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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  nomadski Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:39 pm

    Travel limitations and restricted economic activity, will not eradicate the virus. Either locally or globally. A  total national ban on ALL movement is needed for at least nine days. This means EVERYBODY stays at home. Apart from a small group, who will remove those that need ventilators to areas outside of city, to field hospital.

    To do this, the public  must be helped to secure food and medicines for nine days. So they can totally self isolate. There will not be a need, in this case to disinfect public areas. Since the virus dies naturally, without a host, in the environment.

    It is far better, to do this, and stop ALL economic activity for a short time, allowing no long term damage to economy. Than to impose half hearted restrictions, over the longer term, that force businesses to go bankrupt. Think of it as an extended national holiday.  A date needs to be set nationally, and if possible internationally. The example of India, is good for total lock down. But in this case,  this was not planned well. People not having food reserves for three weeks, and have to venture out.

    Limited measures, that do not eradicate the virus, although reducing infection numbers, will leave the virus to spread again. In this case, further lock downs have to be imposed. This is false economy, and more disruptive to economy. Since trade must also be conducted globally. And is necessary. Then national eradication is not enough. The only solution is global eradication. Using the only tool available. In poorer countries, in order for effective isolation. Food aid should arrive, to help national isolation, to take place.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:37 pm

    If anyone still had doubts.. covid19 was a planned attack..
    look not further than rockefeller foundation , pdf  documents. that creates
    "Scenarios" ,where the future is predicted and they pretend to seek "solutions" to solve them.

    To make story short.. the document was made in 2010.. by this central bankers funded institutions..
    and they "predicted" a world wide pandemic virus to spread world wide with 8 millions people killed
    in just 7 month.. they predicted a world wide lockdown.. and were seeking ways how to improve
    the control over population..

    they "predict" the virus will be like influenza but deadlier..  and that it will hit the world in 2012..
    however make no mistakes.. all this dates. are not set in stones.. all this documents ,that people
    will see linked... are in reality AGENDAS , a list for the western elite who control western
    central banking to do..for the control of society and the world. and this agendas ,this goals. of what they
    intend to do extend all the way to the year 2030.. a quick view of the time table charts.. they have
    in the documents.. should be better understood as things they will are trying to achieve in the world.
    So the pandemic virus ,they wanted to be implemented in 2012.. probably had to be delayed , for several
    other things that surface ,that they did not expected.  If i was going to bet.. this central bankers controls
    the US military industry , the Pentagon , and 5 anglo nations intelligence agencies and their respective

    Look what the Super rich are planning..rockefellers family and apparently bill gates was part of this
    population reduction program ,is being mentioned a lot in giving conferences about population reduction.

    grab the next video before is deleted and reupload it on youtube.
    shows the to do list of the rockefeller banking cartel.. that controls US banking system and influence
    the world banking too...

    there is also a lot of disinformation too ,being planted ,, saying china was part of the plan.. and
    attacked its own country to "Get rid of the illuminaty infiltrated there"  lol1   obviously
    the virus began in china ,because is the biggest threat to this rockefellers controls of the world economy.
    China is creating a competition to the anglo-jews banking system..

    here is the pdf document. made in 2010 done by the Rockefeller foundation..who created the
    US federal reserve and shows the super rich monsters agenda for the world. .which they call
    "scenarios" all the way to 2030+.. they want total population control and more autoritarian governments.
    total control of food , they also "predict" of major food shortages in 2030.. and they pushing heavily green energy solutions. perhaps to counter Putin's gas station Russia. that they knew ,putin was going to expand to europe and china.

    How they knew.. a lethal virus was going to happen ,that will be more deadlier this time..that all previous ones
    and will have the entire world in lockdown? and will attack the respiratory system like influenza ? they were hoping to kill 8 millions world wide.. which they make it look a "prediction". but this are agendas that they make
    and US governments and NATO loyal allies are demanded to implement. apparently if they don't do it ,they can target US economy and move to some other nation sponsor . Also this plans not necessarily could be connected to rothchild banking cartel in london, which they probably have their own plans too.

    they also predicting/planning to make very insecure the internet.. they will blame it on "hackers", computers and banking transanctions will be targeted, all this plans are aimed at facilitate their capabilities to attack adversaries ,nations that resist their global governance plan.  this is another reason ,for Russia and china to develop a new internet.. and make  chinese 5G to dominate the world..

