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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  limb Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:55 pm

    Some fun footage of ukrainian troops actually suffering some losses

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:01 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    nomadski wrote:" I am going out on a " limb" here , when I say that Conservative party having chosen " Englishness " ( Brexit ) over Irishness or Scotishness or Europeanishness ( including Russianess ) , opted to join the "  English "  Ex- Empire dominions of Anglophile and Anglophone countries and dreamt of resurrecting the common wealth and British Raj ! As the dominion of the English shrinks and they are left with only London and the stock exchange and the Eel- eating Cockney population , to call their own , their imaginations grow larger and larger !
    There was nothing great about Britain, ever. A combination of slavery and olconization allowed them to steal a march during the industrial revolution.

    Their rulers only knew how to sustain their economy by looting from their colonies. Once their colonies were gone the country went into a free fall.

    It is not surprising therefore that they have no clue how to govern their country. Intolerance and small-mindedness plagues Britain. Dozens of Neo Nazi outfits exist in that country and it's only a matter of time before one of these outfits lay their hands on Britain's nuke vectors.

    What a load of complete and utter bollocks and tosh. Put your bile somewhere else, in case you hadn't noticed this is the Ukraine thread.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:05 pm

    From Limb "Some fun footage of ukrainian troops actually suffering some losses"[/quote]

    What a waste of time that was, this is what it lead to. Great link on an English language site Mad Mad

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    Мы с Александром Гармаевым объявляем новый большой сбор для военнослужащих 11-й гвардейской десантно-штурмовой бригады, 5-й гвардейской Тацинской танковой бригады, 37-й мотострелковой бригады Восточного военного округа, которые сейчас стойко отражают атаки ВСУ на Херсонском направлении. Нужны: квадрокоптеры (чем больше. тем лучше), метеостанции и приборы оптического наблюдения для артиллеристов, прицелы тепловизионные, банки на пулеметы и автоматы, средства связи и тактическая медицина. Видеоотчет о работе наших парней по утилизации бронетехники и живой силы украинской армии многие уже видели у коллег с телеграм-канала Режим Б. Военнослужащий с позывным "Перс" корректирует огонь артиллерии с помощью дрона, который был закуплен по результатам прошлого сбора, проведенного при поддержке Александра Валерьевича Сладкова, Бориса Рожина, телеграм-каналов Уголок Ситха, Лик войны и многих других дружественных каналов. Такой техники необходимо в разы больше. Реквизиты Александра Гармаева для помощи воинам-забайкальцам: карта Сбера и Тиньков привязаны к номеру его мобильного телефона +79246537733
    Гармаев Александр Юрьевич
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    Работа артиллерии 11-ой ОДШБр.
    Отражение бандеровского наступления на Бериславском направлении, 19-го октября.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  limb Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:10 pm

    JohninMK wrote:From Limb "Some fun footage of ukrainian troops actually suffering some losses"

    What a waste of time that was, this is what it lead to. Great link on an English language site  Mad  Mad

    Forwarded from
    Мы с Александром Гармаевым объявляем новый большой сбор для военнослужащих 11-й гвардейской десантно-штурмовой бригады, 5-й гвардейской Тацинской танковой бригады, 37-й мотострелковой бригады Восточного военного округа, которые сейчас стойко отражают атаки ВСУ на Херсонском направлении. Нужны: квадрокоптеры (чем больше. тем лучше), метеостанции и приборы оптического наблюдения для артиллеристов, прицелы тепловизионные, банки на пулеметы и автоматы, средства связи и тактическая медицина. Видеоотчет о работе наших парней по утилизации бронетехники и живой силы украинской армии многие уже видели у коллег с телеграм-канала Режим Б. Военнослужащий с позывным "Перс" корректирует огонь артиллерии с помощью дрона, который был закуплен по результатам прошлого сбора, проведенного при поддержке Александра Валерьевича Сладкова, Бориса Рожина, телеграм-каналов Уголок Ситха, Лик войны и многих других дружественных каналов. Такой техники необходимо в разы больше. Реквизиты Александра Гармаева для помощи воинам-забайкальцам: карта Сбера и Тиньков привязаны к номеру его мобильного телефона +79246537733
    Гармаев Александр Юрьевич
    Номер карты сбер 2202203633687605
    Номер карты Тиньков 4377727800656246
    Режим Б
    Работа артиллерии 11-ой ОДШБр.
    Отражение бандеровского наступления на Бериславском направлении, 19-го октября.


