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    Prigozhin mutiny thread


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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:02 am

    Late to the shitshow, away working...

    Q - is there definitive evidence that helos were in fact shotdown and crew killed?  Not just the MoD saying so, but actual hard evidence?

    I ask as I'm in two minds.  This is either exactly what it appears to be, or else its a monumental example of maskirovka.  Could Prigozhin be acting in concert with Russian military brass to fool the Ukies and their HATO handlers into thinking that Russia really is a fragile house of cards that could be toppled by a concerted military push?

    I'm kinda hoping (without evidence) that it is, but without any conviction I must admit. It would be a great chapter in Russian military history if it proves to be so, and if the Ukie horde decided to commit their "strategic reserves" to an all-out frontal assult, only to be eradicated by the Russian defenses.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Krepost Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:09 am

    The "deal":

    - Wagner forces stop their march and go back to their barracks - "Justice march" is cancelled
    - Shoigu and Gerasimov keep their posts - for the time being at least
    - Prigozhin is exiled to Belarus - in the past mutineers and loose cannons were exiled to Siberia (but it is too nice of a place now)
    - Prigozhin looses is armed forces and is de-fanged - Wagner soldiers will sign a contract with the MoD

    Guess who came up on top.

    Last edited by Krepost on Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:11 am

    I would not dismiss the NATzO stooge explanation. The colonialist west has been installing and controlling elites around the world
    for centuries. Russia was practically turned into a colony during the 1990s. It is just too good to be true that Putin magically removed
    all the rot and the taint early on.

    In any case, it looks like whatever assets NATzO could use in Russia are irrelevant and all they managed to achieve is a propaganda
    "victory". But their assets have likely been burned in the process. I do not expect these stooge elements to stay around. I am assuming
    that Russia's intelligence services did their jobs and tagged all the clowns. I think it is likely that Putin let this intrigue ripen since it
    is more valuable to expose the 5th column elite elements than to win propaganda victories in the west.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Backman Sun Jun 25, 2023 5:56 am

    Krepost wrote:The "deal":

    - Wagner forces stop their march and go back to their barracks - "Justice march" is cancelled
    - Shoigu and Gerasimov keep their posts - for the time being at least
    - Prigozhin is exiled to Belarus - in the past mutineers and loose cannons were exiled to Siberia (but it is too nice of a place now)
    - Prigozhin looses is armed forces and is de-fanged - Wagner soldiers will sign a contract with the MoD

    Guess who came up on top.

    Shoigu and Gerasimovs positions were never in fucking play. You are helping spread nonsense by implying it. This whole thing about Shoigu was probably seeded by the CIA in early 2021. He had a good reputation before late 2021.
    But it was pushed hard early in the war. Priogozin started pushing it hard and all the Telegram bros just latched onto it like bugs to a lightbulb. And lots of posters here bought into it too. And still think it is a real thing. They still think they might get their MOD regime change.

    You either support Shoigu or you are supporting Zuluzny and Loyd Austin. There is no in betweens. Everyone should realize this by now.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Progozin coup thread

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:27 am

    You have missed the point.
    Sure nobody could have forbidden him from recording and airing these materials.
    Yet he did that not once, not twice, but multiple times.
    And that my friend leaves a question valid.

    It only works in the deluded west where Putin is a hard core dictator that controls everything from street sweepers to US elections... it would even work in the US where potential rival candidates for the next election get investigated by government agencies to try to put them in prison so they can't run against you next election, but we are talking about putin and we are talking about Russia.

    We considered that as some act of maskirovka, I was repeatedly saying that no idea if that is a show or a shit show.

    We are talking about a hot head idiot and Putin... Putin might take advantage of the stupid things he does and says, but would you think he would really be part of a plan that creates division in Russia in a time of war?

    It was Putin's weakness and his endless "6d chess games" that led to this.

    It is funny that in the west thinking things through is seen as a weakness... pretty much explains the situation the west is in, because they got there from positions of strength didn't they... spending trillions every year to create the massive MIC in the US and Europe and creating HATO to protect europe from every having a war again... except they got involved in lots of wars didn't they... time to rethink... nah... that would be weakness... more money for MIC.

