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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:42 am

    par far wrote:I am looking very hard to find answers to some questions I have, I have researched online for the past 3-4 days but I am more confused than I started because there is so much online, that you don't know, who to trust.

    I am hoping someone who has a good understanding can answer these questions for me:

    Why did the US just all of sudden pull out of Afghanistan? What were they trying to accomplish? What did they want to achieve from this?

    [Joseph Biden (or his bureaucrats  running the country) -  pulled out, because he wanted to and didn't listen to anyone, and left Afghanis and others, because he did not care. He didn't think the Taliban would take over so fast. He was too arrogant. So is Nato.]

    What does this mean for China?

    What does this mean for Russia?

    What does this mean for Iran?

    What does this mean for the US?

    [How it was done, means the United States humiliated itself, lost status, and no one will trust us.]

    What does this mean for the EU?

    What does this mean for western countries?

    What does this mean for Pakistan?

    What does this mean for the rest of Asia and Central Asia?

    What do you see happening in the future regarding Afghanistan?

    Thanks in advance.

    Last edited by Cowboy's daughter on Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:43 am

    flamming_python wrote:

    These Western liberals, they just live in a parallel reality

    I'm done with Twitter, I really am. Full of various people who live on Cloud 9.
    Which is fitting because twitter really is based on a cloud server, and in every respect is a parallel world where any opinion and anything goes no matter how silly.

    Yea, WTF is going on here with all this Women's Rights BS, at first i thought it was for domestic consumption to pander to the monolithic Female votes.

    But now it's just getting mentioned constantly like that's all the West could give a damn about, so right now i see it as an example of just how deeply Gynocentric the West has become and how badly that has F'ed with their priorities. clown

    The Taliban is probly just baffled by this nonsense, and are just saying "sure yea, whateve", i mean FFS they promote Sharia, the West should be well aware of what that means after 20yrs of this shitshow.

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    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:46 am

    What a disaster; it's heartbreaking.

    Empty promises: Shocking picture shows mercy plane leaving Kabul carrying pregnant wife of British ex-Marine but almost NO ONE else despite UK and US saying the evacuation was in full swing and with thousands desperate to flee Taliban

    Paul 'Pen' Farthing, a British expat who lives in Kabul and got separated from his wife during the chaos engulfing Afghanistan, said on Twitter: 'Kaisa is on her way home! BUT this aircraft is empty… scandalous as thousands wait outside Kabul airport being crushed as they cannot get in. Sadly people will be left behind when this mission is over as we CANNOT get it right'.

    Ministers have also been told that the last evacuation flight could leave Kabul in five days - before the planned US withdrawal from Afghanistan on August 31 - and that the accelerated timetable could result in more British nationals and Afghans being left behind.

    Government sources told the paper that ministers have 'not agreed any date for either the end of the evacuation or the departure of the military', and would prefer an orderly evacuation over a longer period than a hasty 24-hour scuttle to get as many people out as possible.

    US State Department spokesman Ned Price said in Washington that 6,000 people were cleared for evacuation Thursday and were expected to board military flights in coming hours.

    Westerners and visa holders trying to get to their flights say they are unable to get to the gates because of the crowd of up to 50,000 desperate locals who are gathering outside the airport and begging US and British troops to let them through.

    At the main entrance, Taliban periodically fire into the air to clear crowd in an attempt to disperse the crowd

    Fighters were seen shooting over the heads of crowds, striking people with rifles and dishing out beatings

    US troops have been firing warning shots to disperse thousands of desperate Afghans outside the airport, with footage taken on Wednesday night showing stun grenades flashing beside the perimeter. Expats who tried to get through the gate claimed the shots were fired by Western forces.

    Joe Biden said he can't 'recall' if he was warned to maintain a troop presence in Afghanistan;
    The US President insisted 'no one is being killed' during the chaos at the Kabul airport;

    As for Joe Biden and the USA, a phrase "Alas Babylon" from the book Alas Babylon by Pat Frank, comes to mind.