    actual video

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  ucmvulcan Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:14 pm

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Ff_ctc10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Ff_ocy10
    Superior western equipment.  Wink

    Silly Russian, its modular and superior. Its a wonderwaffle, just add syrup and its breakfast ready. All you have are washing machines, swedish traffic cams and doritos. Doritos aren't good for you. The operators of the wonderwaffles attest to that. . . .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:18 pm

    Limb wrote:Drones? Who needs those? In 1960 drones would be destroyed by nukes
    Precision guided bombs against tanks? Who needs those? In 1943 we didnt destroy tanks with bombs, so we don't have to now.
    Infantry Thermals? Who needs those? In nuclear war thermals don't matter
    No cooperation between artillery and aircraft? Who needs that? We went to berlin without such cooperation.
    Theres a group of enemy vehicles Just fire dumb artillery rounds cuz that worked in 1943, regardless if we have guided EFP cluster munitions.
    Tanks? Just charge enemy trenches with them like in Tundja 1976 exercise.
    Airburst muntions? Who needs those? We went to berlin without them.
    Infantry body armor? Who needs those? Too expensive. Soldiers die, shit happens, its better to save money than save lives

    The Russian had fucking drones, they have ATGMs, they have LMUR IIR guided missiles with two way datalinks, they have Su-25s and helicopters launching rocket attacks at advancing enemy infantry in coordination with ground troops... they have shown videos from drones of individual vehicles being hit by guided artillery rounds.

    Every Russian soldier I have seen has body armour and a helmet, there have been far fewer Russian soldier deaths than the west can properly understand because they are essentially fighting a peer enemy and HATO models and expectations require vastly heavier losses than those that are happening in front of us.

    Finland is joining HATO because the Orcs are using Finnish tactics to maul the clumsy WWII Soviet conscripts and they see it is not working at all...

    The Russian military is not the military of WWII and the west is having a panic attack over that.

    They have drones watching and coordinating their own drone and artillery attacks.

    If the potbelly dinosaurs want to waste planes like that,

    So potbelly dinosaur is the new humiliation is it?

    Where is the vaunted SVP-24 to drop iron bombs from range here? They could've at least dropped bombs outside of MANPAD altitude. Gliding bombs aren't even needed much, they couldve just used Kh-25s too.

    Low and fast has traditionally been the way to avoid MANPADS... flying very low means only the enemy forces you nearly overfly will see you to launch MANPADS at you and flying fast means they have to launch fast or their missile wont catch you up let alone be a threat...

    Who said what they attacked and with what... are you listening to the Orcs again?

    If the russians are so afraid to even send Su-35s at high altitude bombing missions, this proves that the Ukrainian AD net is almost entirely intact.

    They got more than 15 thousand Stingers and starstreaks and still the Russians support their troops at low altitudes... Orc AD must be shit.

    The Germans are sending IRS-T and they are getting ground launched AMRAAMs but you think they should fly at altitude?

    A lot of this has to do with a general outlook of Russian government for penny pinching, neoliberal policies.

    If it was penny pinching they would only be using drones...  and BTW using dumb bombs is saving lots of money...

    From a practical standpoint, while sophisticated examples of bombs and missiles are developed, MoD never chose to procure most of them in large numbers.

    Before 2008 that is true... after it is not.

    If they never chose to buy weapons in large numbers I guess all those explosions in Ukraine land are figments of our collective imagination?

