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Tsavo Lion
par far
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:34 pm

    Russia's diplomacy is moronic in its softness and forgiveness.   Russia should link all such brazen anti-Russia BS from the west
    to any relations with the west.  So if the EU wants something from Russia, it better pay Russia compensation for the
    bigotry it subjects Russia to.   NATzO-tards need to learn on their thin hides that there are consequences to actions.

    And Africa should ban NATzO whiteys from interfering economically and politically.   The U-rope derived colonialists including
    the Americans have been the source of human misery for centuries.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:11 am

    When a government put politics first , and lives of their citizens second , then is a government
    you can't trust your life.

    So they rather prefer to see a few thousands killed/permanently injured or 1% of population killed ,or suffer serious health injuries with the vaccine ,than to cooperate with Russia and their successful sputnik vaccine.  the Russian vaccine ,according to gamaleya reports is 100% safe and no reports have surfaced saying otherwise , will not kill you ,neither injure you + 90% effective in neutralizing the virus , and the other 10% according to russian gov, could get the virus again , but in a very soft way and will handle it easily with 100% of probability of quick recovery ,. in other words that the sputnik vaccine always help ,even if you are the 10% minority who have a chance to get the virus again after vaccinated. you always win with sputnik vaccine.  vaccine that have proven to been totally safe for your life and very effective. And Russia is announcing another new vaccine they working ,that initial results show 100% effectiveness ,  so even better than sputnik in terms of fighting the virus.

    new video of a nurse who reject the vaccine.

    Palm Beach County nurse says she will 'absolutely not' get coronavirus vaccine

    As always ,the most interesting things happen in the youtube comments section ,where anonymous
    people can freely talk without fear of retribution of their employers ,and  proffessional health workers ,doctors and nurses and regular civiliansspeak about their experiences with the vaccine.. some examples..

    youtube comments show people are awakening.
    vast overwhelming majority of post celebrate the nurse decision to say no thanks.

    @Matilda B R
    1 month ago
    I don't blame her. I 100% agree!

    @Roman Nes*n
    1 month ago
    I'm in line with her I don't want it. Get In line with me.and Like.
    (got 800+ likes)

    @mars hutch
    4 weeks ago (edited)
    I got a flu shot while I was in surgery even when I told the doctor no. Not kidding doctors are not always your friends.

    4 weeks ago
    The vaccines are so good that they're protecting companies for eventually lawsuits and forcing people to sign a responsibility term before getting vaccinated. Yep all good guys.

    4 weeks ago
    I won’t take this vaccine . Not now not ever !

    @Amber Walters
    3 weeks ago (edited)
    @Jen WILL because they rushed it very fast so they don't know if it's safe or not. If you became parylised you couldn't get any compensation at all for any side effects. They haven't had enough research to know if it's safe or not. Who wants to take something that you don't know if it's safe or not. I sure wouldn't take that chance.

    3 weeks ago
    not only that @Amber Walters, this this actually manipulates your DNA! I don’t care what they say about it not having any lasting affects regarding your DNA. This vaccine is Pandora’s box!

    @Norma Ceja
    3 weeks ago
    I'm not taking it either, not convinced of its safety and it was rushed, nope !

    @Robert D.
    2 weeks ago
    @Jen WILL It's because a Portugal nurse died after 48 hours she get that s***t
    Her father says she was a perfectly healthy person

    3 days ago
    Amen, I almost died from one years ago.
    You cannot even sue this nrillionaire companies if you get sick or die, and we paid all of their bills, its pure welfare.

    18 hours ago
    Please take a close look to some news on the vaccine uptake so far. People are having reactions and some are dying. What are "they" doing? Trying to hide the cases and/or saying it's not because of the vaccine. This is serious.

    @Esmeralda Garcia
    3 weeks ago
    So glad your employer isn't forcing you. I also work in the medical field and I am NOT getting poison injected into my body 🙌

    @Pam H
    6 days ago
    My friend who is a nurse refused and gave up her spot to someone else....she also said half of her floor did too, soooo makes you wonder now...

    So there is a lot of hospitals health workers that are refusing the vaccine and for same reasons ,
    they rightly believe the vaccine was rushed and vaccine not safe enough .