    Biden v. Reality: President falsely stated the US has no troops in Syria - when there are 900 - and the Afghan military had 300,000 troops in a series of lies and bungled statements in ABC interview

    Biden said there was 'no way' to leave Afghanistan without chaos ensuing, but six weeks ago he said a Taliban takeover was 'highly unlikely'
    Biden said US doesn't have a military presence in Syria, but 900 troops remain
    The president took questions from the media for the first time in over a week on Wednesday in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos
    In one bizarre moment, Biden seemingly brushed off Afghani stowaways so desperate to flee they clung to a departing US plane before falling to their death

    The Taliban has promised foreign governments that they will let through all Westerners and civilians who want to board flights, but even ABC journalists were blocked from getting to the airport on Thursday despite having paperwork proving who they were.

    Since Aug. 14, only 7,000 have been evacuated, though Biden said the US was trying to bring home 10,000-15,000 Americans and another 50,000-60,000 Afghanis, all by Aug. 31 - 12 days from now.

    Between Tuesday and Wednesday, US forces only removed 2,000 people on 18 jets that could have taken 10,000.

    Some on the ground called it a 'lottery' and described people with paperwork getting through but being turned away, while others without any ticket out are making their way onto planes through luck and force.

    On Wednesday, Afghan mothers who can't get through handed their babies over the wall to Western soldiers to be put on flights without them. American troops have been seen helping some women over the barbed wire, while shouting at others to stand back.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:09 am

    franco wrote:The article is a bit contradicting itself.
    Did he fall from the plane?. or got disasembled into basic human components by the landing gear?.
    Or you know?. did his ass go on for the full Journey to Qatar and everything above stayed at Kabul?.

    By the video taken by someone inside the plane his body was being buffeted like... well as much as you would expect traveling at 500 km/h... poor dumb f**k!

    I do hope he passed out at some point otherwise it was horrifying way to go


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:14 am

    flamming_python wrote:

    These Western liberals, they just live in a parallel reality

    I'm done with Twitter, I really am. Full of various people who live on Cloud 9.
    Which is fitting because twitter really is based on a cloud server, and in every respect is a parallel world where any opinion and anything goes no matter how silly.

    Facebook = Forum for retards

    Instagram = Imgur for retards

    Twitter = 4chan for retards

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:21 am

    Taliban urge Afghan unity as protests spread to Kabul
    KABUL, Aug 19 (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghanistan's imams to urge unity when they hold their first Friday prayers since the Islamist group seized control of the country, as protests against the takeover spread to more cities on Thursday, including the capital, Kabul.

    Several people were killed when Taliban militants fired on a crowd in the eastern city of Asadabad, a witness said. Another witness reported gunshots near a rally in Kabul, but they appeared to be Taliban firing into the air.

    He is so arrogant and his statement is despicable.  and so is Biden's.

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg placed the blame squarely on the Afghan national government Tuesday for the stunning and swift Taliban takeover.
    In April, the 30-member military alliance alongside the U.S. announced the withdrawal of Afghanistan-based troops.
    Stoltenberg’s remarks come one day after President Joe Biden criticized Afghanistan’s political leadership for mishandling rapid Taliban gains across the country amid the departure of U.S. and NATO forces.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Backman Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:26 am

    This is an excellent and kinda creepy documentary on Afghanistan. The US actually had a phase in Afghanistan before the Soviets. It was largely peaceful but not very many ppl know about it. The first US planes landed in Helmand in 1946 to do construction projects.

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:38 am

    Virginia Tech student details horrors Afghan family experiencing after Taliban takeover

    Virginia Tech student describes messages from cousin sheltering in place outside Kabul after Taliban smashed his car windows
    Mariam Farzayee, a college student at Virginia Tech whose parents emigrated from Afghanistan, is detailing the horrors her relatives are experiencing with the Taliban in control of the country.

