almost $23 billion. It’s impossible to give a more precise estimate, because no one knows how widely mutations that evade the vaccines’ effectiveness will spread or what proportion of people in each country will need to be vaccinated.

    Until recently, the evidence that vaccines were less potent against some of the variants was mostly lab-based. Tests showed vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna produced much lower levels of so-called neutralizing antibodies against the South African strain. In one study, scientists from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center found that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were 6.5 to 8.6 times less potent against the mutation. Still, the companies have said that even these reduced antibody levels should be high enough to hold the strain at bay.

    Then late-stage trials of vaccines developed by Johnson & Johnson and Novavax Inc. came out. They showed their shots to be highly potent against the original forms of the virus. But results from studies done in South Africa told a less impressive tale. The J&J shot was found to be 72% effective in the U.S., but that fell to 57% in South Africa. Novavax’s shot, 89% effective in the U.K., was only 49% effective in South Africa. Those results are “sobering,” says Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in San Diego. “We see an unequivocal drop-off in efficacy.”

    That means vaccine makers are now diverting attention to work on either booster shots or a new, adjusted vaccine that can work better against the South African mutation, known scientifically as B.1.351. “We are having enough of a struggle getting the first round of vaccines in,” Topol says.

    Pfizer contends its existing vaccine can handle the variants, because it produces high levels of antibodies. Still, the company plans to start studies of a third booster shot of its existing vaccine as well as a customized booster against new strains. The extra shot would be given six months to a year after the first two doses. If booster shots continue to be needed after the pandemic is over, Pfizer will likely get a higher price for the follow-up vaccine, executives said on its Feb. 2 investor call. The difference in pricing could be substantial. Pfizer is selling its Covid vaccine to the U.S. for $19.50 per dose, meaning $39 for the full regimen. For normal vaccines, the company gets around $150 to $175 a dose.

    Moderna said it also will begin work on two booster shots, including one targeted to neutralize the South African strain. The booster may work at a lower dose than Moderna’s existing vaccine, meaning Moderna could potentially make as much as eight times as many booster doses with its existing manufacturing footprint. Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax have also said they’re looking into approaches that could help fight the South African strain.

    Details and timing for the booster shot studies are still being worked out, but they likely won’t require big trials on thousands of people as the first round of vaccines did. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said during an American Medical Association webinar that the agency is seeking to finalize a playbook with the industry to address mutations.

    If the agency feels the virus has drifted enough to require a different sequence, it will need small trials to make sure the vaccines produce an immune response, he said. The first few studies may have to go through an advisory committee, but the agency is looking to streamline the process as much as possible and may require less data over time. “We would intend to be pretty nimble with this,” Marks said, “so we get these variants covered as quickly as possible, because it is clear they can spread pretty quickly.”

    So for now, it’s a race to vaccinate the U.S. and Europe before the South African variant becomes more common, or, worse yet, if new mutations enable the virus to escape existing vaccines. If health experts and drugmakers fail to get their arms around the mutation conundrum, Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said on Feb. 2, the timetable for ending the pandemic “could change dramatically.”

    Totally unexpected guys! The race is on again two more weeks!

    Half yearly mandatory vacci.. I mean gene therapy for everyone!

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    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:12 am

    elconquistador wrote:

    Big Pharma Is Racing to Bolster Its Vaccines Against Variants
    Booster shots that can handle virus mutations could become a sustained revenue stream for drugmakers.

    Just two months ago, the prospects for beating the novel coronavirus with highly effective vaccines couldn’t have seemed better. Shots from Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech partnership proved more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 symptoms in massive trials, surpassing the most optimistic forecasts. An end to the pandemic appeared imminent.

    Yet pharma companies now suddenly face a daunting challenge that few anticipated we’d see so soon: an onslaught of fast-spreading and potentially dangerous mutations of the virus. So even as they ramp up production in the early stages of a massive rollout, drugmakers have to retool their vaccine strategies. That’s raised the possibility that patients will need extra shots to protect against the new strains—and that drugmakers could get a new revenue stream that, for some, may prove lucrative.