    Interesting is to say ,that the doctor in the above video ,of the nurse ,that downplay the nurse who rejected the vaccine, made it look that all doctors are "united" and this is not true.. but propaganda
    of american media.. i know first hand knowledge of very very good sources ,friends of close relatives ,that there are top doctors of major hospitals , not just any doctor ,but very popular ones
    of an hospital ,that is recommending her family members to WAIT and not vaccinate now with the pfizer vaccine.

    So if even if one of the most important top doctor of an hospital , with genetic engineering experience recommends that . it shows that the unity that american mainstream media made it look that all health industry have over taking the pfizer and moderna vaccine is a myth.. there are many
    doctors and nurses and microbiologist how have adviced to not vaccinate ,some of them even have
    spoken in public which video i posted.. at least a dozen of california doctors are in rebelion , some of them lost their jobs for opposing pfizer and moderna rushed vaccines.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:31 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:15 am

    Russia's diplomacy is moronic in its softness and forgiveness.

    Not moronic at all.

    Russia has no way of forcing western countries to use their vaccine... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

    The Russian position is essentially that we have this vaccine... it seems to work... it is cheap... it is simple to store and look after for all countries... you can test it and decide to buy it from us if you want. If you don't want to even try it then that is fine too... it is your citizens that are dying.

    The hilarious thing is that the west tries to paint the Russians and Soviets as too proud to accept help... ie Chernobyl and Kursk, when the EU and US are clearly much more "proud".

    So if the EU wants something from Russia, it better pay Russia compensation for the
    bigotry it subjects Russia to. NATzO-tards need to learn on their thin hides that there are consequences to actions.

    It is not up to Russia to punish the EU and the US for their anti Russian stance... their populations put up with it so they are just as much to blame...

    And Africa should ban NATzO whiteys from interfering economically and politically.

    They are quickly learning the China and Russia have money and technology too and don't come with anything like the strings attached that western companies do.

    The west is not changing and Russia is not either and that is the way I prefer it to be honest... when Russia starts acting like the west then it no longer becomes different, and no longer is a viable alternative to the preaching and condemnation you get from the west.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Aristide Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:36 am

    Thats laughable.

    The EU and also USA have 3 very good vaccines already. From Germany (Biontech), UK (Astra Zeneca) and USA (Moderna). In next months the french vaccine (Sanofi) and another german vaccine will follow.

    The EU currently builds up gigantic factories to produce alot of that vaccines. Evryone knew its difficult at the start.

    I dont judge the russian vaccine but russia has only very small amount of it and big problems to produce it.

    Evry vaccine must go through very strict testing in the EU and be certified by EMA. The russian vaccine did not run through those tests.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  elconquistador Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:09 am

    The EU and also USA have 3 very good vaccines already.


    Evry vaccine must go through very strict testing in the EU and be certified by EMA.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Eixlt410

    Quite laughable indeed!

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    Post  Sujoy Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:18 pm

    Made in India vaccines arrive in Brazil.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Vaccin10

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    par far

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    Post  par far Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:09 pm

    elconquistador wrote:
    The EU and also USA have 3 very good vaccines already.


    Evry vaccine must go through very strict testing in the EU and be certified by EMA.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Eixlt410

    Quite laughable indeed!

    It is not a laughing matter, I am scared as hell to take a western vaccine but I will be forced to. Russian and Chinese vaccines are the only ones that don't have all that extra crap in them, there is a reason Chinese from the west are flying to China to get the Chinese vaccine.
    par far

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    Post  par far Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:15 pm

    Sujoy wrote:Made in India vaccines arrive in Brazil.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Vaccin10

    Did India even do proper testing? This is a serious question because I have not followed the Indian vaccine closely and because I am always skeptic of anything medical related coming out of India.

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    Post  Kiko Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:41 pm

    Europe 'doesn't laugh anymore' over Sputnik V vaccine, says Italian journal Libero.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:55 am

    Did India even do proper testing? This is a serious question because I have not followed the Indian vaccine closely and because I am always skeptic of anything medical related coming out of India.

    Of course not, and Russian testing is invalid because it is all political to make Putin look good...