    "The night after the Taliban took over, I wake up – it’s another day here in America. I look at my phone and I have a missed call and a couple messages from a cousin in Afghanistan," Mariam Farzayee, president of the Afghan Student Association at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, told Fox News. "He’s begging me for help to get him out, he says, ‘Is there any way you can sponsor me to leave? Is there any way you can help me get into another country?’"

    "He was talking to me about he’s terrified for his own life and he feels so helpless and doesn’t know what he can really do from there," Farzayee said, detailing the photos and videos she received showing how Taliban fighters were outside her cousin’s building. "He said the night before, the Taliban had come to his house and they broke a ton of windows in his neighborhood and they also broke the windows in his cars. He said all he could do was shelter in place because there’s really nothing he can do."

    "Since everything is happening so fast, there’s been a lot of misinformation that’s spreading," she said. "Yesterday, I listened to a Taliban debriefing, and they said in Farsi, which I was able to translate on my own, that they want all the interpreters to stay and they won’t be seeking revenge on them. But then I’m logging onto Instagram or Twitter and Facebook, I’m reading these news reports about how they actually did end up killing these interpreters."

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:57 am

    Dr Mike Martin Sailboat

    Hearing several reports that a large number (over a thousand) mostly Helmandi and some Kandahari Talibs are moving up to Kabul to assume the internal security of Kabul.
    5:04 PM · Aug 19, 2021
    This tells us a few things.
    Firstly, that the central Talibs trust most the southerners.
    Which will inevitably cause frictions with the Talibs who rocked up in Kabul who were from places like Logar.
    This also has creates huge issues for the US and UK evacuations.
    The US and the UK did most of their fighting in the south. Particularly places like Helmand. Particularly places that have a strong culture of badal (revenge).
    No matter what the central Talibs want - there will be Helmandis in that group that will have lost close relatives due to the actions of US and particularly UK forces.
    They would be honour bound to extract revenge. I’m not taking full scale attack here, I am taking pot shots at the gate whilst US/UK doing crowd control.
    Here we find out how strong the control of the Talibs fighting factions are by the central leadership. Strong enough to overcome the requirements for badal?
    This maybe about to become the most anxious time for the evacuation.

    I guess another thought is about what this means for Kabul - Helmand is about as far away as it is possible to get from Kabul on the conservative-cosmopolitan scale.
    This is bad news for Kabul, especially its women (whom Helmandis, in the main, treat like shit).
    par far

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  par far Fri Aug 20, 2021 6:24 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:What a disaster; it's heartbreaking.

    Empty promises: Shocking picture shows mercy plane leaving Kabul carrying pregnant wife of British ex-Marine but almost NO ONE else despite UK and US saying the evacuation was in full swing and with thousands desperate to flee Taliban

    Paul 'Pen' Farthing, a British expat who lives in Kabul and got separated from his wife during the chaos engulfing Afghanistan, said on Twitter: 'Kaisa is on her way home! BUT this aircraft is empty… scandalous as thousands wait outside Kabul airport being crushed as they cannot get in. Sadly people will be left behind when this mission is over as we CANNOT get it right'.    

    Ministers have also been told that the last evacuation flight could leave Kabul in five days - before the planned US withdrawal from Afghanistan on August 31 - and that the accelerated timetable could result in more British nationals and Afghans being left behind.

    Government sources told the paper that ministers have 'not agreed any date for either the end of the evacuation or the departure of the military', and would prefer an orderly evacuation over a longer period than a hasty 24-hour scuttle to get as many people out as possible.  

    US State Department spokesman Ned Price said in Washington that 6,000 people were cleared for evacuation Thursday and were expected to board military flights in coming hours.

    Westerners and visa holders trying to get to their flights say they are unable to get to the gates because of the crowd of up to 50,000 desperate locals who are gathering outside the airport and begging US and British troops to let them through.