    The highly transmissible B.1.1.7 mutation first identified in the U.K. is spreading across the U.S. But the strains researchers are most worried about come from South Africa and Brazil. The South African variant has spread quickly across Africa and has been seen in at least 24 countries elsewhere. It was reported in South Carolina on Jan. 28 and in Maryland two days later. The strain prominent in Brazil shares one of the same key mutations.

    relates to Big Pharma Is Racing to Bolster Its Vaccines Against Variants

    Current Covid vaccines are formulated to fight the form of the virus that was most prevalent last year. But small changes occur as the virus replicates, so as the pathogen spreads, it mutates into viruses the original vaccines might not be properly tailored to fight. The world has “allowed the virus to infect 100 million people already,” says virologist David Ho, who heads the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at Columbia University. “That is 100 million chances for mutation.”

    If that sounds terrifying, scientists say it should be manageable with either new strain-specific vaccines or booster shots. It’s also likely to be good for business. “It is increasingly likely” that wrangling the virus with a series of booster shots will translate into a sustained revenue stream for drugmakers, Pfizer Inc. Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla said on a Feb. 2 call with investors. When Moderna Inc. said on Jan. 25 that it was working on a pair of booster shots, its share price increased 12%.

    Meanwhile, AstraZeneca Plc and its partner, the University of Oxford, plan to have a revised version of their vaccine tailored to new variants available by fall, researchers involved said on Feb. 3. The same day, Germany’s CureVac NV and British drug giant GlaxoSmithKline Plc announced a €150 million ($180 million) pact to devise next-generation messenger RNA vaccines against emerging variants.

    Clearly, there’s money to be made in booster shots. Industry leaders and analysts have been talking about Covid boosters in terms similar to those used to describe the market for flu shots, those never-ending annual jabs that go into hundreds of millions of arms around the globe. Morgan Stanley analyst Matthew Harrison estimates the yearly market for Covid vaccine booster shots could range from $5 billion to almost $23 billion. It’s impossible to give a more precise estimate, because no one knows how widely mutations that evade the vaccines’ effectiveness will spread or what proportion of people in each country will need to be vaccinated.

    Until recently, the evidence that vaccines were less potent against some of the variants was mostly lab-based. Tests showed vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna produced much lower levels of so-called neutralizing antibodies against the South African strain. In one study, scientists from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center found that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were 6.5 to 8.6 times less potent against the mutation. Still, the companies have said that even these reduced antibody levels should be high enough to hold the strain at bay.

    Then late-stage trials of vaccines developed by Johnson & Johnson and Novavax Inc. came out. They showed their shots to be highly potent against the original forms of the virus. But results from studies done in South Africa told a less impressive tale. The J&J shot was found to be 72% effective in the U.S., but that fell to 57% in South Africa. Novavax’s shot, 89% effective in the U.K., was only 49% effective in South Africa. Those results are “sobering,” says Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in San Diego. “We see an unequivocal drop-off in efficacy.”

    That means vaccine makers are now diverting attention to work on either booster shots or a new, adjusted vaccine that can work better against the South African mutation, known scientifically as B.1.351. “We are having enough of a struggle getting the first round of vaccines in,” Topol says.

    Pfizer contends its existing vaccine can handle the variants, because it produces high levels of antibodies. Still, the company plans to start studies of a third booster shot of its existing vaccine as well as a customized booster against new strains. The extra shot would be given six months to a year after the first two doses. If booster shots continue to be needed after the pandemic is over, Pfizer will likely get a higher price for the follow-up vaccine, executives said on its Feb. 2 investor call. The difference in pricing could be substantial. Pfizer is selling its Covid vaccine to the U.S. for $19.50 per dose, meaning $39 for the full regimen. For normal vaccines, the company gets around $150 to $175 a dose.

    Moderna said it also will begin work on two booster shots, including one targeted to neutralize the South African strain. The booster may work at a lower dose than Moderna’s existing vaccine, meaning Moderna could potentially make as much as eight times as many booster doses with its existing manufacturing footprint. Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax have also said they’re looking into approaches that could help fight the South African strain.

    Details and timing for the booster shot studies are still being worked out, but they likely won’t require big trials on thousands of people as the first round of vaccines did. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said during an American Medical Association webinar that the agency is seeking to finalize a playbook with the industry to address mutations.

    If the agency feels the virus has drifted enough to require a different sequence, it will need small trials to make sure the vaccines produce an immune response, he said. The first few studies may have to go through an advisory committee, but the agency is looking to streamline the process as much as possible and may require less data over time. “We would intend to be pretty nimble with this,” Marks said, “so we get these variants covered as quickly as possible, because it is clear they can spread pretty quickly.”