    I said this already in 2014 when Putin stopped the DPR/LPR forces (after listening to threats from Merkel) from decimating Ukrainian military (when it was soundly defeated) with those foolish Minsk protocols. Later even Merkel herself admitted that the only reason the Minsk protocols were signed was to give Kiev time to rebuild its military to take back Crimea.

    It only becomes a mistake after you learn the enemy was lying and was supported by bigger liars and criminals.

    And when Russia finally started its "SMO" after eight years of shelling of Donbass it was not done in a proper way. The Ukrainian leadership should have been decimated in day 1 with a barrage of missile strikes to Kiev decision making centers. The same way the West wages its wars.

    Except those decision making areas would be empty wouldn't they?

    And once you try your chances of ever getting them together again for another go drop to zero.

    Instead Russia chose the "soft approach" because Putin still considered Ukrainians as brotherly people. This led to thousands and thousands of dead Russian soldiers and a long stalemate in the front. Russia has already lost more soldiers in Ukraine than the Americans did in Vietnam.

    It also led to four regions in the Ukraine voting to become part of the Russian federation.

    The war also relieved a wide spread incompetence among the Russian military.

    It has also revealed political and military incompetence within HATO, which is more telling... the building blocks of western defence and attack is air power and this conflict shows how fragile that really is... as if Kosovo didn't already show that... almost 80 days and they did not degrade their air defence very much at all despite it all being totally obsolete.

    The Wagner PMC emerged as the only really capable fighting force among the Russian troops.

    Bullshit. They are mercenaries optimised for house to house fighting and that is what they used them for and they were effective, but as we found out... totally dependent on the Russian military for ammo and support.

    But what I do know that none of this would have happened if Russia had a better and more competent leadership and military.

    You confuse competency with clairvoyance...  being a good general is not about anticipating every possible thing the enemy might do and having contingency plans for every single option, it is about responding to enemy attacks that does not involve using the same ineffective tactics over and over and over again.

    You know... like HATO trained and planned Nazi attacks have been doing, and the Russians haven't been doing.

    Does Putin now regret starting the SMO?

    If you wanna start a war then start a war. Not an SMO.

    When the numbers of Russian dead come in I am sure he feels it personally... unlike western countries including your own feeding money and ammo and weapons to make this conflict last as long as possible.

    Maybe Russia should be nuking Europe?

    If multiple reports from TG are true, Wagner has Pantsirs in Voronezh. Operating from city itself and they shot down An-26.

    Sounds like you should stop reading TG.

    Well I still think it's a show for pushing ukro into a big offensive.

    Way too risky... Putin would never be part of such a plan because hot heads on both sides could do some real damage...

    And you can bet your arse the west are going to hype this all out of proportion...

    Maybe if Progozin were to say that Putin is being too soft and that if he got into power he would be nuking the entire west as punishment for this situation (Ukraine)... then perhaps it might be an effective wakeup call to western politicians... but even then I doubt it.

    There is video of the An-25 going down. Won't post it, terrible sight.

    Which begs the question why would they shoot down a small transport plane... it was clearly no threat to them...

    ▪Ukrainians were also bothered by the personal statements of the pope, who, for example, stated that "NATO's barking at the gates of Russia" was partly responsible for the SVO and was widely interpreted as an expression of attachment to Moscow.

    Ironic that Kiev states that if you believe the truth then you are on Moscows side...

    Ukrainian insiders report that the Office of the President instructed the SBU and CIPSO to use the entire network of telegram channels in Russia to escalate the situation in Russian society.

    And we see them working hard even here...

    As an aside. How on earth did General Surovikin get to this level of authority with only those medals on his chest??? In the US military only General Eisenhower had similar after his successes in WW2.

    Western military leaders can get a campaign ribbon simply by spending a weekend in Bagdad or Kosovo and tend to award themselves all the medals they possibly can...

    The other claim eg by Mil Summary Channel is that twattishness by Prick-ozin justifies full mobilisation by Russia... and even martial law.

