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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  auslander Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:44 pm

    The orcs are surrounded at the Novorossiya border. Substantial numbers of the regular orc army plus large numbers of azov, aidar and right sector are in the bag, Russia Army blocking their way out and NAF steadily closing in on them. Lots of scores to settle from Novorossiya and methinks the bag of prisoners will be quite small.

    On the other hand, the orcs are still bombarding Donetsk and Gorlovka day and night, patently civilian areas. Civilian casualties are mounting and NAF casualties are not small. The orcs have gotten smart, they shoot and scoot. I think in the end we will see a route of epic proportions and this time there will be no 'minsk 3' to save them. Be prepared for lots of crying from the west of prisoner massacres etc etc etc.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  LMFS Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:47 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:04 pm

    US$13 billion worth of weapons is headed towards Ukraine. Anyone here who thinks the war is going to come to an end anytime soon?

    They will have some practise tracking such equipment and hitting it as it reaches rear area depots... most of it will be useless crap they don't want any more...

    The Russians know what they are doing... ISIS and the Kurds got ammo and weapon and equipment supply too... and 13 billion sounds like a lot of American shit is overpriced... they might be triple charging MREs... (Meals Rejected by Ethiopians I seem to remember them calling them).

    Do you honestly think the Ukrainians are going to continue stepping out in front of Russians pointing AT missiles at them when they see what happens most of the time?

    I rather suspect the Nazis will be taking noobies and western volunteers out with them on ambushes and giving them the honour of launching the rockets so they can try to run away and come back and do it again... over time the Russians are going to develop tactics and use of drones and platforms like attack helicopters to deal with such ambushes out in the open and not in the open and the entire ambush units will start to turn into red mist...

    Even in Afghanistan the Afghans quickly lost interest in attacking Soviet columns because it was often too dangerous... especially during the day with helicopters.

    Well their current helicopters are dangerous at night now too.

    If Russia and china get along and if they can keep BRICS going as well as court Latin America and Africa, then they will be fine.

    And if India can realise what is going on and renew better relations with China, then they will be more than fine... a rich and powerful China is not a threat to Russia or India, just like a rich and powerful India is not a threat to China or Russia and a rich and powerful Russia is no threat to China or India... or the west for that matter.

    But the west don't want rivals, they want dominance and control and a rich powerful India or Russia or China cannot be tolerated, which is why cooperation with the west is impossible for these three countries if they want to continue to grow and develop.

    Surely Russian needs to start flying interdiction missions to make sure these weapons do not get to the lines.

    The search for ammo and fuel dumps will be continuous... as will the attacks on them also be.

    Of course when the western media get there it will be evil Russia bombed a warehouse full of 13 billion dollars worth of teddy bears for the children of the Ukraine... the bastards... Rolling Eyes

    I'm sure the US can apply some military 'pressure' now and interventions to secure cheaper gas supplies.

    And what reaction will that get... pressure on Venezuela or Iran? On Russia? The prices are going up... pressure normally does not help.

    All it can really do is pressure its middle east slave countries to increase production... but how much can they increase it... and at what cost to them?

    The West will manage

    Yeah, Russia will collapse and the west will be fine, are you going for your CIA merit badge?

    The US can keep themselves going but the EU needs gas and oil. They are now looking at Venezuela and Iran to make up for dried up Russian supplies. Last time I checked the UK stole the Venezuelan gold reserves and the nuclear deal with Iran was shredded.

    Would love to see Iran sell some expensive gas to Europe and make good money on the deal, and a real chance for Venezuela to get that gold back and at the same time limit the financial resources of Guano.

    West will manage, but at what cost.

    America will just print more money... I am sure that is the best solution all round...

    Isnt this what most people on the forum generaly complain about being trolling? But im gessing it doesnt fit when its make other nations then Russia look bad.

    It is a perfectly natural response to the original troll in this situation.

    There's more talk about France than Ukraine... It's a slow day today, but still. Also, this French Algerian never replies back and goes on tirade. It's annoying to say at least.

    He is no longer our problem.

    Thank you for distinguishing that individual from the other members from France who are rather more valuable members of this forum and should not be besmerched by that person who is clearly too young to understand. For someone clearly fixated on appearance he was astonishingly oblivious to the appearance he created for himself here.

    The Western propaganda on "foreign legion" in #Ukraine will have a very heavy price.

    I suspect they will not want to go over the top unless such people are famous for war crimes in this or the Syrian conflict.