    Emphasis was put on strategic weapons in procurement process. It looks like they never believed that large scale ground war was possible if they have nuclear wespons.

    What a load of horse shit... if the emphasis was on strategic weapons where the **** have all these conventionally armed cruise missiles they are using every day come from?

    All these artillery shells and guided artillery launched missiles?

    I mean your point is that they only spent on strategic weapons then surely fighting in Syria and Ukraine would break them... and it clearly has not.

    Let's see how long will it take to rectify results of those delusions.

    The irony is the delusions are yours... when they are launching missile and drone attacks on the Ukraine for the next 3-4 months will you realise that perhaps they did have enough missiles and weapons for a conventional conflict?

    Conversely the west attacks third world countries on a regular basis and often run out of conventional weapons, but it is Russia that is making that mistake despite clear evidence to the contrary.

    Even Iran trains its pilots on the "obsolete" Su-17 in using guided bombs, while the "modern" Su-25Sm and Su-35 pilots only train to use iron bombs and unguided rocket pods against ground targets.

    Or they felt the air defence in that area was shit so it was safe to deliver weapons at low levels.... and when you are operating at low levels you don't need super sophisticated expensive guided weapons when dumb bombs will get the job done better... two 250kg bombs delivers more HE and fragments than four Kh-25s.

    You can't use the SVP-24 from range as that would require a lot of altitude - and therefore tracking and engagement by air defence systems.
    The SVP-24 or something like it will be used by the Su-35 of course, it will calculate the optimum moment to drop the bombs. They will be quite accurate from this low altitude, even without guidance.

    SVP-24 and its equivalents don't need altitude for accuracy... they are essentially ballistic computers and releasing the weapons down low much closer to the target reduces the variables and further increases the accuracy.

    Why would he misspell Kiev?

    These are extremely dangerous. Very high rate of fire, upwards of 30 rpm, very mobile, long range(40+km), much better than the akatsiya and gvozdika trash and 25km max range MSTA 80% aof which russian artillery units use. Not a single western artillery piece has ever been destroyed by russian loitering munitions, while plenty of soviet SPGs in ukrainian service have been destroyed by lancets and gerans. This proves the superiority of western SPGs.

    That explains why the Orcs are winning, because their western gear is invincible... do you work for Boeing or Raytheon?

    Just far superior  range than vast majority of russian artillery,together with actual digital FCS systems instead of shitty scopes, analogue computers and notebooks the russians use for 90% of their guns, makes them nigh unhittable before they change position. Also russians almost never use the smerch for counterbattery, and their helos can never find the western artillery.

    Haahahahaha... yeah those western guns are so amazing that the Russians have been using their short range useless shit artillery to turn Orcs into steak patties ready to barbeque, while those amazing western wunderwaffle seems to be hitting fixed coordinate targets like prisons holding nazi prisoners and civilians in town squares and markets and the like...

    Obviously these western wonder weapons are going to win the war because there is no way the Russian soldiers can continue to fight losing so many civilians behind them, while the Orc civilians seem to be fine as it is Orc soldiers getting shredded by Russian inferior artillery.

    Wrong. Ukraine completely relies on 155mm NATO ammo. It completely ran out of soviet 152mm ammo.

    But we are told they are getting ammo from Pakistan and India or Armenia or some such bullshit.

    At least the 155mm ammo will last a lot longer with their guns falling to bits after 50 shots they won't need a lot of ammo...

    actual video

    Media is too big...

    BTW I remember accidentally getting on a pro Orc new website and they showed a picture of a 203mm Pion with its barrel blown off and they claimed Russian artillery is in a poor state... but the didn't edit out the crew standing around with yellow and blue armbands... it seems they don't have replacement barrels and just keep shooting till they fail...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Sujoy Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:09 pm

    Erk wrote:He was born in the UK.

    Sunak is a WEF poster child.
    ex. Goldman Sachs and hedge funds.

    Exactly what the UK needs......not.
    Doesn't matter where he was born. He is called Sunak the Snake for a reason.