    Everyone uses unexpected events to promote their own views... some will demand full war declaration because Wagner losing their military contract with Russia is all Bidens fault, while others with a different agenda will demand Shoigu and Putin step down for not doing this or for doing that...

    Probably a pure coincidence and a little early (vide the NATO 11/7 meeting) but notice that this is taking all the pressure off the UA offensive failures plus the air out of the Zelensky 'Russia going to bomb ZNPP' PR campaign?

    A completely pure coincidence...

    The same way things happened during WW2, the US mic will rump up production and Ukraine will be more powerful than Russia except for nukes

    They could have all the weapons and ammo in the world, but who wants to march slowly towards the Russian artillery and air power?

    Doesn't matter how well trained you are, and what vehicle you are in... those Leopard IIs were supposed to be their best... they are running out of men... how long before they start appealing to the west by saying... we are modern 21st century western country... we are now going to draft women... femenists would shit themselves... and western politicians would say that peace is needed... most of their whores come from the Ukraine and eastern Europe.

    If there are dead people then this pysop is criminal. Russia does not need such NATzO style dirty tricks.

    This is not the sort of bullshit game Putin plays... normally he lets the west attack and then creates a response that does damage to the west but not to Russia. Western attacks more often damage their own interests and make Russia more independent, therefore making Russia actually stronger.

    Oh yeah, totally as planned /s

    I'm sure that suckers bleeding on the frontlines are appreciating the boost in morale

    There is no way this sort of division was planned, but that does not mean they can't take advantage of the distraction.

    And I don't want to elaborate. All these theories about Prigozhin going mad dog, or being bought by the West, or whatever, fall by the wayside when you consider what's written above.
    And then - what explanations are left?

    Sounds like he lost a lucrative contract and is having a tantrum... a tantrum that will likely get him into very serious trouble.

    Meanwhioe this could be ended by just bombing the vehicles on the highways but they aren't doing it. And there is no clashes.

    I would say murdering them all would be a bit extreme considering essentially all they are doing at the moment is going somewhere to protest.

    In such situations, they need to be dealt with harshly to set an example to others who may attempt the same thing.

    I would think a road block and a serious chat to these guys would be more sensible... these are guys who have been killing nazis in the Ukraine and all of a sudden you want the executed from the sky like dogs?

    In any case they can't let this continue. It should have ended quickly with Prigohzin either dead or arrested. They didn't.

    So you believe the democrat version of reality... Putin the despot who murders everyone who gets in his way... hahahaha.

    Sounds more like the Clintons I would suggest.

    Gotta kill them because a court case means testimony that might incriminate Bill or Hilary...

    First the Titanic dive craft saga being exploited to the full, even tho' the USN heard what happened in realtime.

    Second, Wagner revolt in Russia.

    Almost made in heaven or co-incidence?

    Not coincidence, but also not planned... they took advantage of something that happened... it could have been anything at all... it could have been a mass school shooting in the US that Biden would ban assault rifles for...

    That could be rationale behind "Wagner's coup" as long  as no people died... there can be pokazukha to identify internal traitors waiting for this kind of situation.  I still hope it is...
    Otherwise there would be massive bloodshed already.

    This coup seems to be about losing their contract with the Army, identifying internal traitors is just an added bonus they get out of the situation... a bit like western sanctions allowed Putin to ban cheap food imports into Russia from the EU and build up Russians food industry without breaking WTO rules.

    I hope this "mole hunt " will work

    Every opportunity they get they will do that for sure... the branch responsible for mole hunts works 24/7.... it is what they do.

    The best thing that Russia can do now is, put an end quickly to Prigozhin and Wagner situation and just level Ukraine.

    The Wagner issue will end when it ends and Ukraine is ticking along as well as can be expected.

    As soon as Prigozhin made his first outrageous statements, he should have been removed...

    He runs Wagner... who could "remove him".

    Being a dick does not mean his services were not valuable to Russia.

    So far I am unimpressed with the reaction of Russian security forces. They are sending cops to defend against Wagner? May as well send old ladies. They are not reacting with speed Wagner is now 250 miles from Moscow and has not met any significant opposition.

