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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  Hole Fri May 31, 2024 10:39 pm

    So Fritz do you have any official confirmation on this? Usually the US would come out of the blocks very quickly to denounce such "outlandish" claims - but so far they seem very quiet 
    If this were a Russian ship and the attacker the Banderites he would believe every word coming from Kijüf.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  flamming_python Fri May 31, 2024 10:59 pm

    Tutting my head at you guys

    Cheering on Russia from the sidelines, but push comes to shove and you insist that we take one for the team and refuse to respond to attacks on our soil.
    The mere voicing of such a possibility should have been reacted to in the most severe terms already.

    Turn the other cheek, avoid provocations, we're all even steven.. yeah, right.
    We need a repeat of the start of Operation Barbarossa again, when Stalin refused to allow the Red Army to fight back for 3 days for fear of provoking Hitler over some misunderstanding?

    Unfortunately Putin might be inclined to agree with you, and if he does, then that would make further escalation inevitable. Doesn't matter how well you think the war is going to Russia's advantage. They're throwing the chess board and you insist on still playing by the rules of chess.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  kvs Fri May 31, 2024 11:30 pm

    This is not WWII. This is nuclear annihilation. Delaying the start for 3 days is worth the whole planet if it prevents the nukes flying. There is absolutely
    no comparison to any delay in some conventional war.

    Also, the Germans were pulling all sorts of false maneuvers and the criticism of Stalin is BS.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:07 am

    flamming_python wrote:

    Unfortunately Putin might be inclined to agree with you, and if he does, then that would make further escalation inevitable. Doesn't matter how well you think the war is going to Russia's advantage. They're throwing the chess board and you insist on still playing by the rules of chess.

    Then escalate the war and put them back in check if they want to throw the board and go to escalation then at least it’s happening on the Polish and Romanian borders rather than Russias

    NATO is a real alliance with multiple nuclear powers and they’ve already escalated multiple times without any real counter by Russia, Russia just tolerated it until now and some people want to go from 0-100 not minding the fact that they let NATO get this far

    As of now you don’t have any justification for hitting them outright because you have allowed Ukraine to survive for this long and enable their plans

    The key factor here is Ukraine

    You want to keep everything intact, and fight a slow paced war , while preserving the civilian population and infrastructure, and then you want to cry when you get hit by that state as it gets armed by the west and given intel

    Sounds like Putin and you want to have your cake, but also eat it too

    And that’s just not the way it works

    It could have been that way had Putin been forceful from the start or at least made the changes he needed to earlier on

    But you have 2 choices

    1) you take this war seriously and you eliminate the threat (Ukraine) and then decide what you will do with NATO after


    2) just take the hits like you have for 2 years and stop crying about it because the alternative is MAD, your theory rests on the fact that a strike on NATO will somehow de-escalate the situation but you've been asleep at the wheel for 2 years and now you realize that your covered in shit

    Sorry Putin, but this is your mess and you have to own it now, you made the mistake of trusting NATO not once but twice, you made the mistake of believing that you could just resolve this on your own schedule, and you let Ukraine become this dangerous merely by letting them survive

    You already almost got couped by Prigozhin, probably already attempts on your life , and you are worried about GDP and birth rates? My guy you are in a fucking war

    Wake the **** up

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  sepheronx Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:42 am

    wow, I actually agree with you Ark.

    Guess there are miracles.

    Anyway, yes, the start and end is Ukraine. Russia needs to resolve Ukraine and take the hits as it has. Once done, then they can **** with NATO hard in third countries. But yes, going slow and steady has allowed this issue to happen and ultimately Russia should have gone for Kiev as well, like now.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:24 am

    sepheronx wrote:wow, I actually agree with you Ark.

    Guess there are miracles.

    Anyway, yes, the start and end is Ukraine.  Russia needs to resolve Ukraine and take the hits as it has.  Once done, then they can **** with NATO hard in third countries.  But yes, going slow and steady has allowed this issue to happen and ultimately Russia should have gone for Kiev as well, like now.

