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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  JohninMK Yesterday at 2:50 pm

    Kyiv will receive additional NASAMS anti-aircraft missiles, RIM-7 and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, ammunition for HIMARS artillery rocket systems, 155-mm and 105-mm artillery shells, Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems, HMMWV combat vehicles, small arms, ammunition, grenades, etc
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 GaDJUe2WAAAfPd8?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  GarryB Yesterday at 3:46 pm

    And what shocks me most is the fact, that there is a rather simple solution to this.
    First, end the war.
    Second, reestablish business as usual with Russkie.

    The first would be easy... if they closed their borders and airspace to Ukraine this conflict would not last a lot longer, but that second one might not be as easy as you suggest... the EU inflicted pain on Russia and has killed a lot of their young men and civilians... I really don't think the end of this conflict is going to flick some switch and it will be business as usual again. Russia produces its own food, and it has started getting the other things it wants or needs from other places, and has started the process of shifting its energy deliveries to Asia and down through the Caspian Sea to Iran.

    There have been countries that have been mature and didn't enter this western sanction fest... Georgia has not been the enemy it could have been and Turkey has remained neutral. Hungary is talking sense even if it is part of Europe and recently Slovakia and Austria have been talking sensibly too, but the rest were keen to send weapons and see the Russians humiliated. Lavrov even mentioned... it might take a generation before business as usual is even possible.

    The only places they still cooperate is in CERN and ISS and the former has ended for Russian workers on December 1st and the ISS is not going to survive this decade...

    Third, rearm while spending the money on the EU based MIC, not US one.

    They will start with EU projects for new fighters and new tanks and new ships and eventually each country able to make their own will make their own and they will all use slightly different variations of the same ammo that is not compatible... and different engines and different engine parts... they will all be metric but different.

    And they will all cost way more than was promised...

    Maybe their better solution to speed up part two would be to disband HATO and buy Russian military equipment which has been proven to be effective in real combat... Twisted Evil

    Europe will already be buying hundreds of F 35s. Unless something unforeseen happens and the US collapses faster.

    Buying F-35s in large numbers is a good recipe to ensure a collapse faster...

    populated by $ionists isn't exactly better.

    By definition, they wont be Zionists because it is not Israel... it would be more like a Jewish enclave... they have such things in Russia already.

    the hopium is strong in this one and that is from a year ago makes the hopium tears even more delicious

    What is worse is that it wasn't even accurate then when it was posted...

    Interesting that he favours bullies that pretend to be victims though... nazis in kiev and nazis in Israel.

    What did they expect from the western MIC?

    They scoured the planet looking for any ammo in useful calibres so of course they paid top dollar for the worst shit everyone wanted to get rid of.

    Even the Eastern European countries probably had out of date ammo that they likely shipped to kiev first before giving up the good stuff... the recent stuff.

    They talk about North Korea and Iran and India and Serbia and China and Cuba and Venezuela sending ammo and weapons to the Russians for this conflict... and of course they could have, but most seem to be denying that, but the real bitter pill is that western countries, or more accurately front companies using CIA money probably offered them all sorts of money for that ammo and while many of those countries could do with money, they probably said no just to piss America and the EU off.

    If I was North Korea, I would be giving them some of my newer missiles and most modern artillery rounds just to test them in a real conflict... without charge.

    Flatulence, created by eating to much beans.

    Very important there is to be no smoking...

    Except after a TOS attack obviously.

    It is said that this is the remains of Challenger in Kursk

    Was it buried to hide and protect it, or did it just sink... I would say the latter due to the lack of hiding the turret and gun which are distinctive features you would hide if you are burying something to hide it.

    ...and JohninMK gives the explanation.... Smile

    Regarding that post of that tank battle, it is going to be rather one sided because a couple of weeks training is not long enough to learn how to use a tank effectively... they will have the same problem with everything from artillery to air defence...

    HATO are keen for Kiev to keep fighting but really don't seem interested in sending actual troops or manned platforms to support like some of those F-35s or Rafales or even Leclercs...

    RIM-7 and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles,

    RIM-7s are Sea Sparrows based on the old SARH air to air missile that predates the AMRAAM.

