Guys is an unhinged idiot. Said same thing to me. I probably forgot more about Russia, then he ever knew.Orlan wrote:miketheterrible wrote:Orlan wrote:miketheterrible wrote:Orlan wrote:
Many TB2 videos started to leak.
Once again, how accurate are they? Remember Libya and Syria where people were using footage from all over the place?
This one seems genuine, check whole video.
I can't, I don't have Facebook.
I do light video editing. It wouldn't be hard for me to superimpose audio. Especially since they are taking time to "leak" the info which indicates they are hiding something.
Get DaVinci resolve and take separate recordings and then edit them into said video, and you know the rest.
Russian info is getting banned. I find it rather interesting you are only spreading Ukrainian propaganda. I wonder why?
I am Serbian, I know very few Ukrainians and many Russians that should say where my heart lays. I am not spreading propaganda of any kind.
Идиот је довољно безобразан да је почео да ми држи предавање о Србији. Има озбиљне психичке проблеме. Само због тога што ми је локација Америка и рекао сам нешто са чим се не слаже.