    So for now, it’s a race to vaccinate the U.S. and Europe before the South African variant becomes more common, or, worse yet, if new mutations enable the virus to escape existing vaccines. If health experts and drugmakers fail to get their arms around the mutation conundrum, Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said on Feb. 2, the timetable for ending the pandemic “could change dramatically.”

    Totally unexpected guys! The race is on again two more weeks!

    Half yearly mandatory vacci.. I mean gene therapy for everyone!

    When i can chose i would definitly opt for the Biontech or Moderna vaccine. I know how mRNA vaccines work and im 100% sure of their safety. What i dont want is the AstraZeneca shit. I´m young and want the good vaccine.

    That said the russian vaccine is now tested by EMA and when proven save by EMA will also get certification in EU. We have no prejudice here. The more vaccines, the better.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:55 am

    Aristide wrote:
    When i can chose i would definitly opt for the Biontech or Moderna vaccine. I know how mRNA vaccines work and im 100% sure of their safety. What i dont want is the AstraZeneca shit. I´m young and want the good vaccine.

    That said the russian vaccine is now tested by EMA and when proven save by EMA will also get certification in EU. We have no prejudice here. The more vaccines, the better.

    WhyTF can't you obey the Forum rule about not including all the guff you are commenting on? Walls of text might be OK in France but it ain't here in English.

    Anyway, good luck going for a highly profitable, experimental, never used before, DNA modifying product (I won't call it a vaccine) that didn't even test well on animals. Moderna even call theirs an 'operating system' as once in the body they can add to its functionality. God only knows how you can be sure it is 100% safe, no-one else does. Being young and clearly hyper intelligent you must have done the risk analysis on the chances of someone your age actually needing the vaccine?

    The AZ shit is a vaccine using very similar techniques to the Russians and is certified already in Europe.

    On the subject of tracking I assume, given the silence on the subject, that few of you are aware that the Pfizer vaccine as a minimum contains a florescent dye (mNeonGreen fluorescent protein) that, whilst being very useful in development, looks like can also be used to show who has had the dose. In the future there might be no real need for a vaccine passport, which may be forged of course, they could just scan you.

    The scanners could be a second opportunity for ‘commissions’ on top of the vaccine itself.

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    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:12 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    When i can chose i would definitly opt for the Biontech or Moderna vaccine. I know how mRNA vaccines work and im 100% sure of their safety. What i dont want is the AstraZeneca shit. I´m young and want the good vaccine.

    That said the russian vaccine is now tested by EMA and when proven save by EMA will also get certification in EU. We have no prejudice here. The more vaccines, the better.

    WhyTF can't you obey the Forum rule about not including all the guff you are commenting on? Walls of text might be OK in France but it ain't here in English.

    Anyway, good luck going for a highly profitable, experimental, never used before, DNA modifying product (I won't call it a vaccine) that didn't even test well on animals. Moderna even call theirs an 'operating system' as once in the body they can add to its functionality. God only knows how you can be sure it is 100% safe, no-one else does. Being young and clearly hyper intelligent you must have done the risk analysis on the chances of someone your age actually needing the vaccine?

    The AZ shit is a vaccine using very similar techniques to the Russians and is certified already in Europe.

    On the subject of tracking I assume, given the silence on the subject, that few of you are aware that the Pfizer vaccine as a minimum contains a florescent dye (mNeonGreen fluorescent protein) that, whilst being very useful in development, looks like can also be used to show who has had the dose. In the future there might be no real need for a vaccine passport, which may be forged of course, they could just scan you.

    The scanners could be a second opportunity for ‘commissions’ on top of the vaccine itself.

    mRNA vaccines are used since 15 years on animal vaccines. They are tested, superior to normal vaccines and its time now to introduce them in wider spectrum.

    Btw mRNA cant interfer in DNA, you should learn abit about biology before making such claims.

    The AZ comes from a untrustworthy company, with botched tests, has only 60% efficiency and i wont use that trash on me

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:33 pm

    Aristide wrote:

    The AZ comes from a untrustworthy company, with botched tests, has only 60% efficiency and i wont use that trash on me

    Read this and weep.

    France is pathetic, couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery and yet again is relying on everyone else to bail them out.

    It takes us, the British, to fund advanced vaccine development in Nantes, which is of course in France.