    At the main entrance, Taliban periodically fire into the air to clear crowd in an attempt to disperse the crowd

    Fighters were seen shooting over the heads of crowds, striking people with rifles and dishing out beatings

    US troops have been firing warning shots to disperse thousands of desperate Afghans outside the airport, with footage taken on Wednesday night showing stun grenades flashing beside the perimeter. Expats who tried to get through the gate claimed the shots were fired by Western forces.

    Joe Biden said he can't 'recall' if he was warned to maintain a troop presence in Afghanistan;
    The US President insisted 'no one is being killed' during the chaos at the Kabul airport;

    As for Joe Biden and the USA, a phrase "Alas Babylon" from the book Alas Babylon by Pat Frank, comes to mind.

    Biden v. Reality: President falsely stated the US has no troops in Syria - when there are 900 - and the Afghan military had 300,000 troops in a series of lies and bungled statements in ABC interview

    Biden said there was 'no way' to leave Afghanistan without chaos ensuing, but six weeks ago he said a Taliban takeover was 'highly unlikely'
    Biden said US doesn't have a military presence in Syria, but 900 troops remain
    The president took questions from the media for the first time in over a week on Wednesday in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos
    In one bizarre moment, Biden seemingly brushed off Afghani stowaways so desperate to flee they clung to a departing US plane before falling to their death

    The Taliban has promised foreign governments that they will let through all Westerners and civilians who want to board flights, but even ABC journalists were blocked from getting to the airport on Thursday despite having paperwork proving who they were.

    Since Aug. 14, only 7,000 have been evacuated, though Biden said the US was trying to bring home 10,000-15,000 Americans and another 50,000-60,000 Afghanis, all by Aug. 31 - 12 days from now.

    Between Tuesday and Wednesday, US forces only removed 2,000 people on 18 jets that could have taken 10,000.

    Some on the ground called it a 'lottery' and described people with paperwork getting through but being turned away, while others without any ticket out are making their way onto planes through luck and force.

    On Wednesday, Afghan mothers who can't get through handed their babies over the wall to Western soldiers to be put on flights without them. American troops have been seen helping some women over the barbed wire, while shouting at others to stand back.

    That is a UK news paper, I don't know why, these people want so many refugees but they don't need to worry because millions of them are coming to the west.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:21 am

    These same refugees will definitely not being "woman's rights" to them. More like take them away.

    Judging from experience, liberal woman have zero clue about all of this.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  flamming_python Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:46 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    The Taliban is probly just baffled by this nonsense, and are just saying "sure yea, whateve", i mean FFS they promote Sharia, the West should be well aware of what that means after 20yrs of this shitshow.

    I don't recall them being nearly so concerned about women's rights, or any sort of human rights, when the moderate rebels took over large swathes of Syria.

    Don't recall them invading Saudi Arabia over it either.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:04 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    franco wrote:The article is a bit contradicting itself.
    Did he fall from the plane?. or got disasembled into basic human components by the landing gear?.
    Or you know?. did his ass go on for the full Journey to Qatar and everything above stayed at Kabul?.

    By the video taken by someone inside the plane his body was being buffeted like... well as much as you would expect traveling at 500 km/h... poor dumb f**k!

    I do hope he passed out at some point otherwise it was horrifying way to go

    Agreed, It gets rather cold quick as the aircraft climbs in altitude.
    Also of course hypoxia aka oxygen deprivation sets in.
    its a bit like getting drunk untill you lose conscious.

    lets do some high-quality Autism here;

    taking into consideration Afghanistan is 2 KM / +/- 6000 FT above sea-level.
    And above 5.5 KM from sea-level complete incapacitation occurs by hypoxia. So it would take an extra 3.5 KM.
    So,...climb speed average of an C-17 is about 1500 feet a minute. witch equals to about 500 meters a minute.

    3500 meters divided by 500 is 7 (minutes).
    Still a long 7 minutes before full unconsciousness.

    Also there is the temperature change:
    About 2 degrees celsius for about  every 330 meters / 1000 feet.