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  kvs Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:21 pm

    The NATzO fake stream media is spreading stories that Putin is covering up the corona virus crisis in Russia. The above
    video taken last week shows that there is zero evidence of any crisis. If there was one, people would be panicking and
    in fact we have had various pro-NATzO elements in Russia try to fake up empty shelves to try to "prove" the existence
    of a crisis.

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  Hannibal Barca Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:33 pm

    No masks, closely packed, this is coronavirus festival.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  JohninMK Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:50 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:No masks, closely packed, this is coronavirus festival.
    Sorry, what is?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:34 pm

    3 Sailors on USS Theodore Roosevelt Have COVID-19; Port Calls Canceled as Navy Investigates Outbreak

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  Regular Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:41 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    CCTV will be used to face track the ones that breached quarantine. All foreigners who do that - will be deported. Just like hundred chinese students were.

    Wonder if face recognition can cope with people wearing face masks?

    Eyes most of the time are good enough to ID person. Russians have tons of experience working in this field. From civilian findclone apps to security projects where they can ID the gait and more biometrics.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:22 pm

    Western elites AND western controlled media ,how their disinformation tactics works....
    Just a small guide to not be fooled so easily ,by the anglo -jewish super rich elites ,
    seeking to control the world and create one world governance and a world dictatorship.

    The most important tool.. to misguide people away of the important things is called distractions .
    Just like magicians.. that depends on people to have their attention in the wrong places ,so that people
    can't figure out how the magic trick was done. in the same way , they use similar tactics.. with a lot of distractions.  You saw that a LOT,every day , in US mainstream media and and british and jewish owned media
    too.. when their coverage of Ukraine and Syrian conflicts...

    Most common disinformation tactics..
    1) To shoot the messenger... whenever they report some major inconvenient thing..
       If the source is very famous ,and have earned credibility through years , then they try to shoot the messenger
        ,to discredit him. when wikileaks Julian Assange if anyone remembers how he used to be loved by US
        mainstream media ,he used to get front headlines in major US newspapers and CNN cover him all the time
        with excitement of any other new scandal of latin america.. when he began to report against clinton and
        and fake war on terrorism by NATO in Syria ,he turned against him. All US media called him a "Russian spy".
        to discredit him. That it was the FSB creating fake stories against US.  after than US media stopped releasing
        wikileaks reports. and a major operation began to arrest him.. even when he is not a US citizen and there is suppose to be freedom of expression.. if a truth teller is very popular will be targeted ,his channel shutdown in youtube and accused of being a pedophile or drugs dealer.. or an spy of a foreign nation. When infowars used to be a genuine honest website ,with more hit ,than misses truth news website ,youtube banned his channel and alex got lawsuits after lawsuits and used his own former wife to discredit him..
    2) Fake shooting on fake messengers ... , The western creation of fake heroes..the promotion of counter- truth ,operatives like Snowden.. this are like the wolves in sheep clothing of the whistlerblower community. if anyone believe the story of how snowden ended in Russia.. That he released documents that were classified ,then he "Escape" to japan ,when an order was done to detain him.. and then moved to china.. then from there to Russia.
    and when was moving to europe.. and order was given to block him from flying ,which "so lucky him" ,allowed
    the plane he was to return to Russia..when was heading to Europe.. more or less this is the story of his "Escape".
    In no time the european union give him an award of medal of freedom and truth... same as they did to the white helmets.  Laughing   and conferences live from Russia.. with snowden explaining common knowledge outthere on how
    the CIA spy of iphones..  Rolling Eyes and how extensive is use hacking program.. Sleep   clowns like snowden job
    is to throw a bone here or there..things that are truth.. but very minor.. about classified things ,that he receive from his own government , that is tell the truth about many little things.. which is done to earn credibility and fame as a "Truth" teller.. but later he lie on the big things.. that can create big changes or even promote revolutions.. Snowden accused Putin of rigging last elections and asked for people to take the streets and protest. why that did not surprised me ,not even a little.. he was a clear fake messenger from the start  and the medals he got in europe and how much CNN make headlines about him. how "Traitor" he is.. raised all alarms for me.. that he was fake as hell withing months he escaped to russia.  Wink    so the tactics is this.. keep the attention on him.. even if it is to call him a traitor.. and this will do the opposite and promote him as a genuine whistleblower.. for comparisons wikileaks was totally ignored by western media ,most times ,whenever he released a major document. and if they reported anything about wikileaks.. was to say he was a Russian spy ,then hand picked some lines out of context of what he told in latest released documents and deviated the attention of the real scandal..  for example.. instead of reporting what julian assange reported about hillary clinton ,that was aiding ISIS with weapons and how the democratic party rigged the elections to make bernie lose ,vs hillary.. ,western media attention was focused into how he was a russian spy and how russia hacked the primaries of clinton, to help trump win the elections..(trump??? clinton was running against bernie.. yeah but they twisted the story to deviate the attention from the fact that they rigged the primaries).  Suspect    Wink