    Not a terrible missile but not generally land based either... seems the US Navy wants to get rid of old stocks too...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  lyle6 Yesterday at 3:54 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    Not yet.
    And what shocks me most is the fact, that there is a rather simple solution to this.
    First, end the war.
    Second, reestablish business as usual with Russkie.
    Third, rearm while spending the money on the EU based MIC, not US one.
    But nobody will allow that to happen because the goal of this drill was the opposite Twisted Evil
    Unfortunately the Russians will not forget nor forgive the Euros for forcing them to kill their own blood, by their own hands even. The retribution might not come now, or tomorrow, but it will come. The death toll will be horrendous.

    For Europe to survive it has to be defanged. Permanently.

    Can't be a threat if you're living hand to mouth.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ALAMO Yesterday at 4:55 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Ouch - the perenoha became a stinking fucking Zrada hahahaah

    It was enough to watch the faces of the audience when he pushed these phantasmagories.
    This guy clearly lives in an alternate universe full of white powder.
    And what is the most humorous part is the fact the more idiocies he speaks, the more Europe distances.
    For me who is watching  that for years, it looks like the turning point has been achieved a while ago, and only gaining momentum.

    lyle6 wrote:
    Unfortunately the Russians will not forget nor forgive the Euros for forcing them to kill their own blood, by their own hands even. The retribution might not come now, or tomorrow, but it will come. The death toll will be horrendous.
    For Europe to survive it has to be defanged. Permanently.
    Can't be a threat if you're living hand to mouth.

    Well, yes and no.
    Keep in mind that there is no single European opinion to the matter.
    It varies even in countries - just t ake a look at Croatia. While its president keeps sane mind and was calling the warmongers to send their own children there because he as a Croatian president wouldn't allow the Croats to die for Ukropia.
    And was called a Russian agent by the Croatian PM Laughing
    Hungarian position is clear.
    Slovak position is clear.
    Pretty soon, Czechs will follow the Slovakian path - Czech society is quite pragmatic, it is only part of its political establishment that pushes an insane Russophobic agenda. Dismantling Koniev's monument in Prague, ended up in riots.
    Bulgar society is Russia-positive - it would be very hard not to be if Russkie gave them freedom from Ottoman oppression that was drawing them in blood.
    It is again a part of a corrupted political class that pushes the agenda the society doesn't share.
    A giant part of German society has not a gram of Russophobia, the same applies to the Austrians.
    Remember that there is a rather big German diaspora in Russia and vice versa.
    Russkie are way to pragmatic to dump those sentiments down the toilet - they will cooperate with the friendly EU member countries.
    They are doing that even now - there was a scandal this week, as German SWR wrote that till the end of 2023, German machine industry has carried more than THREE HUNDRED deliveries of equipment to Russian MIC...
    With Turkey being a middleman Laughing
    HAd they ceased to do it in 2024 is a rhetorical question I suppose Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  franco Yesterday at 6:25 pm

    Russian MoD reporting 2410 Ukrainian casualties in the past 24 hours including in the Kursk;

    During the day, the losses of the Armed Forces amounted to more than 250 people, 15 armored vehicles were destroyed, including five tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, of which one was a Swedish-made CV-90 BMP, eight armored combat vehicles, as well as four guns, of which two M777 howitzers made in the USA and one L119 howitzer made in Britain, a launcher installation of multiple rocket launchers, four mortars and four vehicles. Six servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  PapaDragon Yesterday at 8:00 pm

    Eugenio Argentina wrote:About 100 masked men broke into the church of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church ( in Cherkassy during the liturgy at night, seized the cathedral, and stole its treasury, the Union of Orthodox Journalists reported.

    So what?

    They tried to play neutral with Nazis to save their status, this is just karma

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ucmvulcan Yesterday at 8:14 pm

    Eugenio Argentina wrote:About 100 masked men broke into the church of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church ( in Cherkassy during the liturgy at night, seized the cathedral, and stole its treasury, the Union of Orthodox Journalists reported.