    3500 meters divided by 330 meters is about 10.6
    10.6 x 2 (celcius) is about 21 degrees celsius.
    Combine this with the windchill factor and he wore basically nothing....

    I took some rough estimations here, its not 100% accurate.

    but Yeah, it is a really shitty way to go if he was along for the ride in one piece.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  ALAMO Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:07 am

    Mir wrote:
    Sounds like the anti-Chinese propaganda from US Congress and others. I'm not convinced the US and it's allies would have allowed China to mine precious minerals in Afghanistan whilst they were in "control"?

    Like they had any choice Twisted Evil
    China dealt with the local tribes and population, in some remote places when anyone hardly saw a single Murican ever.
    Or just were just buying the stuff delivered to them via subcontractors.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:23 pm

    Taliban.....civilized LOL, Your so Anti-US you are now defending head-choppers, do me a favor. Get on a plane go to Afghanistan and see how "civilized" the Taliban are. I really mean this, because that remark was so full of shit.

    The French revolution involved a lot of head chopping too, and please don't misquote me... I didn't say the Taleban were civilised... I merely stated that they were currently being more civilised than the Americans would be if they were in the same situation... you know... perhaps like in Desert Storm when they massacred enormous numbers of Iraqi soldiers just for fun as they retreated from battle...

    Fact is, if you think American is bad the Taliban are far worse. We never lashed young girls for wearing sandals, its disgusting you actually said that

    You fine people for being too poor to own a house or afford rent and I rather suspect you would not ignore naked people on the streets of your cities either.

    They have a dress code... do you think the west does not?

    The taleban beat girls for their footware choices, the Americans ban medicine exports to places like Iran and Venezuela and kill millions... those girls can avoid being lashed by following the dress code, but what do Iranian and Venezuelan cancer patients do to get the medicine they need?

    The only reason they are letting those people go is that they are mixed in with US personal and the Taliban aren't dumb enough to start a fight with us, they want us to go, and letting some civilians go is a small price to pay for this.

    Yeah, of course... right... they spent the last 20 years fighting you and now they are too afraid to fight you any longer... so why are you leaving... you should stay.

    To show that apart from being losers they are two faced as well.

    Amusing the shock of the reporter though... clearly hadn't got the memo that the west has flip flopped again...

    The fact that Taliban stopped at the airfield and keep restraint on their forces and say "you got untill 11th of September to Leave" is goodwill/mercy from their side.

    There is an honour code there... which is something the west lacks.

    It is funny SS thinks I love the Taleban... but when these guys were the Muj his brothers were their best friends and lashing little girls for wearing sandals...

    Try looking up puppets...

    The only ones that should bear the full responsibility of this abysmal failure are the western politicians and millitary leaders.

    They excluded the Taleban from all talks since they arrived 20 years ago and needed Moscow to get them to talk more recently... such arrogance would be like saying the Republicans or Democrats in the US are a terrorist organisation and can never have any participation in the future of US elections.... that is never going to work because you can't wipe out that large a portion of the population over any period of time and they are always going to be there.

    No country is going to go around purposely bombing ten of thousands of civilians at one spot for the sole purpose they are trying to flee.

    When America kills civilians it is because they are terrorists, or in the case of Iraq because they are iraqis... of course America would bomb the air port and they would claim it is because the so called civilians are all taleban and taleban supporters so they are a legitimate target....

    Do not be quick to judge things just yet.

    The fact that they just haven't whole sale slaughtered everyone they now have at their mercy suggests the political wing of the Taleban have some control.

    Amazing how they still think that they rate above Latin Americans (or anyone else really...)

    There was a report that the German aircraft took their booze with them, so cannon fodder don't even rate saving over beer and spirits...

    Taliban are now padded with massive numbers of civilians and blowing them up on livestream would not be something that USA would be eager to do (without livestream would be a different thing, bruised ego is a powerful drug)

    The Americans could easily close down all internet connections in the region for the time needed...