    Sending attack helicopters or Iskanders would be a bit over kill for a group going to protest...

    I don't get this as well, why are they not reacting to this faster?

    What are the chances that Prigozhin is set up by Russian intelligence in an attempt to get rid of him?

    It is funny the people who want to execute these men in their convoy don't understand what effect that might have on their fellow Wagner comrades... your solutions are fucking ridiculous and would create a civil war you claim you are trying to prevent...

    But what about the Kremlin? Should Kremlin continue its course without any chances in personnel (hint: Shoigu, Gerasimov) and policy after this?

    Should the people managing the war be replaced every time a Russian billionaire has a tantrum or change of heart?

    How about treating the "SMO" as a war finally?

    Why would they change to a war because some oligarch has a melt down?

    Let the Western press and enemies cheer... they misjudge the game, they misjudge the benefit to Russia and Putin. In the end, the breeding ground for a real coup is gone. The patriots will win and loud or silent enemies will be removed!

    Very clever game.

    Everything you are saying could be true, but I don't think it was all part of an elaborate plan to start with... I very much doubt Putin would risk such division... which is not to say the west have not been sniffing around everyone trying to get them to turn and anyone stupid or selfish enough to do so would be used to illuminate the 5th columnists from the patriots...

    Wagner keeps going to Moscow

    Do you think if they get there they can just throw the ring into the volcano and Putin will be destroyed?

    I hate to ring the alarm here, but this is a very bad situation for Russia's international reputation.This is not to be taken lightly.A coup never happens out of thin air.

    What coup?

    This is nothing like what happened in Kiev in 2014.

    They could be the most incompetent bunch of people in charge of a major country that ever existed. Even the Yeltsin regime might have been more competent than this.

    Yes, because it is obvious the difference the effect of incompetence of Putin and his regime have created a Russia that is uniting the world against the evil colonial west, compared with the well organised and efficient Yeltsen regime that could open vodka bottles 1,000,000 times a day and no one noticed.

    Yeltsen was the wests bitch and they fleeced him and Russia of everything they could get. Compare that with Putins time and you can clearly see which is incompetent...

    But obviously I understand your wish to get rid of Putin and Shoigu etc because they make the west look weak and ineffective and they are destroying HATO via Ukraine on a battlefield with one hand held behind their backs...

    Maybe Russia should create an AI from Putins brain and make him president forever...

    And so far, they aren't doing anything but letting their own country get taken over by a small mercenary force with zero resistance.  

    Wagner driving down a road hardly equates to taking over anything at all... and why should they be stopped... Russia is a democracy, if they want to go to Moscow to talk things through with the military leadership then what is the problem?

    Not sure what to make of it. But whatever it is, isn't actually good for Russia as I can't figure out what the plan is. Let them kill each other?

    You are the fucking moron demanding Putin murder these guys, but Putin is to blame for them killing each other.

    What are you drinking?

    Only theory I have is Shoigu and Garasimov are behind it and that is only why the Akhmat are responding.

    Surely it is the Pixies from the bottom of the garden that are doing all this... they are working with the lizard people to take over the world... but you see Russia is too cold for lizard people to survive... that is why the west has failed to conquer Russia all this time so now they are using the Pixie people to do it because they have nice warm fur coats and can work in the cold...   Rolling Eyes

    Currently, Russia isn't doing too good with this rebellion. It's literally becoming a one sided battle.

    What battle... Putin is not interested in fighting his own people... he has made that clear several times... it is idiots on the internet who want a bloodbath...

    Edit: im with some people here who are extremely concerned but also curious as to why the authorities aren't actually acting. Rybar said the same thing. Others said same thing. Lack of a real response.

    Response to what?

    Wagner has not invaded Russia, they can drive to moscow if they want to.

    You've made your point numerous times. You are disappointed by the preparations the Russian military and law enforcement agencies are making in response to a rebellion Russian intelligence agencies organized. Yeah we get it, no need to repeat the same thing every few posts.

    Except all the evidence pointing to insurrection come from social media known to be infiltrated by western intelligence losers...