    real whistleblowers ,will be ignored completely by western media ..whenever is possible ,and is forced to report
    on a leak ,for being the topic of the day world wide.. they will deviate the attention on from the real scandal, into
    so fake new narrative.. so the rigging of democratic primaries by the same who organized the voting , was hidden as much they could under the carpet and replaced a real scandal ,for a fake one ,by accusing Russia of hacking clinton primaries that are totally different event of Trump presidential election ,but fools never pay attention of how western media manipulate information and deviate the attention.  Cool

    3) To create false flags and complicated events as complicate as possible to explain , to make the truth very difficult to believe. even if told with 100% accurate. to confuse people.. into where to look.. when they will like to explain it. If anyone wants to commit a crime and get away with it ,the best way to hide his or her hands is try to make others to the things he/she wants ,that is by proxy ,and create as many players as possible ,that participated in the event ,and as many interest and motives as possible as distractions ,to keep attention away from the real issue from the master minds of the crime. The syrian conflcit is an example of this..  there are 3-4 wars happening there at same time. from US interest, turkey interest, israel interest and saudi arabia. that only coincide in removing assad and disbanding syria.  If for example obama wants to murder his family.. and he goes dressed like a women in a putin mask.. anyone that tells what they saw will be called a crazy. they think in terms
    of , if we are caught in the lie.. how to do this illegal thing.. in a way ,that the real facts will not look credible.

    To hide the facts.. those who commit international crimes against humanity ,will intentionally do things ,in the most complicated way possible ,with the biggest numbers of players to participate ,so that if someone understand what happened ,will be difficult for them to explain it.. that is to make the truth very hard to believe.
    for those that are fools and with weak minds.. World trade center 911 inside job attacks ,syria conflict are examples. Of operations done as complicate as possible to distract people attention away from them. Turkey and saudis are the ones blamed for US weapons ending in terrorist hand.

    believe it or not.. weeks before china was infested with coronavirus.. American soldiers where in that same
    epic center of the virus ,in that city participating in military games.. and take a will not believe what kind
    of simulation they were practicing.. a biological  terrorist attack..  the western elites like to mock their victims
    before they are attacked.. they also brag about their intended crimes years earlier ,simulating them in video games or movies.. since the CIA have close cooperation with the US entertainment industry. so the western
    elite plans their future with decades before it happens..

    Syrian war predicted in 2002.. not a coincidence either.

    is cia arrogance in action , that is in contact with hollywood ,mocking their adversaries to make it look they are all powerful and invincible so much that they can reveal things  decades before it happen.. Putin winning the syrian war ,for sure reverse a lot of their US elite plans for the future.. and will have to revise many of their wars plans.. somewhere i saw one of those CIA "predictions" of the future ,and they expected the communist party to rise again in Russia and take over Russia and a major civil war with putin removed.. this is what will have happened if Russia army defeated in syria and syria over run.. and russia economy destroyed.

    The US government likes to brag about their future plans and even give hints about this in the
    entertainment industry ,cartoons or movies.

    15 Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future
    and 911 WTC prediction attacks.. coincidence?

    NOt predictions ,the US elites are constantly planning future events.. to expand their empire
    and control over population and the world.. their arrogance is so big ,that they brag about their
    crimes long before they do them.. Netanyahu was bragging years earlier than syrian war began in 2011
    that lebanon will cease to exist completely from the map.. i never understand that until syrian war began..

    This are not predictions.. but agendas.. plans ,that very likely will happen if things don't change too much.
    the only thing they don't know is the date when they will be able to implement those plans.
    they failed in their prediction that Russia economy will collapse in 2016.. or communist party take over.  
    it will be worth of gold.. for a new investigation of 911.. who gave the script to the simpsons about the 911
    chapter.. because those are insiders ,and they knew of the attack on twin towers.. even bbc media reported out of time things that happened in world trade center.. so they had all their news about 911 scripted ,with what to say to every journalist..and they forgot about the time difference between New york and london.  so reported
    WTC7 collapse way too earlier it happened. Wink

    4)Once the truth is out there over any major incident..and they can't hide it anymore..then they twist the truth
    to deviate the attention from the important issues.. ideally this distractions are done by so called "independent media" ,that have been infiltrated by those behind the illegal incident or people connected to it.