    Bolded parts are fun

    Not sure why you don't appear happy... in the one message they are clearly showing they are cooperating with the Taleban and have permission to get all these people the west is crying tears about out of the country... those western countries just need to identify who they are and how many they want... but the goal of the post is clear... you are out and we are in... and also a chance to prove when no western countries worried about the rights of women and girls in the country take them up on their offer that those worries were bullshit for the cameras only.

    Why did the US just all of sudden pull out of Afghanistan? What were they trying to accomplish? What did they want to achieve from this?

    Pretty clear Trump got elected first time saying he was bringing americans home from shitholes that don't matter for US defence... getting 1 trillion dollars worth of rare earth minerals from Afghanistan means nothing if it costs you three trillion and wears out your military doing it.

    If Trump didn't make the agreement I doubt they would be leaving now, but because he did they realised it was a chance to get out of an unpopular war that wasn't doing anything for the average American except pissing away their taxpayer dollars for nothing really.

    They were probably hoping to blame Trump for anything if it went wrong but it is pretty clear this withdrawal was not planned properly and it has turned out rather badly... The British could have given them a few tips on that too... but the irony is that even with the fuckups there are not lots of american soldiers getting killed by the Taleban so in military terms it is a success, but in political terms it is a terrible disorganised scampering retreat that looks like there was no warning and no planning and some just said go.

    What does this mean for China?

    What does this mean for Russia?

    What does this mean for Iran?

    It means Afghanistan is open for business and those illegal drugs are not going to be coming from here any more.

    What does this mean for the US?

    What does this mean for the EU?

    What does this mean for western countries?

    Afghanistan might get rebuilt and start to grow and develop like a normal country despite their efforts... and become part of the silk road delivering goods from Asia to EU and back... something the EU might like but the US will hate because it is not something they would benefit from.

    I suspect the US might also think now they are out of there they can start turning that muslim area in China into a Chinese Chechnya...

    What does this mean for Pakistan?

    Probably a lot of refugees, but also maybe a bit more stability on its border.

    What do you see happening in the future regarding Afghanistan?

    Its chances for peace and stability have never been better...

    What the actual ****?. read the following crap on the U.S Afghanistan embassy site.

    So they can be tight with money in certain areas....

    These Western liberals, they just live in a parallel reality

    I'm done with Twitter, I really am. Full of various people who live on Cloud 9.
    Which is fitting because twitter really is based on a cloud server, and in every respect is a parallel world where any opinion and anything goes no matter how silly.

    Makes you want to strip naked and walk down the main street of any city in the west... no afghan woman can be told what to wear by their new government how can a western government make me wear clothes? What you say.... I am not decent? That is what these Taleban men are saying too... maybe we are not so different afterall.

    BTW I would not do that... first of all it is winter, and second of all even I would find it indecent if I saw my own reflection in a shop window or something.

    There are massive deposits of iron ore and copper (World's second largest). I believe that a contract for an iron ore mine is out to tender and a copper mine is underway. It is two years before anything comes out of the ground and a couple of $B to develop. Obviously these are ores destined for China. When added in with their other minerals the country could be reasonably well off. Being a Belt and Road transit path will also create wealth and much better transit routes.

    There are supposed to be lots of rare earth minerals like Lithium for batteries and other materials that never got properly mined because of the constant state of war in the country...

    I do hope he passed out at some point otherwise it was horrifying way to go

    The altitude the plane probably flew at he probably froze to death... what with the wind chill factor... it often happens to people stowaways inside the undercarriage bay on commercial airliners too...

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:29 pm

    its a bit like getting drunk untill you lose conscious.

    Reminds me of Ford Prefect explaining what travelling in hyperspace feels like... he said it feels a bit like being drunk... that does not sound so bad... tell that to a gin and tonic...

    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:39 pm

    1. Difference between enemy soldiers vs civilians, also no you are trying to puke out your moronic BS by saying we would bomb the airport to kill tens of thousands of civilians lol.

