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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Mir Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:51 am

    SeigHeil wrote:@Vulcan

    First off you clueless individual. We took over the main population centers right away, we chased the Taliban into the mountains with ease, we didn't want to occupy every single inch, we didn't need to.

    You are attempting a cheap bash tactic, while omitting the facts of why we didn't.

    It took America and it's cronies 20 years to loose "The War on Terror" - like every other "war" they've attempted. It was also the longest war in US history.

    I quote one of the "insiders" responsible for this very expensive fiasco:

    The US-led war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, launched after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, was a "strategic failure," a senior military officer said on Tuesday.

    "At the end of 20 years, we, the military helped build an army, a state where we could not forge a nation, the enemy occupied Kabul, the overthrow of the government occurred in the military we supported for two decades faded away.

    "That is a strategic failure," former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman retired Gen. Mark Milley said during his testimony at the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ALAMO Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:07 am

    Mir wrote:
    It took America and it's cronies 20 years to loose "The War on Terror" - like every other "war" they've attempted. It was also the longest war in US history.

    The thing gets even more absurd if we keep in mind, that after the Soviets have left the Afghan in 1989, they did that in an organized manner.
    Holding a military parade in Kabul before.
    Crossed the bridge with high raised banners.
    Afghan regime held till 1992, and was overrun only because of the cease of existence of the Soviet Union, cutting them off from any sort of assistance - while the other side was being financed and supplied by the US for a whole time.
    Peaceful transformation under UN supervision and negotiations was hampered, and mujahedeen forces gained power in a brute way.
    Still, the infrastructure that the Soviets have built formed the core of Afghan economy till US & minions led invasion that destroyed what was left there.
    Still making their biggest base on the location that the Soviets have built from scratch.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  lyle6 Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:10 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    NATO could occupy russia, granted it would be costly, but we have the manpower and resources to do it. It would take a very very large army yes.

    If you remove nukes from the equation, the Russians cannot defend their territory fully from just fucking ukraine, and you clowns think they can do that against NATO throwing the kitchen sink at em.

    of course since they have all those Nukes, NATO will never occupy Russia and Russia will never occupy any NATO country.

    You do realize genius one of the main reasons Russia went into Ukraine was to PREVENT it from joining NATO because it would then be to late and one of their demands has always been "Ukraine never joins NATO"

    There is no world in which Russia is able to beat NATO in a conventional war and I am not insulting them for that, Replace the US with Rusia and would loose also because that's just waaaaay too much to fight against at once.
    You have haitianiggers eating cats and dogs in your porches.

    You don't even occupy your own country. Sit down.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ALAMO Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:30 am

    lyle6 wrote:
    You have haitianiggers eating cats and dogs in your porches.

    You don't even occupy your own country. Sit down.

    Hannibal at portes.

    Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:30 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:First off you clueless individual. We took over the main population centers right away, we chased the Taliban into the mountains with ease

    And then from the mountain they waged a partisan insurgency that gradually gained momentum and finally knocked down the puppet regime installed by USA in Kabul.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Belisarius Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:42 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Img_2489

    🇷🇺🇺🇦Ugledar - Russian soldiers entered the outskirts of the city along Magistralnaya and Desantnikov streets.

    Let's wish them good luck in battle!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:48 am

    NATO could occupy russia, granted it would be costly, but we have the manpower and resources to do it. It would take a very very large army yes.

    And the massing of such forces presents a juicy target for Russian forces to obliterate... and unlike during the cold war, they would not need nuclear weapons to cause massive carnage...

    Assuming HATO could gather large conventional forces with large amounts of conventional equipment that would be needed to give them any meaning at all, how long would support for this conflict remain if Russia struck such forces with cluster munitions and killed tens of thousands in one strike?

    If you remove nukes from the equation, the Russians cannot defend their territory fully from just fucking ukraine, and you clowns think they can do that against NATO throwing the kitchen sink at em.

    You can't remove nukes from the situation, because no matter what Russian territory you choose to attack the Russians are going to respond.

    You think all of HATO is even going to turn up?