    You don’t even have to take it

    Just turn them into meat grinders and blow these morons to kingdom come

    Wtf are they doing working 9 to 5 jobs and dancing at nightclubs

    And Russian cities my ass, Belgorod is a Russian city and it just got attacked by 10 ATACMS

    I think most were intercepted and now BSF,Tu95, MiG31, Su57 and Iskander are gang banging Ukraine as we speak

    I see they flying over Kiev so hopefully someone woke up to the fact of the matter

    If there’s hohol pigs that hate you and are willing to fight you , you slag them off in their sleep and do the job the right way

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:41 am

    2) just take the hits like you have for 2 years and stop crying about it because the alternative is MAD, your theory rests on the fact that a strike on NATO will somehow de-escalate the situation but you've been asleep at the wheel for 2 years and now you realize that your covered in shit

    Take what hits?

    The minute that NATO persuade themselves that Putin is an empty suit who will avert confrontation with them at every turn is the minute that they will dial things up from '0-100', in your words. And they will do that quickly. Regardless of whether Putin will be prepared to stand up to them and retaliate in the end or not. By then it will lead to full-scale war with certainty.

    The past 2 years of this or that decision are not relevant, they haven't led to a NATO-Russia war as yet. What is relevant is the threat at hand. And either you deal with it correctly or it will deal with you, attempting to tolerate it is not an option because even if all these missiles could be shot down - these NATO strikes are not an end goal in and of themselves, they are there to prepare the way for other things such as NATO aircraft operating from NATO territory striking the Russian military, NATO ground forces being introduced into the Ukraine, strikes against Russian civilian infrastructure, the targeting of Russia's civilian and military leadership, and who knows what else. A lot of which they've been hinting at but that Russia has scared them off of up until now.

    This is the matter at hand. Now what do you propose to do about it?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:03 am

    flamming_python wrote:

    Take what hits?

    The minute that NATO persuade themselves that Putin is an empty suit who will avert confrontation with them at every turn is the minute that they will dial things up from '0-100', in your words. And they will do that quickly. Regardless of whether Putin will be prepared to stand up to them and retaliate in the end or not. By then it will lead to full-scale war with certainty.

    The past 2 years of this or that decision are not relevant, they haven't led to a NATO-Russia war as yet. What is relevant is the threat at hand. And either you deal with it correctly or it will deal with you, attempting to tolerate it is not an option because these NATO strikes are not an end goal in and of themselves, they are there to prepare the way for other things such as NATO aircraft operating from NATO territory striking the Russian military, NATO ground forces being introduced into the Ukraine, strikes against Russian civilian infrastructure, the targeting of Russia's civilian and military leadership, and who knows what else. A lot of which they've been hinting at but that Russia has scared them off of up until now.

    This is the matter at hand. Now what do you propose to do about it?

    They already think that

    I propose to remove the gloves and to remove all limitations from the battlefield

    Ofc not nukes, but any target is a fair target

    Be it a mall, apartment block, airport, port you hit it and you don’t stop like Mariupol

    Just hit them hard in their cities and kill them wholesale

    They volunteered to be fodder for NATO and want to trigger a nuclear war of annihilation - ergo **** them

    Basically just unload hell on them

    And if they suddenly lift their policy of filming it’s fine , Israel is doing the same shit, both Russia and Israel are ICC indicted , so it’s all good what’s good for the goose is good for the gander

    And just pummel these hohol clowns into dust

    They are not brothers, there’s no fraternity

    They are trying to get you annihilated

    So kill them as they sleep and force them to run away or if they are pro Russian, open a green corridor and let them come

    But the time of soft handedness with these people needs to end

    THEY are the problem and have been the problem since the beginning

    You keep trying to negotiate with them and give them a say

    There is no say for them, they surrender and lay down their weapons or they die

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:10 am

    OK and acting like Israel in Gaza will reduce the imminent threat from NATO.. how exactly?

    Your suggestion reads like impotence. Scared of NATO, so you propose devoting extra firepower to the Ukrainians alone.
    Did it work for Israel?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:16 am

    flamming_python wrote:OK and acting like Israel in Gaza will reduce the imminent threat from NATO.. how exactly?

    Your suggestion reads like impotence. Scared of NATO, so you propose devoting extra firepower to the Ukrainians alone. Question is, how will NATO interpret your response here?