    You of all people complaining about words being put in your mouth lol! that is about 90 percent of what you do to others lol.

    2. Dress code that is your defense? lol, so it's okay to lash people if they disobey a dress code. What poor people exactly?.

    Russia bans specific exports that harm innocents also, so your point is what exactly?.

    3. You sounded absolutely silly there, it's not about being afraid it's about not doing something so stupid that would throw away everything you have waited for and gained.

    Do you think the Taliban are going to throw away their control of the country over some people? Lol you honestly cannot be that ignorant to think they are simply being "humane" rather than its the logical choice. Again being "Humane" has nothing to do with that.


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:44 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:

    These Western liberals, they just live in a parallel reality

    I'm done with Twitter, I really am. Full of various people who live on Cloud 9.
    Which is fitting because twitter really is based on a cloud server, and in every respect is a parallel world where any opinion and anything goes no matter how silly.

    Facebook = Forum for retards

    Instagram = Imgur for retards

    Twitter = 4chan for retards

    i know the feeling, spending time there slowly seeps one's will to continue on living.

    You left out Tiktok tough, the place where it is even worse.
    Full of spoiled rich kids that literally do not take responsibility for anything.
    And got the mental capacity of an Jellyfish.
    Even drunk i can not handle the utter insanity and stupidity that goes on there.

    The latest rage there is real life "cheat codes".
    You write numbers in the air, and you get rich/teleport to another dimension/etc.

    ....maybe abortion should also be possible after Birth.
    Just saying......

    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Captur13

    Meanwhile at Kabul, The British seem to have joined in on the crowd-control.

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    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:11 pm

    No way out of Afghanistan: The moment a woman and two children are trampled in Kabul airport stampede as German man is SHOT - and West admits it will NOT evacuate everyone it promised help while SAS mount last-ditch rescue missions into city

    Women and children trampled at Kabul airport amid increasingly frantic attempts to get out of Afghanistan
    German civilian was also shot on the way to the airport, is receiving treatment and will be flown out 'soon'
    UK minister has warned that flights may only continue for a few more days and that not everyone who has been promised sanctuary will end up being saved from the Taliban
    SAS teams are now leaving the airport perimeter to find and extract those who have been promised plane seats, but interpreters fear help may not come in time as Taliban hunts door-to-door for them
    UK needs to extract another 3,200 people and the US 10,000 to meet even their most-modest promises

    US President Joe Biden is facing mounting fury across the world for abandoning Afghans to their fate - and yesterday it emerged that his administration last month that the Afghan capital would quickly fall to the Taliban after an American withdrawal.

    Tokhi, 34, a former British interpreter, told The Times that he has been to the airport three times since UK forces emailed him early this week to say he had a seat on a flight out - but has so-far failed to get past even the first of two Taliban checkpoints blocking the entrance he needs to reach.

    Meanwhile Shafiqa, who trained with British special forces near Kabul, said she and two female colleagues have filled out forms requesting space on UK flights but have yet to be called to the airport even as the Taliban tries to hunt them down.

    The 26-year-old said she has fled her home due to rumours that Islamist fighters have accessed lists of British collaborators and are now using them as hit-lists. She is now moving between houses in the city in the hopes she can dodge the jihadists long enough for space on an evacuation flight to free up.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:14 pm

    Over 18,000 people evacuated since Sunday from Kabul airport-NATO official

    KABUL, Aug 20 (Reuters) - More than 18,000 people have been evacuated from Kabul airport since the Taliban took over the Afghanistan capital, a NATO official told Reuters on Friday.

    However, crowds continued to throng outside the airport, desperate to flee, said the official, who declined to be identified. The Taliban took over Kabul on Sunday.
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:21 pm

    The Afghan man interviewed earlier in the day said he was about to be processed for departure around 8 p.m., after a wait of more than 36 hours, when the Taliban arrived and began beating people to break up the crowd.