    Just killing them out of hand because the laws of war allow it would be counter productive if that leads to them realising surrender is not an option and fighting to the death becomes their first choice.

    Obviously some hard core members will not consider anything else anyway.

    Super sad, to be perfectly honest. Naturally the Russians indirectly caused it, but facts are facts.

    If we are going with facts, it was a perfect symbol of the Ukraine... both used to have a purpose, but both are now used to try to damage or embarrass Russia.

    The An-225 is designed to carry very large outsized loads on its back... its primary role is moving in a single piece large components of rockets and fuel tanks and other structures for the space industry... to move products from the factory they are made at from their airfield to an airfield near the launch zone.

    Ukraine has no space industry so the An-225 is just an An-124 that uses 50% more fuel and is slightly longer and able to carry heavier payloads which is not often in demand these days.

    Two An-124s would be more practical use.

    True! some of the most ballsy stuff i have seen. I have always kind of secretly questioned the usefulness of large scale airmobile ops on a modern battlefield. And i'm not ashamed to be wrong. VDV sure again proved that they are to be counted on.

    It helps that they are fully mechanised so they can be dropped 100km away from the intended target and away from the targets air defences and can then drive to the target at high speed and attack from light fast very well armed vehicles against targets likely better equipped to defend against air attack rather than a ground force.

    If I were Russia I would up the gas price to spot market and toss the contracts. Germany is gonna dump Russian NG anyway so may as well inflict the same economic destruction they are inflicting on you.

    Punishing the people of the EU is hardly fair, I am sure they can negotiate something... the EU seems dead set on turning away from Russian gas, so keep it relatively cheap so the shift to the replacement comes at a cost. The cost of delivering the gas or extracting it has not changed, the market price reflect speculators making money and uncertainty in the availability of the product.

    Making Russian gas super expensive just means the users wont use it because it is no longer affordable.

    Germany and the EU will likely transition to other sources or other energy types, but that is going to take time and will it expand at the same rate gas use was expected to be growing at.

    Not Russias problem. They can build new pipelines to China and greatly reduce the energy costs for industry in China making them more competitive to European production and using the gas that was going to Europe... they will likely go for longer term contracts and lower rates there too because long term contracts provide stability and improve long term planning accuracy.

    The EU shift to spot market prices was a deliberate attempt to increase gas prices to make US gas competitive... what is going to happen is that Russia will shift the cheap energy from the EU market to Asia, so the EU will become economically less competitive to US and Asian competition.

    Bulgaria has always been pretty anti Russian,

    What a surprise !

    Cheap gas long term contract... seems more practical than other EU states.

    Most media groups are owned by EU and US. So I'm not surprised. Russia should actually be doing the same thing, start funding locally produced channels friendly to it in these third countries.

    In central and south america when they get into power the first thing they attack is independent media that does not cooperate with the party line...

    They destroy their own values to maintain control.

    The Americans have returned their cold war racket.

    They never even changed clothes...

    The Ukraine numbers of lost Russian tanks is actually alot higher, so this number is very low if anything.

    And no you cant only rely on pictures and videos, but if you would I seen probably over 50 Russian tanks so far.

    The Russian official destroyed Ukraine tanks and fighting vehicles is about 1,200. Should we belive that?

    Information from Kiev and Moscow both have track records... and Kievs record is not so good.

    I am quite surprised to see how Russian armoured convoys cruise around so nonchalantly not well spaced, no drone surveilance. etc. The smart thing for Ukraine mil to do is hit the lead tank then drop arty on the whole road.

    How many 1,000kg bombs are the Ukrainian air force carrying that could require spacing of vehicles to greater distances?

    Greater spacing would just make the vehicles further apart and less able to support other vehicles in the convoy.

    How do you know what support the convoys have... hitting the lead and rear vehicle is standard ambush procedure but spacing of vehicles means they can drive around the front vehicle and continue moving which the instigators of the ambush would want to prevent.

    There are loads of iterations of ambushes and responses normally centre around directing firepower at the direction the initial attack came from to destroy the ambushers but of course complex ambush techniques includes attacks from multiple directions targeting the sides and rear of armoured vehicles... but what happens with high flying drone escort that will see ambush forces moving and will also detect artillery forces... we have seen video footage of Russian helicopter attacks against individual Ukrainian artillery vehicles like 2S1 and 2S3 vehicles, they will likely have grads too, but stopping a convoy in an ambush is not the smartest thing to do normally... having vehicles open fire on the ambushers and having drones alert nearby friendly artillery to deal with the ambush elements while the ground vehicles obliterate any ambush elements they spot and of course engage any enemy artillery elements would be normal procedure while helicopter elements also engage enemy artillery and ambush elements while the convoy leaves the ambush zone would be normal procedure while ambush forces are taken out.