    Finland is unlikely to join in because that puts their entire border with Russia at risk and their population centres are horribly vulnerable. The Baltic states are horribly vulnerable to being invaded and taken out of the game. Poland is talking big but, but that is not new, and there are a few dissenting voices even there...

    The most vocal supporters seem to be the ones furthest from the front line like the Dutch and the UK... used to be lions and are now mice...

    You do realize genius one of the main reasons Russia went into Ukraine was to PREVENT it from joining NATO because it would then be to late and one of their demands has always been "Ukraine never joins NATO"

    And do you think if the west gives Ukraine... or what is left of the Ukraine full HATO membership that Russia will withdraw its forces and apologise?

    There is no world in which Russia is able to beat NATO in a conventional war and I am not insulting them for that, Replace the US with Rusia and would loose also because that's just waaaaay too much to fight against at once.

    Russia was supposed to collapse with the sanctions. HATO super weapons were supposed to cut through Russian forces like a Scythe through wheat. They only gave them 31 Abrams tanks because that is all they thought they would need. They have been so very wrong about so many things but you think they are a superior force?

    When their airfields are hit and their AWACS and JSTARS and recon drones start falling from the skies and have to be withdrawn or they will be lost, when the optics in their satellites only show fuzzy images and their radar is jammed, do you think they will do what they have been doing and planning absolutely mental fucking stupid hairbrained attacks on Russian targets like try to capture the Kursk NPP or invade Crimea or blow up the crimean bridge, or maybe seize Snake Island?

    HATO planners are fucking morons with no idea... they think like Bond villians... and are about as successful.

    I am insulting them because the nazi contagen has effected them and now they are clearly the bad guys... you can see it in western media who think putting bombs in phones and pagers and setting them all off at once is a good thing and not terrorism. In a crowded market... on a bus... in an aircraft, on a train, in a movie theatre, anywhere the public can go... they detonated bombs... if Iran did that it would be identified as terrorism... but ironically Iran doesn't do shit like that...

    How does it feel to realise you are the bad guys... so keep defending them... remain in denial... do as you are told because if you disagree you are putins puppet... there is no discussion and no room for alternative views... freedom of speech as long as you say what we want you to say and think what we want you to think... what year is it.... 1984 perhaps?

    I guess this satiric answer is enough to understand that the west has no more manpower for anything. Most of men in the west are either drugged, pussies or too lazy to fight a war. They don't even have enough of men to have enough workers for important daylife jobs.

    Agree, but I think the plan is to cut europe off from cheap energy and raw materials and create a collapsing economy situation for more and more countries there... add in some immigrants escaping the war in the Ukraine... more to come before winter arrives this year "Winter is coming" (thanks to Game of Drones...), and perhaps life in Europe will become so deplorable that joining the armed forces to play video games might appeal to some members of the community...

    First off you clueless individual. We took over the main population centers right away, we chased the Taliban into the mountains with ease, we didn't want to occupy every single inch, we didn't need to.

    That is what every invader of Afghanistan says and does... and they all leave with their tail between their legs...

    HATO supplied more equipment and weapons and ammo to the Taliban than they have to many of their allies...

    Why would we fight them in the Pacific?

    Do you think Russia will only fight you in Europe?

    Queensbury rules perhaps?

    The US has military bases around the world and its connection to the world is via the ocean... I would say there are a few major underwater cables that will be cut that immediately effect US communications with Europe and the rest of the world... and that would just be a start.

    1. They would try but they would be getting pummels by air power and cruise missiles daily.

    How many US carriers would they need to sink to make them back off out of range... I am guessing one.

    4. Russian AD Will be hunted down and eliminated again, their AD cannot stop Ukraine fully, it stands no chance against NATO it would take a bit but would be done and these complex launchers are hard to replace not to mention the factories will be targeted right away.

    It took Ukraine 3 years to take out an S-400 TEL.. a single one... The Ukraine has never flown more than half a dozen aircraft at one time in one place... the numbers of HATO aircraft flying around is a target rich environment for Russian air defence systems that can operate in optical mode...

    HATO didn't even operate below 8km altitude in Kosovo because they were afraid of MANPADS. Igla-1 would be dangerous enough but Igla-S and Verba will clear the skies of helicopters and CAS aircraft very quickly...