    “They beat us with their rifle butts and I am slightly injured,” he said. His wife and son also caught blows, he said. “It was a very dangerous situation but we managed to escape. Thank God that we managed to get out of the airport. I am going back home.”

    In a harbinger of the harsh rule that many Afghans have dreaded, the Taliban allowed people to leave the airport but one employee of a European organization who was trying to enter the airport was told that no one would be allowed to leave the country now without permission from the “new government.”

    In a video posted on Facebook a Taliban commander driving a government police pickup truck outside the airport was asked about the hundreds of people seeking to fly out of the country. “They should not go,” he answered. “We will be here and we will bring peace and security now that we have left the corrupt regime behind us.”


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:31 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Facebook = Forum for retards

    Instagram = Imgur for retards

    Twitter = 4chan for retards

    i know the feeling, spending time there slowly seeps one's will to continue on living.

    You left out Tiktok tough, the place where it is even worse....

    Oh yes of course, how could I forget that little contribution to human civilization

    TikTok = YouTube for retards

    And now the circle is complete, may God have mercy on our wretched souls...

    Airbornewolf wrote:Meanwhile at Kabul, The British seem to have joined in on the crowd-control....

    "Oy, stay down!!!"

    That guy sounded exactly like Vinnie Jones, I do love when stereotypes come to life lol1

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  VARGR198 Fri Aug 20, 2021 6:39 pm

    Taliban lose control of Puli Hisar in Baghlan province

    'The Taliban doesn't control the whole country': SAS-trained Afghan commandos join armed guerrilla resistance movement led by deposed Vice-President Saleh in Panjshir Valley]The anti-Taliban forces ie Panjshir resistance.

    #Afghanistan: #AfghanArmy Troopers reaching Panjshir to join resistance against Talban under #Amrullah Saleh and Masood #NorthernAlliance

    #BREAKING VIDEO - Apparently the fight back to retake #Afghanistan from the #Taliban has begun. The Northeren Alliance has retaken #Charikar district app 30 km North of #Kabul #Afghanistan #BreakingBad #afghanistanwomen #Afganisthan

    Seem some footage of them over last couple of days. Mainly in the Panjshir valley which is highly defensible, but seem to be attempting retake more territory back from the Taliban. Led by the former Vice-President of Afganistan.

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    par far

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  par far Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:43 pm

    VARGR198 wrote:Taliban lose control of Puli Hisar in Baghlan province

    'The Taliban doesn't control the whole country': SAS-trained Afghan commandos join armed guerrilla resistance movement led by deposed Vice-President Saleh in Panjshir Valley]The anti-Taliban forces ie Panjshir resistance.

    #Afghanistan: #AfghanArmy Troopers reaching Panjshir to join resistance against Talban under #Amrullah Saleh and Masood #NorthernAlliance

    #BREAKING VIDEO - Apparently the fight back to retake #Afghanistan from the #Taliban has begun. The Northeren Alliance has retaken #Charikar district app 30 km North of #Kabul  #Afghanistan #BreakingBad #afghanistanwomen #Afganisthan

    Seem some footage of them over last couple of days. Mainly in the Panjshir valley which is highly defensible, but seem to be attempting retake more territory back from the Taliban. Led by the former Vice-President of Afganistan.

    I wonder how long before this cocksucker will run to his masters aboard?

    I don't think Russia want trouble in Afghanistan, there maybe a chance that Russia may provide intelligence to the Taliban, with satellite pictures.

    Is Russian intelligence agencies active in Afghanistan? I am thinking yes but I maybe wrong.

    Last edited by par far on Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    par far

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 7 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  par far Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:45 pm

    "The US believes that if it can’t have Afghanistan, then the country should become a source of persistent trouble for Iran, China, Russia and even India. Meanwhile, significant sums of money are currently being sent by Saudi Arabia and 2 other regional countries to support extremist takfirist factions within the Taliban."

    Any guesses to the other 2 countries ? UAE and Kuwait.

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