    With those numbers I imagine that the Ukrainian drones have already been completely destroyed. How many drones do these motherfuckers have?

    Drones are cheap and easy to deliver and supply, they will be getting more from most western countries including Israel.

    It seems Turkey will not be supplying more drones to Ukraine which is good, but plenty of western stooges will step up to replace them.

    Perhaps the Russian military should buy some Turkish drones and give them to friendly Ukrainian forces as a thank you.

    Drones are not easy targets for any air defence force.

    Don't give me the usual "You don't know, so don't ask" BS.
    Where the F are the Recon units!

    These are the recon units... and what defence would a US force have to ATGMs fired from point blank range?

    Great article on the importance of the two nuclear power plants. Bad news for USA good news for Russia

    I would say the reactors would be more important to the US than to Russia, Russian companies are already quite busy but US companies not so much...

    I've been asking that for a week now, and nobody can explain to me the rationale for tightly packed convoys moving with very little recon.

    Obviously you have not been listening to the live feed from the Russian army that tells the public everything they are doing and why and how...

    I am however amazed that people can look at a video where someone steps out into the open point blank and launches a missile at a target close by and bitches because obviously in the computer games they play that never happens... there should be drones and attack helicopters and satellites all watching every single Russian convoy in the Ukraine in real time that can act so fucking fast that someone hidden in cover can step out and in the time it takes them to launch a rocket Putin sees the live feed and gives direct orders to the soldier in the lead vehicle to tell his driver to turn his steering coloumn 20 degrees for three seconds to avoid the missile completely and the he speaks directly to the gunner in the vehicle directly behind the lead vehicle to turn his gun to the precise bearing of the Orc and which weapon and what ammo type to use to turn him in to red mist... cause obviously that is how real war works and is why US and western forces never lose a single soldier ever.

    What's wierd is how Ukrainians predict the direction of the convoys.

    Yeah... crazy... almost like they have maps and brains... how can they operate without a direct satellite link to president Biden watching his live satellite feeds directing these orcs.

    "I would not say that Russia's proposals on security guarantees remain fully in force, the situation has changed, "RIA Novosti quoted Ryabkovas saying.

    He makes some good points but perhaps there is hope that the EU dream might be different enough from the US dream that it might be possible to make it compatible with the Russian dream. The Chinese dream seems to be closer to the Russian dream than the US dream, where the US dream is domination and control and violence and isolation and containment of those who do not accept US dominance.

    Perhaps the EU could find its own dream based on its claimed morals and its claimed principles, but it is so used to such ideas being flexible to the point of being meaningless, so perhaps I am being silly.

    Even the US is a victim of those in power, the problem for the American people is that there is no vote that can remove such people because their money is their power and they not only already have more than they could ever need but they want more.

    The insatiable consumer.

    Like I said... evil.

    I think the confrontation would have been better done 2-3 years from now.

    When they had nukes and fully weaponised viruses... nah... right now is just fine.

    But that Russia was cornered into war is the fault of the same Russian policies, and even up until fairly recently it could have been avoided or postponed.

    Russia was cornered into war because it was the only side that didn't want war...

    A smarter strategy could have led to the Kiev regime, which was struggling economically and socially anyway for all of 2020-2021, being in a weaker position and with less cohesion, while Russia by 2024-2025 would have been in an economically stronger position.

    Economics would mean diddly squat... the US could just print more money and give it to them in the form of loans... the economic strength or weakness of either party is just bullshit... once they found out about the nukes and the viruses there was no reason to delay.

    But I guess Putin wanted a send-off, and perhaps the West would have provoked all this anyhow before Russia would have liked.

    The Orc forces were not lined up inside Donbass territory for fun... they were fully mobilised and were about to strike... trying to help out in such a situation which Russia would have gotten the blame for anyway would be a terrible situation to be fighting in... especially if their navy and air force tried little false flag events as well... explosives laiden ship hits a new bridge? Who knows what those assholes would come up with.

    Paging Garry. Do your stuff.

    Yes, in the process of moving it.

    Appear strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong. As Sun Tzu said

    Partly to not show NATO its full capabilities. Partly to not want to destroy the Ukrainian army per say, Russia is pursuing a different objective.