    Except for it to make Putin look good it would also have to actually work, but lets not let common sense get in the way of this...

    The facts seem to be there is a right way and an experimental way to make a good vaccine... Russia and China went the right way and to catch up many in the west took some shortcuts, but some did not.

    Here in New Zealand we have the Luxury of watching the results and deciding based on those results which vaccines we try... I haven't had to wear a mask in 8 months, which is a shame because I enjoyed wearing my mask.... it was fun...

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Ed384010

    It is not a laughing matter, I am scared as hell to take a western vaccine but I will be forced to.

    Imagine that... the democratic west where waivers will be signed because the profit margins of companies and the threat of being sued is a bigger factor than the safety and welfare of the people who vote is what western politicians really care about.

    Almost call that a type of corruption, but there is no corruption in the west so that makes no sense... the moral and ethical west. The culture and civilisation centre of the universe...

    Of course not all western vaccines are going to be bad...

    Evry vaccine must go through very strict testing in the EU and be certified by EMA.

    The fact that they wont even test Sputnik V proves they are biased and that that bias is politically motivated.

    The question then becomes if they wont even look at a potentially life saving vaccine from Russia then what are their actual criteria for approving a Vaccine... the company with the most graduates from Eton on its board. The company that pumps the most money into the EU or the EMA itself.

    Couldn't possibly be about what is best for the people of Europe or they would be testing everything they can get their hands on.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:56 am

    Aristide wrote:Thats laughable.

    The EU and also USA have 3 very good vaccines already. From Germany (Biontech), UK (Astra Zeneca) and USA (Moderna). In next months the french vaccine (Sanofi) and another german vaccine will follow.

    The EU currently builds up gigantic factories to produce alot of that vaccines. Evryone knew its difficult at the start.

    I dont judge the russian vaccine but russia has only very small amount of it and big problems to produce it.

    Evry vaccine must go through very strict testing in the EU and be certified by EMA. The russian vaccine did not run through those tests.

    Pfizer vaccine is as german as pizza is from mexico.  I posted a video of some other reality .
    the true owners of the vaccines is black rock hedge funds investors.. if you don't know who they are ,this are people popular mafia of billionaires who controls from 10% to 20% of the entire US economy. They are very powerful lobbies and they are the owners of pfizer vaccine according to one argentinian doctor that exposed them , when pfizer was in negotiations with them to get the vaccine.
    to give you an idea , that doctor claimed that pfizer was demanding in latin america.

    1) full payment in advance.
    2) to change the nation constitution laws ,so that pfizer could not be held accounted for any deaths.
    3) to give territory as guarantees , yes you heard that right.. they wanted land of argentina and brasil too , for the honor of having their vaccine.
    4) and they have powerful lobbies , through the media in latin america us and europe,leading a media war with fake news ,against the chinese and russian vaccine.

    So the pfizer vaccine is only in name german , but is american investors like bill gates ,soros
    and other corrupt people who own the shares of those vaccines.

    a new interesting info , found that pfizer give to everyone that vacinate papers ,that plains
    the risk and the status of the vaccine..   you will see what pfizer themselves officially claims
    in their given papers.

    Nan W
    3 days ago
    @Steven Lundgrin I got the sheet today when I received the vaccine. It is not approved by the FDA. It is for emergency use only to include such things as pandemics. It clearly states that you will be reimbursed for any medical care that you may require if the vaccine causes that problem up to one year. So, no you cannot sue them, but in the event something happens you won't have to pay the bill.

    So the papers pfizer is giving to people admit ,their vaccine have not received any safety approbal
    by any organization.  what they have is an emergency use..  like use at your own risk ,but pfizer
    did not received any official certification yet of being safe and efficient for general people to use.

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Jan 25, 2021 12:08 pm

    Last night on Fox News. How this is still up is a puzzle.

    Who funded the developments that made Covid19 possible? Stunning. What it while you can.

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    Post  Sujoy Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:23 pm

    par far wrote:Did India even do proper testing? This is a serious question because I have not followed the Indian vaccine closely
     The Serum Institute from India is basically partnering with Astra Zeneca and Novarox to develop the COVID 19 vaccine. Apart from that, Indian drugmaker Bharat Biotech’s coronavirus vaccine, has been authorized for use in the country. Millions of people across India have received the first dose of this vaccine.