    Sunak will go all out against Russia. Just wait and watch. That's why the Deep State has appointed this illegitimate person. Even MPS were not allowed to vote.

    Because India has not sided with Ukraine, Sunak's purported "Indian origin" credentials will be used to whip up anti India hysteria in Russia.

    JohninMK wrote:What a load of complete and utter bollocks and tosh. Put your bile somewhere else, in case you hadn't noticed this is the Ukraine thread.
    Given your working class comprehension level, why do you need to comment on every post?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Ispan Wed Oct 26, 2022 2:26 pm

    A belated report of the past 4 days, with some analysis about casualties and the general situation, more entries to come soon

    and an analysis in depth about losses in the past two months

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  billybatts91 Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:15 pm


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    Post  billybatts91 Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:26 pm


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  owais.usmani Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:39 pm

    Here's hoping.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Sujoy Wed Oct 26, 2022 3:49 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Hole Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:11 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Fgaed710
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Fgaedf10
    Kherson area

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    Post  Hole Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:15 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Fgao5x10
    Love is in the air. I mean MiG-31K´s

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Firebird Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:38 pm

    How do (the sane) people here think Russia might use the large numbers of new troops and equipment being added to the operation.

    I'd suspect the Pukraine has minimal abilities to manufacture its own weaponry.
    So most of what its using now must come from Uncle Satan and its bitches in Europe.

    Transnistria is potentially (at least now) a barrier against GATO weapons flooding into the Pukraine. I was wondering about a blockade line from Northern Transnistria to Belarus. Possibly talking in Zhytomyr and Vinnitsya as urban "forts"/bases. OK neither of these 2 areas are massively pro Russian. But that means it makes less sense for the Banderavermin to use them as human shields.

    Additionally, this is one of the narrower parts of the Pukraine. From Belarus to Transnsitria is only around 440 km at the narrowest point. Whereas a blockade line in the S East could be far far longer and therefore harder to control. The downside is potentially open spaces in some of these  areas. But that means it will be harder for the Banderafilth to move vehicles. Which is ultimately the objective of a blockade.

    Possibly any blockade would be drone and air based rather than troops and ground vehicles?
    I don't know, but it seems one aspect of this war is that secrecy seems to be hard.
    Perhaps Russia should hit Musk's Starlink in some way, givent that it is contributing to the death of thousands of Russian troops and civilians. Starlink is party to the war, so must expect the consequences of supporting Banderite atrocities just as Hitler would have been dealt with if the tech existed in the 1940s. My view is that Musk is basically a faux "semi good cop" in Uncle Satan's game.

    Of course this wouldn't be the only position for Russia to commit troops. But having several possible target zones it forces the Pukrainians to move around, get picked off and end up short of troops in key areas. Russian troops shouldn't be short of logistics with Belarus close by (maybe also Odessa sooner than later).

    Its an alternative to the slow, laborious activity in Kherson, Donbass etc right now.

    Is this possible? What do people think? Or would Odessa be taken before a land blockade across the W Central Pukraine?
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:58 pm

    I wonder what the quality of newly mobilized troops is going to be?

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    Post  Firebird Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:19 pm

    I would think very high. They are nearly all ex military. Plus the mobilised troops may well be taking up positions eg in Asia, with the Asia based troops coming to the Pukraine.

    For all the drama in foreign media, this mobilisation is no different to how say British reserve troops went to Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Additionally, its about rotation. Equipment doesn't get tired (just needs repair) but troops get burnt out after whatever days in action. The Pukrainian troops burnt out and then made mistakes and got smoked. Additionally the Pukrainians are now dragging the bottom of the barrel - women, elderly etc.

    Russia is by some measures, the biggest land army in the World. So it won't have problems getting the numbers together. Hopefully the tactics will be bang on.

    I think Russia needs to set up a distraction for GATO/Europe/Uncle Satan of Washington.
    Its a major bargaining chip. Nothing would accelerate the decline of the Empire of Lies quicker than the US being forced to flee bases around the World.