    Russia doesn't win this, it's out produced, out manned.

    Out produced in what? Medals? Gender conversion surgeries?

    And the thing you ignore the most is that Russia has already clearly stated that a conflict for Russian territory against HATO is a threat to their existence so nuclear weapons would be used.

    Is the US and France and the UK going to use nukes to defend Poland or the Baltic states that have attacked Russia?

    Did they rush to defend Georgia?

    Force NATO into wartime production and are how fast stuff flys off the lines, we have all the resources needed despite fanboys saying otherwise.

    War production mode would push their living standards down into the toilet and severe austerity programmes is going to cause a lot of anger and problems over a conflict that the US is driving and pushing the Europeans into.

    A Russian/NATO war comes down to attrition and that's a war NATO wins, sure losses Will be immense for both sides but the Russians could not sustain the losses, NATO could

    Yeah, because Europe was well known for standing up to the Germans in the early 1940s against the Germans... that western front went on for years, while on the eastern front it was a walk in the park wasn't it?

    The west stirred itself up into so much hate for the Russians there was no other option on the eastern front except to fight or die, while on the western front countries folded like high quality origami paper that has been pre scored for the purpose of folding easily.

    Forgetting history leads to serious delusions and separation from reality.

    25 years ago you might have gotten a significant portion of the Russian population to join the western side against whomever was in power to overthrow them and replace them with some CIA tool, but now the west has revealed its true russophobic nature and I don't think you will get a lot of support for your proposed attacks.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:40 pm

    A IMR recovery vehicle of Ukraine was destroyed when it attempted to recover an destroyed Stryker in Kursk.

    Goddamit. Ukraine does not have many recovery vehicle in Kursk from the very beginning but it deploys them to do meaningless tasks.

    By the way the Ukrainians also attempt to deploy SPGs directly at Kursk. Which means there will be more video of Lancets and Russian UAVs destroying these SPGs.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  marcellogo Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:51 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    lyle6 wrote:
    You have haitianiggers eating cats and dogs in your porches.

    You don't even occupy your own country. Sit down.

    Hannibal at portes.

    Laughing Laughing

    PORTAS! Hannibal at the gates.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  franco Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:35 pm

    Russian MoD reporting 2390 Ukrainian casualties during the past 24 hours including;

    During the day, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to more than 360 military personnel, and 13 armored vehicles, including an infantry fighting vehicle and 12 armored combat vehicles, as well as four artillery pieces, two multiple rocket launchers, three electronic warfare stations and 11 vehicles. Four servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were captured.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Hole Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:16 pm

    A Russian/NATO war comes down to attrition and that's a war NATO wins,
    Currently we are in a war of attrition and NATO is losing.

    Force NATO into wartime production and are how fast stuff flys off the lines
    The US has one ammo factory, most of the workers there are 50+.
    Good luck in building more factories and training staff during wartime.

    sure losses Will be immense for both sides but the Russians could not sustain the losses, NATO could
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1
    After a few weeks and 50.000+ dead people would march to the Capitol in Washington. This time with weapons.

    We took over the main population centers right away, we chased the Taliban into the mountains with ease,
    The Northern Alliance did that.

    NATO could occupy russia
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 NaziGermany with the help of all of Europe and an 4,5 million men Army couldn´t do it, but you think the woke pussies of NATO 
    with maybe 350.000 soldiers and ammo issues could?
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ALAMO Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:23 pm

    Hole wrote:
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 NaziGermany with the help of all of Europe and an 4,5 million men Army couldn´t do it, but you think the woke pussies of NATO 
    with maybe 350.000 soldiers and ammo issues could?
    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1

    Because they didn't have Captain Murica!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:34 pm

    Ugledar is ours!

    Ukrops have fled

    Troops are cleaning the city now - but positions surrounding are abandoned

    Good job boys!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Kiko Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:38 pm

    Russian troops took Ugledar in pincers, 09.24.2024.

    Advisor to the head of the DPR: The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to withdraw their strike groups from Ugledar.