    The video i posted before from 2010 ,of the West planning a biological attack on China..
    the former wife of the one who alerted the world ,to warn China that the western elites was planning
    a bio attack on them.. is now twisting the truth saying.. yeah.. the west attacked china with a bioweapon..
    but the distortion on the story is that.. yeah china was attacked but china is also part of the plan.
    because they wanted to get rid of the illuminati elders people ,that was traitors to the chinese government and living in china. move on.. change the topic now mode.......... Rolling Eyes
    You will see a LOT this.. .. after they plant a big lie in a story ,they change the topic .. lol1
    yeah.. it was attacked.. but they both agreed this to happen (Western elites and CHINA),for expanding their control over their population. Suspect   and they need to move on..and change the topic ,,because any close
    thinking about what they just claim will not hold as coherent story.. since china don't need any more control
    over their society.. and some inconvenient facts that will destroy this narrative ,that China "allowed" to be attacked with a bioweapon..because is "part of the western globalist" or to "have more control over population".
    is the fact.. that China have official ended the lock people are back to business.. and the fact that chinese government are blaming US military of being behind the coronavirus attack.. Wink   that doesn't fit in the
    narrative that china "was part" of the bio attack on the world..

    What most likely  happened there.. is that the plan was to completely destroy China..kill millions and destroy
    china economy and provoke a civil war there.. but china contained the virus in one month and defeated it on two and their excellent response keep casualties very low..  The way for the west to hide their hands on the attack on china will be a controlled demolition with virus attacks on their own country ,as a smoke screen ,so that anyone that accuse  the US military of being behind the chinese attack.. they can point fingers at their own casualties and damages on their economy "proof" they are victims too.. but if they are indeed behind the corona virus ,they can easily hand pick the people they will sacrifice and isolate them withing the second they injected with the virus.. they could even handpick people already in hospital for respiratory problems. and inject the virus in the hospital and call to quarantine them.. before the virus start to spread. that way virus is 100% contained if they hand pick the victims ,withing the minute ,they infect someone else . So the virus is highly contained ,still with help of fake news media , they will make it look is "out of control" So expect a miracle containment of the virus , that will not last more than a month or two.. Trump is already saying wants business to open very soon .. of course he knows their military well knows exactly who are the victims by name and where they are ,. and will have them in quarantine withing seconds they are infested and weeks earlier than the symptoms start to show up. the lock down a city there or a state there  for 2 weeks /4 weeks and then all back to normal.. Wink   they are not remotely worried about coronavirus ,since before they released it on china ,they had to have the cure already.. just in case goes out of control.. they will not release a virus on china ,unless they can have guarantees.. they will be able to neutralze it ,if spread over their own cities. Disney world in florida was open in mid march..,more than a month that china warns of a major epidemy of corona virus ,after china close its cities and it already was causing many casualties in europe.. as far i understand ,now all US states are closed..
    is very minimal the actions US have taken to "contain the virus".

    5) to kill inconvenient facts by releasing a ton of fake information to that website . that is to destroy
    the credibility of the website by getting fake information too reported there.. this confuse people ,into
    comparing.. most people think.. that if one page of a book is false.. that every other page is also fake..
    and this is not always correct.. but rarely.In fact is my believe that fake news websites ,are the best place to use as back channel for any government to communicate an scandalous truth out there.. that is to hide a devastating
    truth in a mountain of lies.. so that the website is not shutdown.. by those that controls internet. the most
    experienced readers that the website is aimed ,will know how to spot a truth ,when they see it..  or simply
    they guided to which one of the articles to look ,using a public website ,that can reach millions of people.

    6)the manipulation of emotions to sneak under the table propaganda. by the use of children and women dying ,with music in the background and later point fingers at the wrong people.. this is very classic too..

    here is the famous girl.. tweeting live every day from aleppo how assad was bombing her..
    his father is a free syrian army terrorist.. that works just like free syrian army,works for erdogan.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 585a850d5124c9961fffb5c6?width=600&format=jpeg&auto=webp

    so how could she have internet in a warzone with russia airforce bombing every communications there? Wink
    someone she escaped the siege on eastern aleppo when was liberated by Russia teleported back to turkey.
    and gave medals by Erdogan. and there are thousands of others examples..