    So a guy that just lost his contract with the Russian military has a tantrum on line... that is all that has happened... and headless chickens are jumping up and down on both sides... Wagner has to be attacked, Putin has to go.... **** off.

    So this is why there was no tough response, Lukashenko was negotiating with Prigohzin to get him to stop his tantrum.

    No apology?

    It was certainly someone's, and they fucked up big with this whole idea.

    Why do you think this was planned?

    Wagner was losing its contract with the Russian military and the owner said some stupid things and started doing some stupid things and when no one came out in support of him in Russia he seems to have backed down and taken an olive branch.

    Funny he had a rant over the Russian military wasting the lives of his men and because of that he was going to send his men up against the Russian military and authorities... what a dick.

    Just as well Putin didn't just napalm his convoys...

    And this is why I don't believe the shoot down claims of the helis. But if this was indeed a controlled operation from within the GRU, this is rather very bad.

    I doubt they would OK a mission to divide the country, it just makes no sense because such thing can get out of control very fast with hot headed idiots on both sides.

    This will teach us once more a lesson, that this war is best to follow by watching the official Russkie MoD entries.
    You won't be fooled more than by following the famous "telegrammers", and can get some real info instead.

    Telegram, like most social media is filled with show boaters and attention whores, and also western intel drones that are paid to create content to fool the audience.

    Don't forget that the generals not only didn't give him ammunition but also bombarded his camp.

    He is owner of Wagner, he has nothing to do with the day to day planning and operations of Wagner... trying to kill him by bombing is military camp would be like trying to kill Musk by bombing a Tesla factory...

    And we don't have any proof about any attack either.

    What a fùcking joke of a country...

    Problem solved and nobody died... sounds like the perfect solution to a nothing situation overhyped by idiots on both sides.

    I guess I will hold out hope that they did this just to deescalate the standoff and will shoot him in the head in the next 48 hours.

    Why shoot him... he is now a joke. All of Russia chose to not support him... even the Chechens and Communists said he was wrong to do what he did...

    All the guys who followed him are leaving with him and the loyal Russians are joining the Russian army... what is not to like?

    Perfect solution for Russia not having to kill nazi killers.

    But some ppl are just laughing this off. Prigozhin being a Nato asset isn't something to laugh off

    Most of the very rich love the west, because that is where their money has real power and they can have islands with slave girls and no one cares for at least a decade.

    Which is why even videos on the internet should not be trusted... do we even know it was Progozin that posted that original video after looking at this one?

    This thread is going to be locked for a few minutes while I do a bit of pruning... nothing will be deleted... just moved to new threads. When I have finished I will unlock this thread and indicate where the messages have moved to.[/quote]

    Last edited by GarryB on Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:49 am

    I would say it's a perfect inside job to remove the cover from traitors , i guess Putin now has a list of some Russian traitors.

    The other goal is to prevent any west goals from making a coup or orange revolution inside Russia because after this fake threat normal people would support more the regime .

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    Post  ahmedfire Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:57 am

    lol interesting ...

    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Dfsdca10

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:10 am

    Funny thing.
    The whole thing haven't lasted long enough to all the vermins from different time zones to wake up and smell the coffee Laughing Laughing

    Yet I am still unconvinced, was it a show or a shit show.
    Let me observe longer and closer.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Mir Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:45 am

    Mir wrote:That is what happens when you believe that the world revolves around you...

    Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and a delusional sense of status, diminished ability or unwillingness to empathize with others' feelings, and interpersonally exploitative behavior. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders. It is often comorbid with other mental disorders and associated with significant functional impairment and psychosocial disability.

    I have noticed that ever since this post (page 5) I have not received any push notifications. Maybe Progozin have a couple of moles here?
    Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Anyway I'm glad that this little chapter is done and dusted. I can only hope that all the claims about aircraft and helicopters going down were false. We'll see.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  limb Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:10 am

    Erk wrote:Wagner is doomed.
    Prigozhin will go back to jail, or be killed if he can't find exile somewhere.
    MOD will ban all PMCs.

    I don't think Belarus is safe enough for Prigozhin, he will be hunted down for killing Russian airmen.