    This "invasion force" is VDV and naval infantry... and they are using the equipment they normally use because that is what the Naval Infantry use and the light vehicles is normal for the VDV. The special forces operating around the place on the quiet will also be lightly equipped and very mobile too... I suspect some very long range sniper duels might be taking place or certain new Russian sniper teams are testing their new long range capabilites... hopefully whacking some nazi leaders rather than the conscripts they will be sending out and chaining up with anti tank rocket tubes.

    Oh and before you start yapping about how evil the Chinese are or w/e, they're much better and humane than Western financial institutions, which were dominant in Russia.

    The Chinese don't see the Russians as a historic enemy that needs to be exterminated so their lands can be occupied like the US does.

    Probably all those Nazis that went there after WWII...

    I can understand if we're in the heat of battle in the middle of the forest and such, but this was a highway road, recon should have swept the area long ago.
    At this point i am going to have to assume that ambushers are using some sort of IR camo or something.

    Or possibly didn't arrive to the area until after recon had passed... they can drive around in civi cars if they want and don't need to reveal themselves as the enemy till the last second.

    And Russia had all rights to do this. But one has to be pragmatic.

    One definitely has to be pragmatic and paying money to a neighbour that openly shells its own people with their excuse being that they are Russians like you... as if that makes it OK.
    Pragmatic is that there are plenty of pipes for delivering cheap gas to the EU if you refuse to send it through the Ukraine then that is your right and there is nothing they can do about it. Equally it is their right to not use the new NSII pipes and you can't force them to do so either, but that just means they wont be getting enough gas, the capacity is simply not available.

    Russia refusing to send gas through the Ukraine is no different from Germany refusing to certify the NSII pipelines... well actually it is, because the Orcs stole gas from Russia and there is no way to stop them short of not using their pipes to deliver gas any more. NSII pipes actually delivers gas to German and EU users with no transit fees so it is rather cheaper than gas through the Ukraine.

    Financially it is already cheaper for Russia to not send gas through the Ukraine and just pay the fines and penalties for not using the pipe, it was Putin that insisted gas go through that pipe.

    If continuing the contract could delay war or avoid it while the Ukrainian regime dies a slow death anyway, then such a strategy would have been preferable.

    The Orcs already planned their attack for 8th of March this year... they were in no condition to keep their forces mobilised for much longer than a month more with or without gas transit.

    Reality is... There are recon unit now. Recon by fire. I don't think tempo allows proper recon operations, look where they are, they are deep in Ukrainian territory where fog of war can't be revealed. UCAV would have solved the problem here, but it's not like Russia has thousand of them to cover all territory, especially not to patrol the roads.

    A drone overhead would not have had any more chance to stop the ambush as the vehicle hit with the rocket... by the time it is clear it is an attack it is too late to stop it.

    .............Are you joking, how could they not have drones surveying the area 24/7, especially on the highways.
    None of this is making any sense.

    Are you joking... what are you expecting these drones to be doing?

    Ahhh, of course.... all the Russian forces appear in red on their screens while civilians are gray and enemy combatants including civies with missiles appear in blue so they can be hit from orbit.

    I can only conclude incompetence on either Russian recon or the frontline units themselves.

    Yes, incompetence... they should be ordering their drones by name... the special Call of Duty drones with the colour based IFF system built in and unlimited onboard missiles so it can engage targets before they even decide to attack.

    God damn Putin, for re-opening this whole wound. I expect him to outsmart everyone, without firing a shot. Naive of me.

    You blame him for everything, this was never going to be solved like the Crimea, they have had 8 years to move nazis in and take control of all the main political structures and spread their poison.

    Thinking they could just sit down and talk this through shows your mentality... Putin has been talking to France and Germany and the US telling them to make Kiev talk to the Lugansk and Donbass regions as they promised to do for the last 8 years and all the while they are slowing encroaching into Donbass territory murdering the locals and you want it to be settled without bloodshed?

    Now at least the Nazis are bleeding and HATO and the US have been shown to be weak allies when push comes to shove... oooh I am going to join HATO because if Russia invades then the HATO wont even stop buying Russian gas and oil... well worth selling out any military MIC you might have so you can buy US crap for way too much money.

    I just think there was a way to avoid the road to war in the first place

    There was... pay a Mexican drug cartel to murder every US president for the next 30 years.... starting with Obama.