    7)the use of pretty girls , "humanitarian ngos" to accuse anti nato government of warcrimes.. is used sometimes..

    here is a propagandist of the alqaeda choppers and free syrian army. .calling them "Activist"
    "fighting for freedom..
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 D420ae1535e1cb909ea95576273b5bc6_400x400

    8)one of the most difficult to spot operations is when they infiltrate in  truthful media like  RT ,
    there are already infiltrators there ,that sleep cells ,that will be activated ,whenever they need
    to uncover a major lie..

    this one was activated ,when russia military "invaded crimea" and  took control of it.

    those infiltrated goons are one time use , like a condom ,will not show up ,until major events happens.. if for example a major war start between US and Russia ,they could be activated ,and you will see them resigning in air in RT ,and telling they were being under pressure to tell lies .. and no longer can continue.. bla bla bla.  Wink
    If for example US sinks a Russian warship.. those agents could be activated.. to claim Russia government
    threatened them ,that if they don't lie ,about any major incident between US and Russia they will be fired.
    so don't be surprised that 90% of RT staff who are american citizens resign in air ,during a major limited war crisis ,between US and Russia. there is also pressure on them.. since anyone that live in US could be threatened by the government to cooperate with their propaganda.. even if they work at RT. Is surprising to me,, how RT is still on air, they should have been banned long time ago.. the congress was pushing for it. Iranian Presstv and China CCTV ,venezuelan/uruguay Telesur also banned from US cable networks..for no other excuse than they are
    "propaganda" , in reality because competes with their bullshit media narrative. also RT is banned too from US cable networks..but not yet from youtube. So much for American being a democracy and the land of freedom Wink .

    The enemies of humanity will use any tactics.. from simple to very complicated operations..
    to promote their propaganda. that war is good ,and they are in the world to "promote freedom"  
    there are more disinformation tactics .. but those ones are good enough.. all this tactics are based on
    the magician tactics.. of distract people attention ,and confuse people from where the real action is happening . is all about manipulate people attention and if possible manipulate their emotions too..from the important things..

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  kvs Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:36 am

    Now I know why there was so much negative spin on this anti-malaria drug. It is pure US partisan politics. Never trust any pundit.
    They are all shills for some interest group.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  auslander Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:13 am

    At this time, and it may change instantly if needs be, all is normal. The only fly in the ointment is for the first time there was a vague mention from TPTB in this berg that possibly, if the situation deteriorates drastically, the Victory Day Parade may be postponed. As it stands now, the rehearsals are still scheduled to commence around 20 April. We won't have to attend but our driver with the Willies will. Parade is 09 May and we will be at the top, south, end of Ulitsya Lenina at 06:30 after convoy from 35th Battery with the Marines and heavy units from the base next to Battery. We leave the house at 04:30 that day.

    A view of Sevastopol life, real time, Severnya (North Side), bus parking area next to the ferry landing and ferry landing itself. All ferries are running normal schedule and the 70-80 kilometer winds of the last three days have abated.

    Nakhimov Square, City Center, south side. City admin is the building in the upper right. Nakhimov Square itself is where the reviewing stands are for the parade. Ulitsiya Lenina goes from the square to the top of the screen, Ulitsiya Nakhimov goes to the right lower. The citizens walking from left to right are coming from a ferry landing. Ye'katarina's Gate and Count's Quay is just out of sight to the left of the screen. Behind the trees to the upper right is the Hero City monument with the Eternal Flame.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:23 am

    Why isn't Tucker Carlson running for president?

    A good communicator who makes sense... and realises the value of the truth and the damage bipartisan logic is capable of doing to everything...

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  JohninMK Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:01 pm

    Starting to impact the US military.

    Lucas Tomlinson
    Pentagon: Covid-19 cases in U.S. military has more than tripled in past 5 days, 227 now infected

    Lucas Tomlinson
    BREAKING: 5 more U.S. Navy sailors aboard aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt test positive for Covid-19 in Western Pacific, bringing total to 8 in past two days: U.S. officials. The warship has a crew of 5,000.

    Michael Guilday, US Navy Admiral: infected # COVID19 troops from the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier will soon be evacuated from the ship. All who contacted them are quarantined.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US military has halted troop movement for 60 days to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) but it will not affect the withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan, the Defence Department said in a statement.

    "Today, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper enacted a 60-day stop movement order for all DoD uniformed and civilian personnel and their sponsored family members overseas. This measure is taken to aid in further prevention of the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), to protect US personnel and preserve the operational readiness of our global force," the release said on Wednesday. The order is not expected to impact the drawdown of US forces from Afghanistan, the statement added.