    By the time you push these pigs to the Dnieper they will be out of range of the most dangerous weapons

    Maybe they get some JASSM ER and start launching from the right bank

    But that’s not as dangerous as them using Taurus, Scalp, ATACMS, Hammer, JDAM ER, being launched at Belgorod and Crimea from Kharkov and Zaporozhye

    Not to mention GMLRS

    The proximity of the launch platforms is what will complicate the interception and the massed variety of missile and Bombs will push air defenses to the limit and inevitably some will get through

    So the solution is to brute force the launch platforms out of range and to repeat the same thing on the right bank once you implement sanitation zone

    If NATO goes in after that, they just gave you a present with a red bow on it

    Dump everything on those NATO forces and hit them relentlessly

    And just repeat and rinse


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:16 am

    ucmvulcan wrote:been giving this some thought.  The announcement of limited use of US weapons to hit military targets inside Russia/Russian controlled territory that are involved in successful operations at the front made Thursday Afternoon in the United States, falls within the Friday rule.*  There's not going to be all that much escalation from this because all that is happening is just more of the same said differently.  There is no red line being crossed.  This is just the out of touch Bidet regime attempting to look tough during an election cycle.  Will Russian assetts be hit? Well attempts will be made, but air defense will get most of them and the damage will be more or less minimal.  Probably less than a couple hundred casualties, a couple tanks and apc, maybe a truck, and if they get really lucky maybe an ammo dump or two.  How will this change things at the front? Little to nothing will change because of this honestly

    *The Friday rule is that Ukraine under the direction of its western owners, especially in Washington and London, will perpetuate a large publicity stunt either an announcement that Ukraine can now strike inside Russia using their weapons, some terrorist attack either on a bunch of farmers in Belgorod or concert goers in Moscow, some drone or rocket attack, and then the internet personalities and bingo callers on the Sunday morning "news" shows will say something like now Ukraine could win, please get your checkbooks out and send a blank check to Kiev today so Zelensky can cash in and Biden can take his 10 percent.  

    So really, we have yet again been caught up in a media frenzy.  Hell, this one was actually pretty effective in that in this case they got even me.  

    In short, don't expect too much in escalation because there isn't a reason to escalate.  Nuke people over this? Attack NATO over this? Why?  These pronouncements by Washington are just the Bidet regime satying publically what they doubtlessly gave Kiev permission to do as far back as the start of this war.  NATO wants escalation and they want Russia to go on a major offensive because they really really really want to dig in and bleed Russia white.  Russia attacking in Kharkov and Sumy direction means they, Ukraine, have to move troops in to those regions and drive the Russians back.  So when Arrow says, Russia hasn't made any gains, well no shit sherlock, but gaining ground isn't the Russian MO in this war.  Russia doesn't want any more land than what it already has (except the rest of the LPR, DNR, Kherson, and Zaprozhiye.  In Kharkov and Sumy direction, they don't need or want land, but they know Ukraine -because Kiev is fighting a propaganda war - cannot allow Russia to take any territory and so the Ukrehrmacht will send all it has into the meatgrinder to be ground down to bone meal and component parts.

    What Washington so desperately wants is a hideous war of big arrow offensives that leaves Russia fighting a nasty and lawless guerilla war full of reprisals and war crimes that would leave it isolated on the world stage, sending bodybags back to russia in the tens of thousands, and would cripple the Putin government.  That is the hope in provocatively announcing things like this.  Putin is not going to , and should not, change tactics to react to western provocations especially when doing so would force him to fight the type of war he does not intend to fight.  

    So everyone, calm the fluck down, realize that this is the normal Friday propaganda rule and that too many of us are reacting exactly how the propagandists hope we will**

    **I haven't seen a note longer than the main body of text since I was going through my Masater's Thesis.

    If you believe that the US and pals will limit strikes to Russian units just over the border then I got a bridge to sell you. Not that this wouldn't be casus belli enough in and of itself.

    You're coping. Stop coping.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:26 am

    Check it out:

    Ukrainian seething:

    “Only real terrorists on Children's Day can direct their stinking missiles at the civilian infrastructure of deep rear cities.

    Russian scumbags should become the #1 terrorist state in the world for many decades (and better - centuries), and this should be recognized officially by all civilized countries.

    They should be associated with the wild tribes of the Middle Ages.

    Because that's what they are.

    And so there can be no restrictions on getting their tactical aircraft at the air bases, and no other restrictions either.

    Because the Russian Federation received long-range weapons from North Korea and Iran and uses them wherever it wants.