    I would absolutely hate to be them. If God wasn't on Russia's side before this, He most certainly is now.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  JohninMK Yesterday at 8:17 pm

    The Ukrainians can only dream of something like this heading their way Laughing I gave up counting Smile

    Mind you, they are supposed to be getting 49 or so clapped out Aussie M1a

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Yesterday at 10:59 pm

    lyle6 wrote:
    ALAMO wrote:
    Not yet.
    And what shocks me most is the fact, that there is a rather simple solution to this.
    First, end the war.
    Second, reestablish business as usual with Russkie.
    Third, rearm while spending the money on the EU based MIC, not US one.
    But nobody will allow that to happen because the goal of this drill was the opposite Twisted Evil
    Unfortunately the Russians will not forget nor forgive the Euros for forcing them to kill their own blood, by their own hands even. The retribution might not come now, or tomorrow, but it will come. The death toll will be horrendous.

    For Europe to survive it has to be defanged. Permanently.

    Can't be a threat if you're living hand to mouth.

    They are "Slavs" but their original founders came on Varangian boats?

    If they were Slavs they would have arrived on land, not on boats.

    Zaporozhian Cossacks showed similar behavior patterns to Varangians.

    Genuine Slavic nationality would be ethnic Poles.

    It was the ethnic Poles who blocked German expansion to the East for around 700 years.

    Meanwhile Ukraine in the past sided with Sweden, now is siding with Germany.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Kiko Today at 12:02 am

    Nuclear Blackmail: Zelensky Decided to Scare the World with Weapons of Mass Destruction, by David Narmania for RiaNovosti. 10.17.2024.

    The continuation of yesterday's banquet of Volodymyr Zelensky with a winning plan did not take long to come. At today's speech at the European Council, he repeated the theses that became one of the reasons for the main tragedy in Ukrainian history.

    "In a conversation with Donald Trump, I said: 'This is what we have. What is the solution? Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons - and then this will be our defense. Or we must have some kind of alliance. Apart from NATO , we do not know of an effective alliance today. NATO countries are not at war today. NATO countries are not at war. In NATO countries, all people are alive,'" Zelensky opened up to his European partners.

    And literally immediately Bild published a very interesting article with references to a certain Ukrainian official who threatens to create an atomic bomb for Kiev in a few weeks. It is noteworthy that this unnamed source specializes in arms purchases.

    "We have the materials, we have the knowledge. If we get the order, it will only take a few weeks to get the first bomb," the German publication quotes him as saying.

    Here we need to immediately clarify a few points. There is no particular need to mention that Russia has more nuclear warheads than the Ukrainian Armed Forces use artillery shells per month. There is also no need to mention that there is no safe place in Ukraine that Russia could not reach with non-nuclear, but extremely powerful means. There is no talk at all about Russia not allowing such a scenario to happen. This is obvious to everyone anyway.

    It is better to pay attention to the following. The intellectual impoverishment of Western elites is, of course, increasingly evident, but even they understand that it is primarily in their interests to do everything to prevent Ukraine from acquiring nuclear weapons. Kyiv is bowing and scraping to get long-range missiles and air defense. They are giving it with difficulty. And as for weapons of mass destruction... The West needs Ukraine as a cheap - and they do not hide it - consumable that can be used against Russia. No one is going to make it, if not a nuclear power, then a gang with a nuclear club. The Germans are not allowed to do so, and certainly not the cocaine ruler of a country that the average American cannot find on a map.

    That is why if yesterday's - and today's, for that matter - comedian seriously thinks: "Nuclear weapons? That would be great!" - and something happens to him after that, then it is very likely that American or European specialists have gotten ahead of their Russian colleagues. His role in the global party is to drive Ukrainians to their death, and not to threaten the world with a nuclear apocalypse.

    It is therefore significant that Bankova hastened to refute the Bild article, calling it a hoax and nonsense.

    But why then was such a statement made at all?

    The thing is that Zelensky is well aware that there is very little time left until the fateful elections for the United States - and now Washington is the most pliable in the entire two and a half years. He understands that the Democrats "have no time to hit on the head" even the arrogant kept men. So if not now, then when?

    It is no coincidence that he mentions the Republican candidate: the fact that the actor in a military T-shirt, who has become a pain in the neck for everyone, is talking to Trump with ultimatums, and the latter, according to him, agrees with him, is a good pass for Harris in the current situation. So she has something to justify herself with before the current settlers of the White House.