    Earlier, the Pentagon reported 94 new coronavirus cases, bringing to 435 the number of its infected servicemen and civilians, one of whom died of the disease.

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:50 pm

    So much impact in the US military they are going to stop telling us any detail about it.

    Phil Stewart
    EXCLUSIVE-The U.S. military has decided it will stop providing some of the more granular data about coronavirus infections within its ranks out of concern that the information might be used by adversaries as the virus spreads. W/@idreesali114

    Lucas Tomlinson
    Acting Navy Secretary Modly:
    -104 U.S. Navy sailors have tested positive for Covid-19, along with 31 U.S. Marines
    -2 USMC recruits in Parris Island have tested positive

    Tara Copp
    Navy official just confirmed to me that number of #coronavirus positive cases aboard TR is now at least 23, and may be at least 25 "the number is changing," official said. Confirms @nancyayoussef
    scoop for WSJ

    luis martinez
    · 2h
    The carrier Roosevelt has 800 test kits aboard, more are being flown in today. Total number of positive cases is 8.

    Jared Keller
    COVID-19 just took an aircraft carrier out of rotation in the Philippine Sea

    luis martinez
    · 2h
    JUST IN -- 100 percent of ship's crew aboard carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt to be tested for #Corona Virus after more cases tested positive. Ship will pull into Guam, remain pierside, crew of 5,000 to be tested for Corona

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 - Page 10 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20

    Post  Vann7 Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:06 pm

    You have to be cautious with US claims of "corona virus" infection.. this could be a distraction , a smoke screen,
    to deviate the world attention ,from them ,as the author of the virus on China. it will be incredibly suspicious
    if the entire world have virus but nothing in US. So if they are behind the virus in wuhan ,it will be natural
    to lie about their real number of infections with corona virus.. if any. it could be a normal flu and they call it
    corona virus ,as a distraction tactic.. to make it look they are victims too from the virus and that they have nothing to do with the virus in china. The best way to spot the fraud is how fast US recover from the virus..
    if US recovers in 1 month or less , it will be a big sign ,that it was a fraud their corona virus contamination.


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    Post  nomadski Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:06 pm

    @ Johninmk

    Interesting you mention, cases of corona illness among sailor on Rossevelt ship and Paris Island. Since, if the ship was at sea when outbreak happened, with no supply ship contact, then virus is airborne. Kind of explains rapid advance of disease. Any other cases of reported illness on other ships at sea, while outbreak happened on land? Anyone with info?  In this case, bacause of ship isolation, can trace epidemic progress. Even if ship visited port. Still useful info. I will not think, this virus, kills too many young. Say one percent. So should not affect military forces. But older fat general will have ten percent chance of death.

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:11 pm

    nomadski wrote:@ Johninmk

    Interesting you mention, cases of corona illness among sailor on Rossevelt ship. Since, if the ship was at sea when outbreak happened, with no supply ship contact, then virus us airborne. Kind of explains rapid advance of disease. Any other cases of reported illness on other ships at sea, while outbreak happened on land?  Anyone with info?  In this case, bacause of ship isolation, can trace epidemic progress. Even if ship visited port. Still useful info.

    Agreed, I haven't found when she was last in port but there is a constant shuttle of aircraft bearing supplies, parts, fresh food, mail etc.

    When it happens on another USN, or probably NATO, ship I doubt now that it will be reported given that they now seem to have woken up to the obvious OPSEC implications.

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    Post  nomadski Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:18 pm

    Then all other ships at sea, cargo or military or pleasure craft, that have been in total isolation at sea, should report any cases of disease. Since, if no cases of disease here, then virus not airborne. Otherwise virus airborne and carried by wind. Make containment more difficult. Infection spreading for thousands of miles, a few virus causing a break out.

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:30 pm

    nomadski wrote:Then all other ships at sea, cargo or military or pleasure craft, that have been in total isolation at sea, should report any cases of disease. Since, if no cases of disease here, then virus not airborne. Otherwise virus airborne and carried by wind. Make containment more difficult. Infection spreading for thousands of miles, a few virus causing a break out.

    You are making a serious error in your thinking. Air-borne does not mean thousands of kilometers of transport. It means very local confinement such as
    airplanes, subway cars, sidewalks. So think meters instead of kilometers. No air-borne virus requires long range transport by the winds. The distinction
    is with viruses such as HIV which spread by direct contact (blood transmission via lesions in the skin). So HIV is not air-borne but influenza and corona
    viruses are.