    It seems Putin should have put bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan and not gotten the Taliban to talk to the US so they would still be there when they sent Stingers and NLAWS to the Taliban...

    Keep that damn gas flowing if Russia had to. At least, it might have bought some more years.

    Bought some years for what... so the US suddenly sees the error of its ways and stops escalating and poking the bear.

    this was always going to happen and it is a good thing.

    So what some Ukrainians are going to be suffering the way people from the rest of the world have been suffering.... it is all because of the US, but go on... blame Putin for it.

    Putin is one of the sanest politicians in the whole history.
    He was cool as an iceberg for the last 20+ years.
    It must have been something that broke the string there, no other way.

    I would think bio weapons, nukes and the imminent attack on the donbass and lugansk regions potentially leading to HATO peace keepers on Ukrainian territory is easily enough to warrant this attack.

    The west knew full well Saddam didn't have WMDs but they invaded Iraq anyway after crippling his country with decades of sanctions before that... sound familiar...

    The difference being the Ukraine has scientists who made nukes and so they just needed the required components which the US was clearly interested in supplying and the bio weapons labs... anyone notice Covid recently at all?

    All the things NATO could not do - they would.
    They could ignite the ethnic conflicts along with Russia, provide cannon fodder for emerging conflicts, keep the goons&assasiantin squads to perform pure terroristic attacks & operations, including political assassinations while needed.

    Like the Baltic states, the Ukraine was not bound by international law and could do what they liked without any punishment because the west would protect them.

    Why was this year different to the Ukie buildup last year? What tipped the balance?

    The launch date for the op was march 8th, and US and western media pressure about the Russian invasion was a bluff to try to make him not attack before the Kiev attack took place and it failed.

    Why has the US totally maximised the propaganda war in ways and to an extent never seen before?

    So that when evidence of violations of international law regarding bio weapons and nuclear weapons is revealed they can deny it and say it is just Russian propaganda...

    I think Putin is past caring what anyone in the west thinks now.... the future of Russia is not with Europe or the US or the rest of the western lackies...

    There goes the engines for India's Grigorivich class frigates.

    Have to buy them from Russia now... if they don't already have them.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Scorpius Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:41 pm

    At the location of the 81st separate airmobile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the city of Izyum
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Fhggygggm5n81

    flamming_python, Regular, Big_Gazza, kvs, Odin of Ossetia, VARGR198, LMFS and like this post

    par far

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  par far Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:43 pm

    An American journalist was killed in Ukraine.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:46 pm

    The chutzpah and delusion of NATzO to operate a mercenary distribution center inside Ukraine near the Polish border as if it was
    untouchable. Now they bitch about "escalation". We see here one of the core problems with NATzO which results in its policies.
    They discount Russia even when they are afraid of a full confrontation. They are in a continuous cope where every surrender to
    reality is buffered with more fantasy excuses. Sane people would have stopped, but they keep going.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Regular Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:10 pm

    Scorpius wrote:At the location of the 81st separate airmobile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the city of Izyum
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Fhggygggm5n81

    So their cave was cleaned. It seems that they have open sympathizers in the army, it's not a secret. Sounds like a good way not to be used in POW exchange, but end up being trialed for supporting extremism along with Azov guys.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Broski Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:17 pm

    flamming_python wrote:I just think there was a way to avoid the road to war in the first place
    You've been saying for the last 250+ pages across 5 topics that Putin could've done something different and yet, you can't even give us one alternative option he had. Not one. You've brought up Russian gas again but I'll repeat myself, when did Russia shut down the Yamal pipeline?
    Keep that damn gas flowing if Russia had to. At least, it might have bought some more years.
    No it would've have, flamming_gorbachev.
    Sujoy wrote:There goes the engines for India's Grigorivich class frigates.

    it's ok, India can order them from Russia instead. Bet they'll actually work, too.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  flamming_python Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:19 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Anyone believe this?

    Christopher Miller
    · 39m
    A Ukrianian military source who works with the new foreign legion tells me no foreign fighters were killed in today’s Russian attack on Yavoriv.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 FNudY-lWQAQAQ6o?format=png&name=small

    Quite possible they warned the foreigners to get out not long beforehand or avoided firing at their residence

    In terms of the former, Ukrainian military and intelligence have apparently also been warned before strikes at some targets

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:24 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    My wife said that can't be right since Indian government would mandate it.  So you mean just youtube then.  Can't take it off the air without government say.
    RT is off cable TV, across India.

    Can't do it without government approval. So I think your either full of shit or the government is anti Russia.