    Why can't we use ATACMS without restrictions, wherever we see fit?”

    This is after a combined massive strike just pummeled Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Kharkov, Zakarpatiya, and apparently Lvov

    They got hit with everything from Iskander to Kalibr apparently the Black Sea fleet just launched their first strikes in months from actual missile carriers, Tu95 also joined in and dumped kh101 on them

    They didn’t intercept anything

    This is a routine performance now, so keep pummeling them and push them out of range

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:55 am

    Medevdev has been schizo posting for a while now

    Are you sure?

    The reason HATO didn't allow Kiev to strike targets deep inside Russia was to prevent an escalation, if Kiev is using HATO weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory to hit logistics and production facilities and repair facilities then surely Russia can do the same and hit repair facilities and training areas in Poland and other parts of the EU/HATO.

    If F-16s attack Russian forces and operate from HATO airspace and a HATO airfields then those airfields are legitimate targets too are they not?

    3) go after NATO recon assets near Crimea and the border

    Recon equipment supporting Ukraine attacks are Ukraine recon, and therefore also legitmate military targets too are they not?

    Drones even more so because with no crew on board then ownership is hard to prove or disprove.

    On Thursday, US State Department spokesperson told Sputnik in a statement that President Joe Biden had greenlighted Ukrainian strikes using US-supplied weapons inside the Russian territory for counter-fire purposes in the Kharkov region of Ukraine, but has not authorized the use of long-range missiles, including ATACMS, inside Russia.

    Excellent news... this mandates that Ukrainian forces be pushed back from Russian territory to eliminate their capacity to hit Russian targets with these weapons.

    This means the buffer zone will be imposed and increased.

    Yeah it forces Russia to accelerate its military operations - or not

    No urgent need to accelerate, they will take some hits and they will respond with hits of their own, this ultimately means the war will just take a bit longer and more Ukrainians are going to die.

    And start clearing out urban strongholds via carpet bombing and bypass them after they become piles of rubble and Ukraine switches to insurgency

    No need to take out any large Urban areas... seal them up and they will surrender quickly enough... especially after the Ukrainian military collapses...

    How many Russian casualties would that require?

    If they make stupid decisions now to save some soldiers or civilians, how many more civilians and soldiers will they lose in 5 or 10 years time in round two when the west has built up the Ukraine military again and they try to learn from their mistakes next time and don't repeat them all.

    And it will not solve the underlying problem which is that NATO is able to attack Russia without Russia being willing or able to hit back.

    And again, where are you pulling this shit from?

    Several Russian officials have mentioned attacking in response to terrorist attacks inside Russia HATO in Ukraine and BEYOND.

    What do you think they mean?

    Eventually they will completely destroy Russia.

    200 billion dollars of direct money and weapons and equipment with probably double that spent since 2014 to prepare for all this and they have only made Russia more independent and stronger and themselves weaker... to the point where countries in Africa are telling them to piss off.

    Destroying Russia is not within the wests capacity.

    Why not remove an enemy if the enemy has a weak leadership and an attack will give the West an uncontested victory with zero Western casualties? And Russia will be finished off for good.

    HATO is being humiliated in the Ukraine... the only thing in question is what excuse will they give Kiev this time for not making them a member... if HATO really had Russia on the ropes that would be an obvious and easy option for them, but most HATO nations don't have the balls to take on Russia the way they expect Ukraine to do... They probably also don't understand the reasoning for fighting Russia when the conflict is really between the US and Russia or at best Kiev nazis vs Russia.

    Honestly, the first part about Kiev and Kharkov is correct. Russia should have been serious and held onto just outside of Kiev. They could do it now for Christ sakes but they won't.

    No real value in occupying that territory... Kiev is already well covered by a range of weapon systems, there is no added value in having ground forces nearby.

    Point is, NATO has been facilitating these things through Ukrainian hands since 2022

    And none of this will change anything at all or help them win the war.

    Much of it just led to responses by the Russian military that were vastly more devastating in effect for Kiev and her allies.

    Whether Voronezh got destroyed is not the point , point is it got hit and now people want to hit NATO and drop tactical nukes

    Well that is the point of escalation is eventually you get to a point where things that sounded ridiculous start to become options.