    MOSCOW, September 24 — RIA Novosti. The Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in Ugledar has found itself in the clutches of Russian troops, said Igor Kimakovsky, adviser to the head of the DPR, on Channel One.

    "Ugledar has found itself in a rather serious pincer movement. And rotation (of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. - Ed.) is practically impossible," he said.

    Kimakovskiy noted that even some circles in Ukraine , close to the Ministry of Defense, recognize the impossibility of rotation and the dire situation of the 72nd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, located in the city.

    On Sunday, Verkhovna Rada deputy Maryana Bezugla called Kiev's loss of Ugledar "a matter of time." She blamed Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky, who she said created chaos in the 72nd Brigade by removing the brigade commander during the Russian offensive and did not facilitate replenishment of the unit.

    "According to our intelligence, the enemy is already withdrawing its main groups, and is trying to withdraw its most striking groups from Ugledar," the adviser to the head of the DPR said.

    He called the encirclement of the city from two sides by Russian troops a very serious success.

    "If we take a closer look to the west, in the area of ​​the Kashlagach River, our guys have made quite a significant advance and have practically taken under fire control the only road that remains for supplying the garrison (Ukrainian Armed Forces in Ugledar. - Ed.). This is the road to Bogoyavlenka," the adviser to the head of the DPR specified.

    Kimakovskiy pointed out that now the enemy can actually only use secondary roads and if it starts to rain, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have serious problems.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Backman Tue Sep 24, 2024 4:58 pm

    Has there been an official statement from the Russian govt on the Toropets strike yet ? I am skeptical of the official story. 

    The damage looks on the small tactical nuke level. It completely vaporized a thick green forest. 

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Arrow Tue Sep 24, 2024 5:16 pm

    . Russian AD Will be hunted down and eliminated again, their AD cannot stop Ukraine fully, it stands no chance against NATO it would take a bit but would be done and these complex launchers are hard to replace not to mention the factories will be targeted right away. wrote:

    Laughing Laughing Laughing

    Hunting Russian AD haha ​​you must have confused something with Iraq. And even there you didn't eliminate the AD system completely despite having information from the Germans about Iraqi AD. And now you think you'll be able to hunt several thousand SAM launchers in Russia, with the participation of a powerful ECM. With what Tomahawks? That's a joke, with airpower? At the time when the war with Russia starts from the Russian side, several thousand different types of missiles will fly at NATO targets in Europe, a large part of NATO airpower will be killed on the ground. NATO would not be able to gain air superiority over Russia. The airpower that remains would be decimated. In almost 3 years, with full NATO support, Ukraine managed to destroy maybe 20 SAM launchers, and even if 30, what percentage of Russian AD is that Smile The only thing NATO could try to do is to saturate AD if it knew the positions well. BECAUSE in a war with NATO, optical reconnaissance and SAR satellites could fail quickly. ECM would be at full power. Russia has many more cruise missiles than the entire NATO. And now considering that NATO has very weak AD whose missiles will reach many more targets.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Belisarius Tue Sep 24, 2024 5:23 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Img_2490

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  LMFS Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:27 pm

    Belisarius wrote:Ugledar

    Liberated? I am reading the main supply route has been physically cut...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ucmvulcan Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:11 pm

    Backman wrote:Has there been an official statement from the Russian govt on the Toropets strike yet ? I am skeptical of the official story. 

    The damage looks on the small tactical nuke level. It completely vaporized a thick green forest. 

    My only issue with this is that a tactical nuke would be detected in Moscow and it would give Putin the go ahead to incinerate NATO.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Arrow Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:19 pm

    And they were able to occupy only part of Russia. And where is the occupation of ALL of Russia? wrote:

    And they were able to occupy only part of Russia. And where is the occupation of ALL of Russia? We must remember that today's Russia has incomparably greater capabilities for precise conventional strikes on NATO territory in Europe than the USSR. You don't even need tactical nuclear weapons to cause huge losses. Strikes on critical infrastructure, etc. and cause a huge blackout. In Ukraine, they could do the same, but they do it only partially over longer periods of time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Kiko Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:38 pm

    The Russian Armed Forces have cut off the last road leading to Ugledar, by Anton Valagin for Rossiyskaia Gazeta. 09.24.2024.