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    Post  nomadski Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:37 pm

    OK. I am used to making serious errors. No problems. BTW, the wind can pick up frogs and fish and deposit them on land. Not to mention sand. Etc. Corona, what is weight of Corona?  Is it heavier than grain of sand? What were weather patterns, at time of epidemic? Does this explain the anomaly of distribution?

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:45 pm

    nomadski wrote:OK. I am used to making serious errors. No problems. BTW, the wind can pick up frogs and fish and deposit them on land. Not to mention sand. Etc. Corona, what is weight of Corona?  Is it heavier than grain of sand? What were weather patterns, at time of epidemic?  Does this explain the anomaly of distribution?

    Long range transport is the not the primary driver of infections but contact with other people. One thing that is missing from the history books
    is tales of pandemics initiated by long range wind transport. The lifetime of a corona virus on an exposed surface (e.g. sand grain) is about 3 days.
    In fact, most mineral surfaces have metallic constituents which shorten the lifetime of a single virus substantially. Copper is the most effective,
    but the iron commonly found in sand will kill the virus in less than a day.

    So long range transport is not what determines the radius of action of the virus. It is time to reach the next host that is the global limiter.
    Almost no virus will survive long range transport. Another issue is that the winds will transport viruses over the oceans (so they all die
    before hitting land or even hitting a ship) and poorly populated parts of the planet. Pandemics spread by human vectors transporting
    the disease from one inhabited area to another. This is true for all diseases. Bacteria can actually survive longer in the free atmosphere
    and they often form ice particle nucleation centers which play a role in cloud formation and precipitation. But we do not have rains of
    death on this planet.


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    Post  Vann7 Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:46 pm

    More evidence the corona virus was planned... since late 2018...
    A CIA NGO ( must american NGOS are heavily influenced by the CIA) called Johns Hopkins’ Center for Health Security ,was warning of a global pandemic virus , which they called virus X ,was going to target the
    entire world and that it will be a respiratory virus..  coincidence?  No

    and the newspaper the guardian is a british media that is part of the UK government propaganda
    network ,works for the interest of british state.. is like RT is to Russia.. or CNN is for US .

    check the date of the report..  
    16 May 2018

    Scientists issue fresh warning on next global pandemic- Disease X

    They may not yet know its name but the next pathogen to cause a deadly global pandemic will most likely be a respiratory disease, spread by a virus that is contagious during incubation or when symptoms are only mild, according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins’ Center for Health Security, United States (U.S.).

    Instead Disease X, as the World Health Organisation (WHO) has dubbed it, is most likely to be a virus that can spread through the air.

    The authors of the latest study, reported yesterday in The Telegraph UK, led by Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the centre,  said current work to identify a microorganism with a global catastrophic biological risk was based on recent outbreaks, historical precedent and biological warfare agents.

    As if Ebola, Zika and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are not enough to worry about, the WHO has added a mysterious, yet-to-exist new malady to its list of nine diseases that may cause a worldwide epidemic.

    [u]“Disease X” is not a newly identified killer pathogen. It is a so-called “known unknown” — that could be created by biological mutation, such as previous deadly epidemics such as Spanish Flu or Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV). Or it might be spawned by a terror attack, or simply an accident.[/u

    “Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown,” the organization said.

    So how the american ngos with CIA connections, knew there will be a world wide pandemic , and that it will be transmit on air and they even mention the virus could be caused by a biowarfare (bioweapon) or a terrorist attack ?  No

    They also admit that one US soldier they though died of influenza ,could have been corona virus.

    like i said ,one signature of the US military and closest allies and its intelligence agencies ,is that they love
    to talk and give hints about their future plans.. is like they like to scare its enemies.. their message is double meaning.. with one for the average public and another ,sending signals to their enemies like Russia and china
    of how they will die..  it seems Russia and china were caught unprepared for this virus attack..  and is possible
    that there will be a response retaliation by Russia and China because of this criminal attack.. it looks very much
    that the future wars will be fought with bio weapons.. because US neither UK and any other enemies of Russia and china will not dare to use too obvious attacks that will be impossible to hide their hands and their participation on it.... like it could be a nuclear strike on their countries..  basically Anglo jews elite are moving away from their Alqaeda and Isis proxies ,and now doing terror attacks themselves with bio weapons..

    now the best for the last..

    Robert Ray Redfield Jr, Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), held by the House Oversight and Reform Committee of the US House of Representatives. When pressed, Redfield let it slip out that the Covid-19 had been detected on corpses of American people who were believed to have died of a seasonal flu.