    Dude, the putchists never laid there arms. there wont be any justice for the fallen russian pilots. If killing russian pilots brings no consequences, nothing will.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:50 am

    limb wrote:
    Erk wrote:Wagner is doomed.
    Prigozhin will go back to jail, or be killed if he can't find exile somewhere.
    MOD will ban all PMCs.

    I don't think Belarus is safe enough for Prigozhin, he will be hunted down for killing Russian airmen.

    Dude, the putchists never laid there arms. there wont be any justice for the fallen russian pilots. If killing russian pilots brings no consequences, nothing will.
    By the way, did the russian helicopters attacked first the Wagner column or viceversa?

    And was it by order of a rogue commander that wanted to solve the problems on his own or was the order to attack given according to the proper chain of command?

    I am sure that there will be justice. Both for the incompetence and stupid decisions (or even betrayal, from the military leaders that announced support to the coup) and to the wagnerites responsible for this.

    Probably they will try to use them for other operations from Bielorussia (and some of Wagner leaders will never go in court, but if not killed by the enemy, after a few months, when the situation is cooled down, they will break their neck by "falling from the stairs" or "slipping on a banana peel"

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Hole Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:09 pm
    Larry Johnson thinks it was a maskirovka to move troops around.

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Prigozhin mutiny thread

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:13 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Larry Johnson thinks it was a maskirovka to move troops around.

    Such Maskirovka is only justified if there is something really big about to happen. Expectation is Belarus involvement or/and Poland.

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    Post  Hole Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:17 pm

    I cannot understand the widespread notion that Prigozhin was "sent into exile".

    1) If he was guilty of an armed insurrection, then he would and should be imprisoned awaiting an eventual execution.

    I categorically reject the idea that a "deal" was made which dismissed the crime of high treason during war.

    2) PMC Wagner is supposedly resting and refitting anyway. Why not in Belarus?

    3) How can deployment to Belarus be regarded as "exile" — some sort of punishment? The forces in Belarus are there precisely to face a direct NATO intervention into this war — in other words, those forces must be the BEST Russia can field, provided with the BEST equipment, and covered by the BEST air power and air defenses.

    I welcome arguments to explain to me how, if Prigozhin genuinely embarked upon mutiny and armed insurrection in the midst of a war, he could have been effectively exonerated of that most heinous of crimes, and simply "banished to Saint Helena".

    Will Schryver

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    Post  Hole Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:20 pm

    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Fzdb4m10
    Western experts.  lol1 lol1 lol1

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:21 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Larry Johnson thinks it was a maskirovka to move troops around.

    Possibly it was all of the things mentioned earlier together.
    With a potential putsch attempt that was being organised and the government let it happen in order to perform a few things: identify and later remove corrupt officials, military leaders and bureaucrats, manoever and move troops according the needs without tipping off the west, incentivate Ukraine to further attack against the well defended area both in Zaporozhye oblast and in Donbass, etc.

    Possibly also to identify the rotten apples also within Wagner.

    However several helicopter pilots died because of this (at least 2, possibly up to a dozen).

    Several people  both in Wagner and in the russian military leadership, will have to pay for this.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:25 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    Dude, the putchists never laid there arms. there wont be any justice for the fallen russian pilots. If killing russian pilots brings no consequences, nothing will.
    By the way, did the russian helicopters attacked first the Wagner column or viceversa?

    And was it by order of a rogue commander that wanted to solve the problems on his own or was the order to attack given according to the proper chain of command?

    i second that, what commander sends helos against Buks and Tors?!  only incompetent moron or traitor who has something to cover and lots to loose whe Wagner would reach Moscow.
    Assuming this was a  show -  FSB was prepared to tap presumed traitors lines and find whos wanted to rebel against govt...

    Let's see who gets sacked or disappears or falls off the  window in the future ?

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Hole Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:25 pm

    Comment from a Twitter user:

    strange coup....
    *I don't buy a that single guy just gone mad getting thousands of soldiers to go against their own country and Putin in the middle of an existential war.
    *I don't buy the fact that a trusted ally of Putin, who fought against the collective West turns overnight against his own country.
    *I don't buy that Putin would just let a traitor leave like this without strong punishment/death

    What this "coup" has done :

    - exposed dormant cells / 5th column / potential traitors in army
    - strengthen Putin internally
    - increase resolve of Russian nation
    - made further mobilisation easier

    Putin is just way too smart to have allowed this to happen.
    Putin is way too strategic to have given so much trust to a single man like Prigozhin.