    War correspondents report that Russian troops have captured Ukrainian strongholds along the road leading from Ugledar north to Bogoyavlenka. This is the last highway that remained under the control of Ukrainian forces.

    The powerful garrison of the Ugledar fortified area - and the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is entrenched there - is left without rotation, delivery of ammunition and medicine. This is very unpleasant for the Ukrainians, but the worst thing for them is something else.

    "Delaying the withdrawal of forces from Ugledar could lead to the operational encirclement of the Ukrainian group," writes Boris Rozhin .

    War correspondent Aleksandr Kots also believes that the Russian Armed Forces will not storm the well-fortified city located on a hill, but will take it by attrition . After encirclement, the Ugledar garrison will face a difficult choice: surrender or break through. The second option is inevitably associated with large losses. And time is now working against the Ukrainian Armed Forces: with the onset of rain, dirt roads will turn into a swamp in which equipment will get stuck, turning into an easy target for artillery and aviation.

    Russian troops have already taken control of the city's suburbs.  A group of special forces soldiers from the elite "Da Vinci Wolves" brigade surrendered near Ugledar.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Isos Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:30 pm

    ucmvulcan wrote:
    My only issue with this is that a tactical nuke would be detected in Moscow and it would give Putin the go ahead to incinerate NATO.  

    By definition nuclear explosion would release radioactive materials and would be detected by sensors.

    Russian Perimetr system has such sensors and would detect it and launch a nuclear attack if activated.

    So no, it was not a nuk.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  mnztr Wed Sep 25, 2024 12:20 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:@John

    Why would we fight them in the Pacific?

    1. They would try but they would be getting pummels by air power and cruise missiles daily.

    2. It's a myth our weapons need sate to work, a couple do sure but a vast most of it doesn't.

    It would also take a Great deal of time to strike the sates and Russia wouldn't be allowed to openly do this for long they also have very limited means of that.

    They might get some but they will never get the all.

    3. We don't need awacs conduct operations even the they have the range to stay far away and still collect data, we have many other meana of doing this

    4. Russian AD Will be hunted down and eliminated again, their AD cannot stop Ukraine fully, it stands no chance against NATO it would take a bit but would be done and these complex launchers are hard to replace not to mention the factories will be targeted right away.

    Airfields can be built in short order.

    Russia doesn't win this, it's out produced, out manned.

    Force NATO into wartime production and are how fast stuff flys off the lines, we have all the resources needed despite fanboys saying otherwise.

    The Russians only Chance at winning would be to turtle up and hopefully for them inflict millions upon millions of losses while somehow not having their own forces destroyed

    Then hope the public turns on the war.

    A Russian/NATO war comes down to attrition and that's a war NATO wins, sure losses Will be immense for both sides but the Russians could not sustain the losses, NATO could

    Why couldn't NATO provide Urkaine with assistance in wiping out Russias AD? Very Happy They have a full set of sensors sat recon, etc. US HARM missile has only 30 miles range. The fact they do not have a much longer suite of ARMs says they don't expect to face Russia and notice how they have a bird each time Russia offeres aS400 to a country. No AD is bulllet proof, look at how the first integrated AD worked against the USA in Vietnam. that is 50 years ago.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  LMFS Wed Sep 25, 2024 12:42 am

    Something from Khairullin, to compensate for so many idiotic posts as of late:

    Marat Khairullin
    Russia has done it all-on the ground and in the air
    Part 1

    Those who carefully read the recent analysis on our channel probably realized that dill has come to an end. And convulsions like the Kursk adventure will no longer help. The only thing that doesn't understand this is that Russian military bloggers have lost everything, as usual, but they don't count as flawed ones.
    Talk that the Kursk adventure will provoke an outflow of Russian troops from the main front is outright profanity. Russia has accumulated such power that it is unlikely that with the existing resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the collective West, they will be able to organize an offensive that will force us to withdraw troops from the active front.
    Mathematics is the queen of sciences, including military science, and you can't go against it. To understand this once again, let's take a different look at the Toretsk-Novgorod agglomeration.