    US director of disease and prevention , was in congress and he admit there ,that people "they believed"
    died of seasonal flu.. they tested positive for corona virus..  Laughing highly likely much earlier than the corona virus
    was a story in china.. already people were killed in the thousands from corona virus in US. between flu and influenza died thousands in US ,basically the american lawmakers and creating the the perfect scenario for them to explain anything, if things go wrong and the world point fingers at them.. then they will be able to "Explain it"
    as a "mistake" in an investigation ,that reveals ,that corona virus started in america and not in china.. Those viruses ,that kill people.. in order for them to detect it as corona virus.. they need something else to be compare with .. so the virus needs to exist in laboratories first.. for them to used as reference to compare it..   so right in the next link.. is clear evidence ,that US had citizens who died of corona virus likely much earlier than they began reporting about it..

    so the chinese theory is not that crazy.. the virus started in US , and they though it was influenza and a massive
    campaign was done to vaccinate people.. in 2018 and 2019.. but make no mistake.. this was not an accident..
    when any terrorist in washington DC takes the decision to use a bio weapon against another country ,they will need first to create a major chain of events.. mayor distractions.. the bigger is their terror attack ,the bigger their distractions have to be.. so if the entire thing fail ,or anyone betrays the operation and speak about it..
    they will be able play the "we didn't knew card" and it was a "mistake" ,to explain how their virus ended in china..  Wink

    -Rockefeller foundation predicted in 2010 a world wide pandemic event with millions killed.. with a virus
    that will spread like wildfire and will spread in the air.. and attack respiratory system of people.
    -center for control of diseases predicted the same thins in 2018..  
    -major influenza attacks on US in that year with major vaccine program.
    -US military with their equipment travels to china wuhan in 2019.. and weeks later a major virus outbreak  start in that very same city american troops were present.
    - Even after china warned the world of a major lethal virus that spread like wildfire and china closed its cities
    and europe was suffering from it.. US still had wide open their cities one month after the entire world was being
    under attack by covid19.. disney world had doors open just a week ago.. so obvious signal ,they are not worried
    about the virus.. their terrorist will not target their own country. that should explain why trump is saying business to be opened soon.  likely their cities "shutdown" will be a symbolical one and will not last more than 2-3 weeks and there will be a miracle recovery in their country with a miracle cure ,that they by coincidence will discover soon.  Wink

    my prediction is that Russia will be attacked with more bioweapons and will be done from ukraine.. to force them to invade..  likely they will target donetsk and lugansk first and after that if that doesn't work ,will target russian cities with bio weapons.. also there will be major attacks on world wide food ,with bio weapons too..  and this will be done to provoke civil wars world wide.. probably their aims is to depopulate africa and asia ., that is third world countries that main business is food exports.

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:37 am

    US MSM (CNN, etc.) nutjobs turning every action on the corona virus into politics. I would say this is contributing to the Covid-19 progression
    in the USA. All of these "journalists" are scum and the worst sort of traitor. I think they should be shot.


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    Post  Regular Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:24 am

    GarryB wrote:Why isn't Tucker Carlson running for president?

    A good communicator who makes sense... and realises the value of the truth and the damage bipartisan logic is capable of doing to everything...

    He doesn't have donors and probably no dirt to control him.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:42 pm

    Regular wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Why isn't Tucker Carlson running for president?

    A good communicator who makes sense... and realises the value of the truth and the damage bipartisan logic is capable of doing to everything...

    He doesn't have donors and probably no dirt to control him.

    He is making excellent money and can live a pretty normal life. A President has to be protected for the rest of his life.

    Mmmm, that means the older they are the lower the lifetime costs. Laughing

    For Russia that means the longer Putin serves the more cost effective he is. russia

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    Post  nomadski Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:43 pm

    Yes old method to control politician, is by previous or present personal misconduct. They have the goods on Trump. He was on a short leash, before he was let out into the public. Clinton is another example. So important that anyone going into politics, has clean past. So they can not be used. At least Trump has own money. Unlike most Democrats that can more easily be bought.

    About coronavirus propagation. Simple scientific experiments need to be done. To determine mode of transmission. If as KVS said, mode is by personal contact, or close proximity. Then we should find less infections per head of population, in less densely populated areas. Compared to densely populated areas. Similarly if infection spread by environmental factors of water or air or wind, there should for example be more infections in coastal communities, near sewage outfall. Or more infections in valley, where air currents do not pass. This is important, since, if mechanism is long range environmental, then social isolation useless. Then natural immunity or vaccine only solution.

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