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    Post  Hole Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:43 pm

    Several people  both in Wagner and in the russian military leadership, will have to pay for this.
    Maybe some people died. But IF this was some sort of maskirovka to move troops around or a psyop to find traitors and sleeper cells,
    from the point of view of the state (which is in a war with the collective west) it was a price to pay for the success of the operation.
    Sounds evil for the regular person but sometimes a state has to do such things, for the "greater good".

    To add to the point:

    More people died in France Yellow vests protests than during what the collective west calls "Russian civil war".

    Some political commentator on Twitter

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    Post  Regular Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:17 pm

    Krepost wrote:The "deal":

    - Wagner forces stop their march and go back to their barracks - "Justice march" is cancelled
    - Shoigu and Gerasimov keep their posts - for the time being at least
    - Prigozhin is exiled to Belarus - in the past mutineers and loose cannons were exiled to Siberia (but it is too nice of a place now)
    - Prigozhin looses is armed forces and is de-fanged - Wagner soldiers will sign a contract with the MoD

    Guess who came up on top.

    No one. It was embarrassing shitshow. 
    It’s imperative for Russia to win this war without pussyfooting and without “goodwill” gestures or else there can be a proper march by someone more serious and with popular support in the military. If Surovikin did this, then they would have taken Moscow without theatrics.

    It just shows that Putin is not all powerful lord as some western media wants him to portray. Russian gov needs to strike perfect balance between keeping civilians and military content.

    Last edited by Regular on Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Empty As an asidε how

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:19 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    As an aside. How on earth did General Surovikin get to this level of authority with only those medals on his chest??? In the US military only General Eisenhower had similar after his successes in WW2.

    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 FzWY4IIWcAA7B-I?format=jpg&name=small

    comparing to Milley who didnt take a pert in any war unlike Surovikin? lol1 lol1 lol1

    Prigozhin mutiny thread - Page 17 Mark-Milley-D-Day

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    Post  Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:47 pm

    The Imperator should take the remarkably quiet Medvedev out of the game. He only said something because a journalist asked him and what he said was lax. We are now seeing again that the Western sock puppet is unsuitable for Russia's leadership. See Libya!

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    Post  d_taddei2 Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:25 pm

    Still a lot of uncertainty about what really went on, was it the British to it being faked. Although in my opinion it does seem very weird and as myself and many others have mentioned why? And especially with an almost impossible win on Prigozhin side. Maybe this was a case of moving troops (Wagner) to Belarus for a future offensive. Chernihiv offensive? This would allow a cut off between Sumy/Kharkov, Poltava from Kiev. Or a will it be a Kiev siege? Capturing airports and surrounding Kiev with a joint offensive with Wagner/Russian and Belarusian forces? Putin stated recently "do we have to revisit Kiev" this may have been a warning and maybe it's no bluff. Who's knows?
    Only them. Although I am sure we will find out soon.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:29 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    limb wrote:
    Erk wrote:Wagner is doomed.
    Prigozhin will go back to jail, or be killed if he can't find exile somewhere.
    MOD will ban all PMCs.
    I don't think Belarus is safe enough for Prigozhin, he will be hunted down for killing Russian airmen.

    Dude, the putchists never laid there arms. there wont be any justice for the fallen russian pilots. If killing russian pilots brings no consequences, nothing will.

    By the way, did the russian helicopters attacked first the Wagner column or viceversa?....

    Wagner are traitors and terrorists, those pilots had duty to attack and kill them

    It turns out they were the only people in Russia doing their duty

    Kremlin just pissed on their graves by making deals and surrendering to terrorists

    If Russian Military wanted to overthrow the government now they would have perfect justification for doing so

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    Post  zorobabel Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:30 pm

    Russian First journalist says 10 crew members were on board the IL-22 downed by Wagner.

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