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    Post  ucmvulcan Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:23 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I wonder what the quality of newly mobilized troops is going to be?

    Mostly combat vets. The newly mobilized will be far superior to what the Ukes have and better equipped with weapons they are familiar with. They will accomplish the mission which needs to be liberating Nikolayevsk and Odessa, and punching the Ukes out of Donetsk, Kherson, Zaprozhiye, and then they need to drive on Kharkhov again.

    Btw, I see on twatter that the trebuchets are out and washing machines and lawnmowers with swedish traffic cams are in the air, so which Ukrainian towns are getting denazified today?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  bandit6 Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:40 pm

    Putin and his goofy goobers generals don't realize that anything than the total destruction of Ukraine will be a humiliating defeat.

    Even if they call a ceasefire and keep the current territory the economic warfare will continue, bridges and pipelines will be blowing up, and Ukraine will be armed to the point that it will become the second most powerful military in the world. Russia will be somewhere below KSA.

    A cold war will be waged to weaken it so that Russian migrants will be sneaking across the border into NKorea to find a better quality of life.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  caveat emptor Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:53 pm

    bandit6 wrote:Putin and his goofy goobers generals don't realize that anything than the total destruction of Ukraine will be a humiliating defeat.

    Even if they call a ceasefire and keep the current territory the economic warfare will continue, bridges and pipelines will be blowing up, and Ukraine will be armed to the point that it will become the second most powerful military in the world. Russia will be somewhere below KSA.

    A cold war will be waged to weaken it so that Russian migrants will be sneaking across the border into NKorea to find a better quality of life.

    Bunch of poppycock. Only thing i can agree on is that staying at current lines can be considered defeat. Taking Odessa and cutting Ukraine from Black Sea should be major goal alomg with incorporatong few other regions, especially Kharkhov.
    They shouldn't even think of taking most of Central and especially Western parts of Ukraine. Just initiate a bombing campaign and destroy infrastructure and industry. Time will do the rest.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  Ned86 Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:58 pm

    Recent Ka-52 video 

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  thegopnik Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:13 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:14 pm

    bandit6 wrote:Putin and his goofy goobers generals don't realize that anything than the total destruction of Ukraine will be a humiliating defeat.

    Even if they call a ceasefire and keep the current territory the economic warfare will continue, bridges and pipelines will be blowing up, and Ukraine will be armed to the point that it will become the second most powerful military in the world. Russia will be somewhere below KSA.

    A cold war will be waged to weaken it so that Russian migrants will be sneaking across the border into NKorea to find a better quality of life.

    Where did you pop up from? 21 posts in 7 1/2 years Shocked

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:18 pm

    Difficult to believe until you see it

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #30

    Post  ucmvulcan Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:18 pm

    bandit6 wrote:Putin and his goofy goobers generals don't realize that anything than the total destruction of Ukraine will be a humiliating defeat.

    Even if they call a ceasefire and keep the current territory the economic warfare will continue, bridges and pipelines will be blowing up, and Ukraine will be armed to the point that it will become the second most powerful military in the world. Russia will be somewhere below KSA.

    A cold war will be waged to weaken it so that Russian migrants will be sneaking across the border into NKorea to find a better quality of life.

    1. Is that why Surovikin has been making the nazis read Mein Kampf by candle light and why 300K+ are being sent into theater?

    2. Who is calling a ceasefire? Putin is offering talks but the nazis and the west are mostly ignoring those

    3. The Cold War never ended

    Bonus: Your perception of reality and mine seem a bit different. I see Russia escalating the destruction of Ukrainian military infrastructure and amassing troops for a massive counterstroke. I am willing to bet some commanders already have orders down to the exact hour of attack. I don't see white flags being hoisted from Spasky tower or the Admiralty building.

    flamming_python, Big_Gazza, kvs, Sprut-B, Hole, Mir, Broski and Belisarius like this post

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