    Moron said it himself that HATO troops on the ground have been ruled out all this time (officially of course), but at one time heavy armour (tanks) and aircraft and all sorts of other things were considered taboo and would not be used... until they were.

    The point is that it is all about Russia.

    HATOs escalation is gauged to avoid provoking Russia into an over reaction that might end up in a direct conflict with HATO, so at the start Abrams tanks were a no... then they were acceptable... now, ironically they are a joke.

    The point is that HATO is feeling for the actual red line that will cause Moscow to snap... the US got Germany to send Leopards before they sent Abrams, and Britain sent Challengers first to test the waters.

    The point is that even if HATO gives Kiev Tomahawks it wont save them and create a draw, Russia will respond and adapt and it will simply be another western super weapon that has been ruined as the boogeyman.

    Of course Putin is not stupid and he will use western escalations to change his plans in terms of what ground will be taken and what ground will be made neutral etc etc, but that will be a surprise for later...

    Equally they will be working behind enemy lines creating allies and gaining friends who can make things easier down the track... imagine French troops rushing to save Odessa and are disarmed when they arrive and are put in detention while the Russian forces move forward and occupy the region...

    Cheering on Russia from the sidelines, but push comes to shove and you insist that we take one for the team and refuse to respond to attacks on our soil.
    The mere voicing of such a possibility should have been reacted to in the most severe terms already.

    So far the Russians have been very sensible in their responses to Kievs claimed successes, and unlike Kiev have not lashed out blindly and killed civilians like nazis love to do (in Kiev and HATO). They have hit legitimate targets that has weakened their enemy and brought the end of the war closer.

    They are also gradually improving and introducing new tactics and systems to make their attacks and defence more effective.

    It seems they have stopped sending Excalibr rounds because they are being jammed and are useless... US drones are massively over priced and susceptible to jamming... 20-30K a drone and they are worse than $500 Russian equivalents that are getting the job done on 20 million dollar Abrams tanks...

    Unfortunately Putin might be inclined to agree with you, and if he does, then that would make further escalation inevitable. Doesn't matter how well you think the war is going to Russia's advantage. They're throwing the chess board and you insist on still playing by the rules of chess.

    Putin and Lavrov and Zakharova have all been dishing out warnings and these warnings are always ignored in the west, who fake disappointment or shock when Russia responds to their stupidity with actions that damage the west.

    I suppose that serving as deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia since 2020 is not really an official position.

    Or the fact that he is currently also the chairperson of the United Russia party.

    OK and acting like Israel in Gaza will reduce the imminent threat from NATO.. how exactly?

    Acting like Israel is just going to paint Russia into the isolated corner the west has been trying to put them in for a few centuries now.

    Israel are scum, and genocidal scum at that, Russia would be no better to copy them than to try to copy the US and turn BRICS into a Russia based US colonial system that is currently destroying the US and the EU.

    But that’s not as dangerous as them using Taurus, Scalp, ATACMS, Hammer, JDAM ER, being launched at Belgorod and Crimea from Kharkov and Zaporozhye

    Not to mention GMLRS

    They are running out of men. Adding new uber weapons wont save them any more than Tiger II tanks saved Nazi Germany.

    If anything it accelerated their demise.

    Russia just needs to continue with their plan because it is working.

    If HATO wants to say to Kiev that Kiev can hit anything they want then Russia can say... were weren't going to attack the leadership of our enemy but now they are doing this and Zelensky is no longer the legitimate leader of the enemy grouping we are now going to start hit government infrastructure in Kiev... and that press release should be timed to the third impact of the 10 Kinzhal missiles fired at the US embassy in Kiev.

    If you believe that the US and pals will limit strikes to Russian units just over the border then I got a bridge to sell you.

    The west are liars and Kiev are nazis. Neither should be trusted or believed. A hit inside Russia with these systems can be used as an escalation to target Zelensky and the US embassy that is essentially running the country. Claim there is EM evidence that the embassy is supporting the Ukrainian war effort in violation of its diplomatic status... there are thousands of Americans there... they are certainly not processing green card applications.

    Because the Russian Federation received long-range weapons from North Korea and Iran and uses them wherever it wants.

    Why can't we use ATACMS without restrictions, wherever we see fit?”