    Britain appears to have overtaken its European neighbour in the vaccination drive, even when it comes to a locally produced jab, making the opposition to Emmanuel Macron's government fly off the handle.

    A long-standing row over the Macron government's lack of success in ensuring sufficient supplies of coronavirus vaccines for the French people has now embroiled a locally produced inoculation.

    As the authorities declined to provide full funding for the pharmaceutical brainchild of Valneva, a Franco-Austrian startup that is based near Nantes, in western France, Britain moved to back the project. The country inked an agreement to secure as many as 60 million doses of the Valneva vaccine, produced in Livingston, Scotland, by as early as October, as compared to 100 million doses of the British-Swedish vaccine by AstraZeneca, the UK's main vaccine provider.

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    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:39 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Aristide wrote:

    The AZ comes from a untrustworthy company, with botched tests, has only 60% efficiency and i wont use that trash on me

    Read this and weep.

    France is pathetic, couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery and yet again is relying on everyone else to bail them out.

    It takes us, the British, to fund advanced vaccine development in Nantes, which is of course in France.

    Britain appears to have overtaken its European neighbour in the vaccination drive, even when it comes to a locally produced jab, making the opposition to Emmanuel Macron's government fly off the handle.

    A long-standing row over the Macron government's lack of success in ensuring sufficient supplies of coronavirus vaccines for the French people has now embroiled a locally produced inoculation.

    As the authorities declined to provide full funding for the pharmaceutical brainchild of Valneva, a Franco-Austrian startup that is based near Nantes, in western France, Britain moved to back the project. The country inked an agreement to secure as many as 60 million doses of the Valneva vaccine, produced in Livingston, Scotland, by as early as October, as compared to 100 million doses of the British-Swedish vaccine by AstraZeneca, the UK's main vaccine provider.

    It was France that invented vaccines.

    Also i dont see whats your pronlem is?

    AstraZeneca is untrustworthy. Its tests were botched, they even admitted they mixed up groups. Its vaccine has almost no data for people over 55 years old and in France, Germany and Italy it cant be used on elderly people. Its overall efficiency is very low too, only 60 to 70%.

    In the EU only 30% want the AstraZeneca vaccine, most people say they would not want it.

    Believe it or not, im free to decide for myself. If they wanted to give me AZ, i would walk out.

    Add the fact that AZ tried to cheat us and that we had to raid their plants is prove enough that i wont let that trash used on me.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:56 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    It was France that invented vaccines.

    Also i dont see whats your pronlem is?

    AstraZeneca is untrustworthy. Its tests were botched, they even admitted they mixed up groups. Its vaccine has almost no data for people over 55 years old and in France, Germany and Italy it cant be used on elderly people. Its overall efficiency is very low too, only 60 to 70%.

    In the EU only 30% want the AstraZeneca vaccine, most people say they would not want it.

    Believe it or not, im free to decide for myself. If they wanted to give me AZ, i would walk out.

    Add the fact that AZ tried to cheat us and that we had to raid their plants is prove enough that i wont let that trash used on me.

    Not sure why you are still bleating about AZ. Its now down to time as to how its efficiency develops vs other vaccines in what is probably the largest medical experiment ever attempted.

    No comment on France's ability to fund development of French based companies ahead of us British? Laughing

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:18 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    It was France that invented vaccines.

    Also i dont see whats your pronlem is?

    AstraZeneca is untrustworthy. Its tests were botched, they even admitted they mixed up groups. Its vaccine has almost no data for people over 55 years old and in France, Germany and Italy it cant be used on elderly people. Its overall efficiency is very low too, only 60 to 70%.

    In the EU only 30% want the AstraZeneca vaccine, most people say they would not want it.

    Believe it or not, im free to decide for myself. If they wanted to give me AZ, i would walk out.

    Add the fact that AZ tried to cheat us and that we had to raid their plants is prove enough that i wont let that trash used on me.

    Not sure why you are still bleating about AZ. Its now down to time as to how its efficiency develops vs other vaccines in what is probably the largest medical experiment ever attempted.

    No comment on France's ability to fund development of French based companies ahead of us British? Laughing

    What Argument? Its a small start up and we have already ordered three times as much vaccine than we have people. You can fund what you want. If we need it we can confiscate it anyways. So i see no problem

    Doesnt change the fact that i definitly dont want the AZ trash

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