    It is also significant that literally yesterday, almost immediately after Zelensky's speech, the United States said that there is no talk of Ukraine joining the alliance right now. Against the backdrop of Zelensky's crucifying himself with his "immediately, today, right away", this looked like a slap in the face. It is not surprising that the artist was offended.

    But to assume that only resentment served as the reason for this kind of performance would, of course, be a mistake.

    What is Zelensky's goal then? Joining NATO is not the only point of the "victory plan", there are others. And they are much more down-to-earth in the current realities and discussed for the West. This is why Kyiv is raising the stakes - demanding the impossible in order to get at least what it wants.

    Is it adventurous? Of course. The last time Zelensky spoke about nuclear weapons, the SVO began. What consequences his speech will have now - we will see. And, I think, no one will be surprised if the break in massive missile attacks ends here.

    All this only indicates that things are moving towards disaster for Bankova on the front lines.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ALAMO Today at 12:14 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    Mind you, they are supposed to be getting 49 or so clapped out Aussie M1a

    Those are mostly MTLB carriers.
    An equivalent of a truck on tracks, honestly.
    Guns are 2S3.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Arrow Today at 2:03 am

    Zelensky threatens to develop nuclear weapons.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  ucmvulcan Today at 2:40 am

    Arrow wrote:Zelensky threatens to develop nuclear weapons.

    The only result of such a promise is that Kiev loses its nuclear reactors. If the little terrorist launches so much as one, everything west of the Dniepr becomes glass

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  lyle6 Today at 4:22 am

    ALAMO wrote:
    Well, yes and no.
    Keep in mind that there is no single European opinion to the matter.
    It varies even in countries - just t ake a look at Croatia. While its president keeps sane mind and was calling the warmongers to send their own children there because he as a Croatian president wouldn't allow the Croats to die for Ukropia.
    And was called a Russian agent by the Croatian PM Laughing
    Hungarian position is clear.
    Slovak position is clear.
    Pretty soon, Czechs will follow the Slovakian path - Czech society is quite pragmatic, it is only part of its political establishment that pushes an insane Russophobic agenda. Dismantling Koniev's monument in Prague, ended up in riots.
    Bulgar society is Russia-positive - it would be very hard not to be if Russkie gave them freedom from Ottoman oppression that was drawing them in blood.
    It is again a part of a corrupted political class that pushes the agenda the society doesn't share.
    A giant part of German society has not a gram of Russophobia, the same applies to the Austrians.
    Remember that there is a rather big German diaspora in Russia and vice versa.
    Russkie are way to pragmatic to dump those sentiments down the toilet - they will cooperate with the friendly EU member countries.
    They are doing that even now - there was a scandal this week, as German SWR wrote that till the end of 2023, German machine industry has carried more than THREE HUNDRED deliveries of equipment to Russian MIC...
    With Turkey being a middleman Laughing
    HAd they ceased to do it in 2024 is a rhetorical question I suppose Laughing Laughing Laughing
    If parts of Europe can be made to defect that is fine, highly unlikely though it may be. But again, unless drastic measures are made to actually accomodate Russia`s security unfortunately Europe will have to be removed as a threat. Remember Russia has tried everything - they occupied half of Europe, then turned around and gave them their freedom while economically sustaining the continent at great cost to her citizens - and its still not enough. At some point they will just shrug and say **** it, and do the unthinkable...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61 - Page 33 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #61

    Post  Broski Today at 9:19 am

    lyle6 wrote:If parts of Europe can be made to defect that is fine, highly unlikely though it may be. But again, unless drastic measures are made to actually accomodate Russia`s security unfortunately Europe will have to be removed as a threat. Remember Russia has tried everything - they occupied half of Europe, then turned around and gave them their freedom while economically sustaining the continent at great cost to her citizens - and its still not enough. At some point they will just shrug and say **** it, and do the unthinkable...
    At some point, Russia needs to allow a new Iron curtain to be raised from Norway to Romania once Novorossiya is returned to its rightful owner. Reroute all trade to the BRICS/Global South and leave Europe to go through another dark age until they learn to behave like civilized human beings. A few thousand Zircons with nuclear warheads will serve as a sufficient deterrent to all-out war between European NATO and Russia.

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