    Because the countries supplying your weapons don't want to be added to Russias to attack list because they are pussies and want you to fight and die in their war against Russia but they are not so keen on getting involved personally.

    They didn’t intercept anything

    This is a routine performance now, so keep pummeling them and push them out of range

    So everything going to plan for Russia so why change anything.

    Russia wasn't interested in those regions to the north other than Kievs use of them to attack Russian territory, so now they are taking it to make Russian territory safer... but now Ukrainian forces have moved to defend it they have left the rest of the line exposed so I would say Russian attacks at other places along the line will now start and Ukrainian defences are going to struggle... and then collapse...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:03 am

    Reading the whining on here you would think Russia is losing...

    "Putin's 'Largest Victory' In Ukraine; Russia 'Takes Control' Of 880 Sq Km Land In Just 5 Months"

    Putin is closest to having to resign when he is winning it seems.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  ALAMO Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:22 am

    In all your arguments, there is one small missing point.
    Relevance of all that to a general situation.
    You are being turned on by deliberate concern trolling, or the fact that Archie took the wrong pile.
    In the meantime, May ended up with double the number of revealed Lancet strikes if compared to the yearly average, with 300 incidents.
    At night, the remains of the Ukro energy system were pummeled again, with a clearly visible almost lack of countermeasures.
    A dose of medicine was applied to several airfields as well.
    Discussing if the west will allow ukrs to use any sort of weapon against Russian core territory is just an empty and meanless exchange of words.
    It is only a signal to the dumb westerners that they can do something relevant. Anything. No matter how it irrelevant turns out at the end.

    Oh look, the things are fuked up, because we have tighten them up - but hold their beer now!

    They have been using those weapons from the very beginning, pretending not to.

    Ukraine entered this war owning multiple striking systems being more advanced rather than the west supplied to them.
    They used to have a big caliber, corrected MLRS with a range of 300 km.
    They used to have advanced cruise missiles capable of making 500 km.

    All of that has been decimated. We still can hear that they are using a few missiles here and there, 90% of them being intercepted.
    Instead of using those to target Russki logistics, arms depots or any other sort of military grade and tasty targets, ukrs are using the remains to stage terror attacks on the civilian infrastructure.
    My concern is, if this is not a double faced game, leading to increasing of hate among them both. To make the reconciliation process harder to implement after the war.
    Dugin was addressing that in one of the latest interviews - how a dehumanization process was carried in Ukraine. And how - under any circumstances - they should not allow that to happen in Russia towards Ukrainians. Because that will kill the soul of the Russkie nation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:39 am

    Western politicians have all started reiterating quite openly as of late, that 'Russia cannot be allowed to win in the Ukraine'.

    What does this tell you?
    That they're ready to go a lot further still than they already have.
    And if Russia is accomplishing all this on the battlefield, well then, all the more cause to stop it with whatever means.

    It's frustrating talking with you folks here, you're treating the matter too casually. But I guess it doesn't matter, none of us is in a position to influence the course of events. And we will see how things play out won't we.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  ALAMO Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:45 am

    Western politics is being carried by a cast of thugs who bear no responsibility for their words or actions.
    From the Russkie perspective, it can be shocking, as you are being ruled by a single man for the last quarter of a century.
    Who has never said a word that was not executed later.
    They will STFU as soon as the leash will be pulled.

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    Post  Mir Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:55 am

    Reports say that the French are on their way. Russia should be able to easily track their whereabouts as they enter Ukraine.
    Russia will highly likely use these poor souls as a good example of toasted frog legs - as a strong message to the rest of those scumbags.

    If they send more hit them harder. Russia will have to do it. Their survival is at stake.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:59 am

    Back to hitting infrastructure.

    Rybar Force
    🇷🇺🇺🇦💡 After almost a month's hiatus, Russian forces launched a combined missile strike on enemy energy and critical infrastructure facilities, using both Geran-2 kamikaze drones and various types of cruise missiles.

    Explosions were heard in the city of Stryi: local channels posted footage of the arrivals, allegedly at one of the facilities in the city. Other facilities in the Lviv region also came under attack: local authorities claim at least six incoming attacks on three critical infrastructure sites.

    The strikes damaged one of the thermal power plants in Ivano-Frankivsk region and Dnipro HPP in Dnipro region: the authorities have blocked the road to the latter. At the moment, emergency recovery work is underway at the facilities, no emergency power cuts have been reported.