    Dill sat here so calmly because the front line was held on 10 settlements, maximally fortified, and seven large garbage cans, which were a serious problem.
    (Let me remind you that Avdiivka actually fell after the capture of a single piece of trash).
    Moreover, eight localities and 6 landfills are like the first, main line. The ninth (Toretsk itself) is like a near rear surrounded by waste land and these villages.
    The Toretsk liberation operation began at the end of May, 4 months have passed since then, and what do we see? Eight villages and 6 waste areas were taken. The fighting is taking place in Toretsk itself. There was only one piece of trash left, though it was the largest, covering the southern flank.
    At the same time, two Russian armies (the 54th Donetsk and the 3rd Luhansk) are advancing on the front line here with a maximum width of 9 kilometers at once - this is at least 10 full-fledged infantry assault divisions of high power, not counting art brigades and tanks. That is, about a division per kilometer of the front.

    It is clear that I draw a simplified picture, in reality, such a density of troops means that we can conduct very high-intensity combat operations, constantly rotating personnel. Dill has no chance at all here.
    Moreover, now the most fortified first line of defense of dill is taken, and our offensive is developing, for example, along the Novgorodskoe-Shcherbinovka line (this is an almost complete encirclement of Toretsk on the northern flank).
    The Dill forces don't have any fortifications on this line at all - they didn't even think that we could break through to these lines. And we did not think about it because we never imagined, even in a terrible dream, that we could accumulate such a striking power at this particular turn.
    They were so busy pouring their, excuse me, shitpropaganda all over the place that they believed in it themselves.

    But the most interesting thing in this direction will happen when we finish Toretsk and approach two armies close to Konstantinovka on a front width of a maximum of 6 kilometers. This is important because it is a general trend.
    After each of our advances, the overall front line is shrinking, and we are actually slowly squeezing the Ukrov from all sides.
    Against the background of the constant increase in both the number of our troops and the overall firepower, this is the most important trend.
    As for Konstantinovka, you will laugh again, but the Ukrovs also don't have any fortifications on this side, because they a terrible dream... and so on. From the south-east, according to the great plan of the Ukrainian Fuhrers, Konstantinovka was reliably covered by Toretsk, and from the north-east by Chas-Yar.

    This is what they call on earth. And I have repeatedly promised that I will analyze in more detail the situation in the air, that is, in our aviation. Just make a reservation, the topic is vast and also secret, so I operate only with open data, mainly Western. There can be no exact figures here, only approximate ones.
    Nevertheless, the topic of aviation in assessing the effectiveness of the SVO is very important, since the state of affairs in the Air Force can be judged on the overall health of the army. Flyers are not just elite-they are a very complex type of human activity.

    Part 2

    For example, a priori it is considered that the most difficult type of business is air transportation: organization of flights, logistics chains, maintenance of vehicles, training of pilots and other personnel.
    Not to mention, in principle, the organization of its own production of flight units.
    For example, only two countries in the world are able to produce from scratch the entire range of flight units from screws to airframe and engine with a full range of weapons - this is the United States and Russia. China is still preparing to cross this border.
    And the United States, apparently, is about to leave this elite club.

    There is a suspicion that America has forgotten how to make engines for its main long-range bombers B-1B Lancer and B-52. And here we are for the entire range of our bombers , although with a creak in some cases, but we continue to produce.
    Russia is still confidently holding on to the top, having managed not to miss a single critical competence in the 90s. This fact alone can be used to assess the viability of different countries.
    The United States, despite its general well-being and the absence of internal shocks, is frankly losing one competence after another in absolutely hothouse conditions. Including in aviation. And our country, having survived the 90s, not only retained all the main groundwork, but also continues to master new technologies.
    That is, the state of affairs in aviation is really an indicator of the country's combat readiness.