    I do not know how safe this vaccine is or for that matter any of the other vaccines developed in any other country.

    par far wrote:because I am always skeptic of anything medical related coming out of India
    India is the largest manufacturer of cost effective drugs in the world. Billions of dollars worth of these medicines are shipped to countries across the world. And yes, there is also a gray market in India for fake drugs.

    Re the West, isn't it a fact that Big Pharma successfully blocked treatments using HCQ, Ivermectin and Vitamin D? Lockdowns further prevent herd immunity, making the market very receptive towards vaccines.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:28 pm

    I guess Merck tried some genetic engineering vector approach like Pfizer and it was too unstable.


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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:49 pm

    Wow, so uncapitalists of them, what about free market? lol1

    EU pressures AstraZeneca to deliver vaccines as promised

    BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union lashed out Monday at pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, accusing it of failing to guarantee delivery of coronavirus vaccines without valid explanation, and threatened to impose tight export controls within days on COVID-19 vaccines made in the bloc. ........

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:59 pm

    Looks like the EU-tard Big Brother wannabe trash in Bruxelles is upset that AstraZeneca had the temerity to collaborate with
    Russian vaccine makers.

    Also AstraZeneca is likely trying to control for side effect problems. Clearly the EU-tard deciders could care less about the
    Pfizer mRNA crapcine stability issues. "Sila yest, uma ne nada" is their moto.

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:46 pm

    President Biden says he hopes the US will soon be able to administer 1.5 million doses of coronavirus vaccine a day, and the Defense Department is considering deploying thousands of troops to help reach that goal. One official said up to 10,000 troops could be involved. While Americans wait for vaccinations, health officials say they’re extremely worried about new Covid-19 variants detected in the US. One expert says everyday activities are now much more dangerous because of them. In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country’s borders may stay shut for most of the year to ward off outbreaks. At the core of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, the city of Manaus offers a cautionary tale for health care systems on the brink of collapse: tens of thousands of new graves, no beds or oxygen tanks and a second wave promising even more misery. CNN

    As I was saying, it mutated & became more dangerous:

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    Post  franco Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:12 pm

    kvs wrote:Looks like the EU-tard Big Brother wannabe trash in Bruxelles is upset that AstraZeneca had the temerity to collaborate with
    Russian vaccine makers.

    Also AstraZeneca is likely trying to control for side effect problems.   Clearly the EU-tard deciders could care less about the
    Pfizer mRNA crapcine stability issues.   "Sila yest, uma ne nada" is their moto.

    Just saw on twitter that Germany wants to ban exports of any EU produced vaccines to non-EU states.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:19 pm

    franco wrote:
    kvs wrote:Looks like the EU-tard Big Brother wannabe trash in Bruxelles is upset that AstraZeneca had the temerity to collaborate with
    Russian vaccine makers.

    Also AstraZeneca is likely trying to control for side effect problems.   Clearly the EU-tard deciders could care less about the
    Pfizer mRNA crapcine stability issues.   "Sila yest, uma ne nada" is their moto.

    Just saw on twitter that Germany wants to ban exports of any EU produced vaccines to non-EU states.

    Somehow they managed an own goal. lol1

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:14 am

    Vaccines doses administered per 100 people, Jan 26, 2021

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #2 - Page 24 M0qx36k4gqd61

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:04 am

    As I was saying, it mutated & became more dangerous

    It is a living organism... it is not becoming more dangerous... it is becoming more mobile... more infectious, but if it became more lethal it would effectively be killing its own environment.

    It should become more infectious, but less lethal over time...

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:08 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    As I was saying, it mutated & became more dangerous

    It is a living organism... it is not becoming more dangerous... it is becoming more mobile... more infectious, but if it became more lethal it would effectively be killing its own environment.