    In addition, there were explosions at the objects of critical infrastructure in Kirovohrad and Vinnytsia regions. In Odesa, the port infrastructure was hit, and in Balakliya an enemy temporary deployment point was hit.

    Gas storage hit in Stryi

    Last edited by JohninMK on Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:30 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:12 pm

    Having proved the strategy of spreading the UA out works by attacking near Kharkov works, why not spread them thinner by attacking further north? Its a no brainer.

    Russia Prepares to Attack Sumy Region

    According to WP, Russian forces are gathering forces for an expected offensive in the northern Sumy Oblast of Ukraine.

    Throughout the week, the Russian Armed Forces have saturated the border with satellite communication terminals and increased the activity of reconnaissance and communications in the radio network.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:15 pm

    ATACMS numbers: officially, 100 missiles were sent to Ukraine. However, with the current usage, they won't last long unless more were sent.

    GarryB wrote:
    Putin is closest to having to resign when he is winning it seems.

    dont you know Putin has cancer ? he was to expire already years ago, besider Russia run out of ammo in 2022. No wonder he considers resignation. 

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #57

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:17 pm

    I need to repeat what I posted before. Why are people in a frenzy that there is escalation? The US and its NATzO minions are the self-anointed masters of the universe
    who cannot countenance any major defeat. They will necessarily spazz out as we are seeing now. The key detail is that Putin and the Russian government knew this
    in February of 2022. There was no gamble or hope that NATzO would play by some rules. The only rules are imposed by brute power, in this case nuclear retaliation.
    Thus we see all the dancing around "letting" Ukria strike deep into Russian territory.

    The Ukr electrical grid is hanging off its nuclear power plants. All the coal, gas and oil plants have been disabled. Russia can take down Ukria's electricity in one night
    through strikes on connection nodes (*). We have not seen Russia acting to disable the Ukr transport network (including gasoline and diesel vehicles) because Russia was
    giving Ukria a chance and sparing its civilians a lot of pain. But it is now obvious that the the Kiev regime are total sock puppets and Russia can ratchet up the force.
    I do not see this war lasting beyond the end of this year. Combined with the stretching of the front, the strikes on power and transport should cause a collapse of the
    Ukr war effort. All the long range missiles are not going to save it.

    (*) As we saw in North America in 2003 (or 4), nuclear power plants went offline for two weeks because of a disruption in the electrical grid. Any attack on the
    connectors will trigger shut downs in all the Ukr nuclear plants.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:19 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:ATACMS numbers: officially, 100 missiles were sent to Ukraine. However, with the current usage, they won't last long unless more were sent.

    NATzO arms supply has been a joke in terms of the number sent.   This includes missiles, shells and tanks.

    GarryB wrote:
    Putin is closest to having to resign when he is winning it seems.

    dont you know Putin has cancer ?  he was to expire already years ago, besider Russia run out of ammo in 2022. No wonder he considers resignation. 

    Putin in the NATzO west is a schizophrenic projection, the same as all of Russia.   He is both dead and alive, weak and an existential threat.

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    Post  ALAMO Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:40 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:ATACMS numbers: officially, 100 missiles were sent to Ukraine. However, with the current usage, they won't last long unless more were sent.

    Some of those will be gone before arrival.
    Considering the mission planning we can see, they are using multiple missiles for every single strike to have any chance for breaking through. And still it is a matter of luck rather than organized effect.
    So at this scale, we are talking about a FEW attempted attacks.
    Now you know why everything is being played by propaganda rather than any other way. They can't gain any effect that would be painful, not to mention that matters.

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:47 pm

    I would have thought that to Ukraine, other than for PR purposes, the electricity supply system that was into but is now from the EU is rather more important than any long range missiles. It could also be disabled much more easily than stopping the arrival of missiles.

    With another strike on gas storage at Stryi it seems Russia is serious about EU gas storage housed in Ukraine.

    As far as I can remember Ukraine still has refinery capacity still operating, is this correct?

    When and if the UAF gets its F-16s its going to need a lot more aviation fuel than it does now. I know they must be getting fuel for the Abrams but how on earth will they get it in the large amounts the F-16 will use. Also, does the F-16 require a higher quality fuel than the Mig-25/Su-27 etc?

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