    For example, it is estimated that the United States has about 2,200 combat aircraft. But, as they say, there are nuances. If we discard heavy bombers, transporters, and others, there are already about 1700 left. And we have 1350. It doesn't look so critical anymore.
    But the situation becomes even more interesting if you dig deep.
    For example, if you take such a category as" aircraft for gaining air superiority", the United States has only about 200 such aircraft. About 130 F-22s (no one knows what condition they are in) and about 80 F-15S (it is also not clear what condition they are in, because the age of the aircraft is 40+).
    And Rossi, please note, has three hundred plus such planes. Moreover, evaluate the nomenclature: 130 relatively old Su-27s (age 25 +); 140 supernova Su-35s; 24 extremely new Su-57s.
    220 upgraded Mig-31 high-altitude interceptors that have no analogues in the world, we will generously not mention here.

    In the US army, there are about 400 F-35 supernovae with a tail. But, first of all, according to the original plan, they were supposed to enter the US Army every year 50 +. Then this indicator was lowered to 37. None has been accepted for the last two years, due to problems with the software for the latest version of the aircraft.
    Planes are manufactured and they suck-they wait for IT people to finish their part.
    As of 2024, Russia has put into service 24 Su-57s (a full aviation regiment consisting of two squadrons).
    And in 2025, according to the plan, they should also put 24, that is, a shelf every year.
    But the most important thing is not even that. Judging by the way the F-35 flies in Israel, this aircraft is able to take off only once every few days. And this is despite the fact that the Israeli air force is considered the most combat-ready in the Western bloc, and their F-35s are the most "finished" and "pumped up".

    The main combat load in the US Army is carried by the F-16 aircraft (old man 40+). The hegemon has about 850 of them. It is officially known that only 40 percent of the F-16 fleet is fully operational. At the same time, the F-16 is an aircraft with a very limited range (half of our dryers), respectively, it cannot stay in the air for long.
    At the same time, due to its age and technical complexity, the aircraft can make a maximum of one combat sortie per day. The norm is one flight every three days. This is roughly what we now see in Israel.

    Part 3

    Now compare it with our fleet. The Su-30 and Su-34 are direct analogs of the multifunctional F-16s. There are about 300 - 150 thirties and about 130 "ducklings".
    Not only does the entire fleet, with the exception of those located directly at the repair plant, serve-that is, nominally 100 percent combat readiness (amers, ho-ho-ho for your 40 percent), but also for these aircraft it is considered normal for five combat sorties a day. On average, "ducklings" on the SVO show four combat sorties per day.
    Let's calculate: to hell with it, let's have 200 "multi-functionals" working directly in our troops right now-multiply by five. A thousand sorties a day!

    Now it is believed that our bombers on the SVO make an average of 200 sorties a day along the entire front. Rarely more than three hundred. In other words, it turns out that we are working within a quarter of our actual combat capabilities. But if you look at the dynamics, everything is going on increasing.
    We should reach the peak in about six months. Just imagine-a thousand bomb sorties a day. And this is without taking into account all the other wings, and they can also contribute.
    For example, the owners of Ukrainian slaves are in a panic about how our Su-57 works. This plane can stay in the air for a very long time, and due to the fact that it sees everything far away and is armed with very long-range weapons, it turns out that it is literally sitting in ambush. Not everyone knows that almost every moment of time one or two Su-57s are in the air. They guard primarily the Black Sea and, apparently, the most dangerous parts of the border and front.
    Hence the unprecedented efficiency - almost any launch of Ukrop missiles from an airplane ends with the defeat of the carrier. The Amers don't have anything close to it. Compare the F-22, which needs to be prepared for departure for five days (at best, if there is an appropriate infrastructure at the base) and our supernova aircraft.
    Now, following the results of the first year of full-fledged operation, it turns out that one Su-57 squadron is able to control the entire current theater of operations around the clock. And I do not remember, we already have a regiment of such miracle machines on our SVO. We'll talk about this in more detail in the following materials.

    GarryB, franco, Arrow, xeno, PapaDragon, JohninMK, Eugenio Argentina and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Krepost Wed Sep 25, 2024 3:55 am

    Couple of older clips from pr. 11356 frigates earlier in the conflict:

    ADMIRAL ESSEN shooting down a BYARKTAR drone with SHTIL missiles:

    ADMIRAL MAKAROV shooting KALIBRs at 404istan:

    GarryB, franco, Hole and Mir like this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

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