    It should become more infectious, but less lethal over time...

    if the virus becomes more lethal , it will be less viral , you can't have both ways .
    what makes sarscov2 a pandemic , is that its very soft and don't kill anyone until 3 or more weeks
    and keep spreading before it kills. if a fisherman in a beach gets a virus and dies at the minute , he dies by the virus ,but will do it so fast ,that will not give time the host to past the virus to someone else. Much more problematic for the world ,will be a virus that hide for weeks inside people bodies
    without showing killing them and that person keep infesting lots of others ,whenever they touch same surface.

    in more news..

    Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover

    Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing antibodies.

    Just recently was viewing an international conference of doctors from many countries , of very high degree doing a report of their findings of covid19 and what they found is alarming opposite to
    what is being told in the west people should do. so get ready.

    1) Face mask and lockdowns not very effective , the only ones that need to use face mask are
    those already with the virus ,so they don't sneeze or cough on other faces..

    2) face mask can damage significantly your health and decrease your body immune system abilities
    to fight the virus. children should not be allowed to use face mask at school.

    3) society that is not sick ,needs to go outside ,not stay home , only sick people stay home ,as it was
    in the past. the human body need to take sun , and interact everyday with viruses to allow the body
    to develop a strong inmune system of defenses to fight any virus including the one today.

    4)face mask are dangerous for the health of many people that already suffered from respiratory
    problems. can also be poisonous for the lack of oxygen . and explained many illness associated with that.

    5) the pcr test that most countries use ,to test for covid19 are pure failure ,that it doesn't test
    for covid19 , and anyone with seasonal flu or any other light seasonal virus will show up positive
    in the test.

    6) the numbers of covid19 are all wrong , significantly artificially inflated in europe and west .
    that people who get cancer who die from cancer or other illness gets labelled as covid19 death ,
    using failed pcr test.. they claimed the only way to know ,if they died from covid19 for real is
    with an autopsy . to differentiate exactly the cause of the death.. they claim that vast majority of people who die from covid19 are largely above 80 years old.

    7) just like doctors from california dan erickson told , covid19 is not as bad as is being reported
    that there is a major campaign of disinformation being encouraged by all governments, that is making the virus much worse than it is ,by incorrectly labeling people that already had life threatening conditions as killed by covid19 ,just by
    using failed pcr test.. only authopsy is the only way to know for real if anyone death can be blamed
    on covid19.


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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:28 pm

    Iran registers Russian Sputnik V vaccine

    MOSCOW, January 26-RIA Novosti. The Russian Sputnik V vaccine was successfully registered in Iran, the foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic said.

    "I would like to inform you that the Sputnik V vaccine was registered in Iran yesterday. It has been approved by our sanitary authorities, and in the near future, we hope, we will be able to purchase it, as well as start joint production (with the participation of. - Editor's note) of relevant institutions in Russia and Iran."

    According to who, about 1.4 million cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Iran, the disease has claimed the lives of 57.5 thousand people.

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    Post  kvs Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:37 pm

    As if AstraZeneca's squabbles with the EU and its pharma regulator weren't bad enough, British police have dispatched a bomb squad to the the industrial estate where the AstraZeneca vaccine is made.

    According to the BBC, police are dealing with an ongoing incident in North Wales where AZ's Wrexham Industrial estate is located. The site now has a cordon that was reportedly placed near the Wrexhm Industrial estate.

    Sure looks like dirty pool payback for daring to deal with Russian vaccine makers.

    We can see how the west is run by mafias.   Big Pharma is one of them.   And all the governments are used condoms.   Why is
    AstraZeneca having problems with EU-tard regulators but Pfizer is left untouched?   I would take the AstraZeneca vaccine before
    the dangerous crap from Pfizer.

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Jan 27, 2021 7:27 pm

    More than 100 million people have been infected with coronavirus worldwide, and more than 2 million have died. Experts say those reported figures are probably much higher in reality. The UK just crossed the threshold of 100,000 deaths and leads the world in the number of deaths proportionate to population. In the US, January has already been the deadliest coronavirus month yet, with more than 79,000 reported deaths. Several major US school districts have shelved plans to return to in-person classes amid teacher pushback and rising case numbers. However, virtual learning has been a challenge for families, teachers and students, and one of the largest districts in the US is trying to speed up a return to in-person learning after a rise in student suicides. CNN

    The new mutated virus will be more contagious but also more lethal to some people.

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