    Time of India did an article saying your wrong. Got any up to date?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Isos Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:34 pm

    Nolan Peterson
    From an American volunteer on the front lines outside of Kyiv:

    "Sitting close to the frontline, the last safe mode of transportation leaves for greener pastures. A core group of about 30 foreign fighters remains out of around 200 people who were here just minutes ago..." 1/

    Nolan Peterson
    "The base we came from was struck by rockets in the early morning hours. People we lived with for a couple days are confirmed dead. It is only a matter of time before our location is targeted. We are about to be cut off by a Russian tank column any day now..." 2/

    Nolan Peterson
    "Food, water, and ammunition dwindle slowly. The mood is somber, people are sending their last messages to friends and family." 3/

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    Post  Isos Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:36 pm

    160 killed in one attack. That's terrible losses for ukrainians. And zelensky say only 1300 ukrainians killed. Russians are actually massacring them.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  flamming_python Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:43 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    My wife said that can't be right since Indian government would mandate it.  So you mean just youtube then.  Can't take it off the air without government say.
    RT is off cable TV, across India.

    Can't do it without government approval. So I think your either full of shit or the government is anti Russia.

    Time of India did an article saying your wrong. Got any up to date?

    Not a matter of being anti-Russia, but giving the West a few bones there where it doesn't matter so as to keep to neutrality effectively or refuse to vote against Russia at the UN

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:58 pm

    Regular wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:

    .............Are you joking, how could they not have drones surveying the area 24/7, especially on the highways.
    None of this is making any sense.
    I can only conclude incompetence on either Russian recon or the frontline units themselves.
    Either way, when this war is over, it is clear where the next phase of Russia's military reforms will be focused on.

    I think the explanation is simple - there are not enough drones to cover such massive terrain. On some roads Russia advanced 300 km into Ukraine, I don't see how drones can operate like a Sauron's eye in such an environment. Other than that, I am also unpleasantly surprised, but ambushes like these are a daily occurrence, not all of them succesful, not all of them are recorded for propaganda purposes and etc. And yes, Russia should focus building not only UAVs, but UCAVs, suicide drones and come up with new concepts how to use them in EW rich environments.

    Well, hopefully these problems get resolved after this war is over.
    Russian MoD tends to notice these glaring problems and tries to get them resolved.
    Communication and coordination with air and ground elements need to be improved, especially the reconnaissance elements of both.

    Nuff said about this issue.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:02 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    My wife said that can't be right since Indian government would mandate it.  So you mean just youtube then.  Can't take it off the air without government say.
    RT is off cable TV, across India.

    Can't do it without government approval. So I think your either full of shit or the government is anti Russia.

    Time of India did an article saying your wrong. Got any up to date?

    Not a matter of being anti-Russia, but giving the West a few bones there where it doesn't matter so as to keep to neutrality effectively or refuse to vote against Russia at the UN

    Yeah, but they literally can't.  As I said, it's only 1 or 2 networks at best, west ran ones. Tata said they won't because they actually need government mandate.  My wife is Indian and she says you two are full of shit.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:06 pm

    Isos wrote:160 killed in one attack. That's terrible losses for ukrainians. And zelensky say only 1300 ukrainians killed. Russians are actually massacring them.


    "An important note: this American is a special ops veteran who completed combat deployments to Afghanistan. He came to Ukraine before Russia's full-scale war on Feb. 24. He is an experienced, well-trained soldier who gave up his lucrative career in the US in order to help Ukraine"

    Once again, these veterans, no matter how much field experience they've accumulated haven't fought a war like this where they're completely outnumbered and outgunned, where there isn't air support a call away etc.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arsenic Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:07 pm

    There is no need to cover the whole country with drones. At the very least, all columns of Russian vehicles should be preceded by 2 or 3 drones...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  ATLASCUB Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:10 pm

    The pinch is starting to kick in on the defenders as reality settles in. Buckle up.

    AMLO delivering in spades. NGO's on overdrive from what I've been reading...

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:14 pm

    Sujoy wrote:y"]There goes the engines for India's Grigorivich class frigates.

    It depends on what has been actually damaged over there.

    Not clear if the whole plant has been destroyed or just some administratlive offices. It the plant is mostly safe For Russia it would not be bad to have a second marine and energy gas turbine plants Ina friendly Novorussian state. Especially since they produce also the reduction gearboxes, for which Zvezda in Saint Petersburg had several issues and delays.
    Russia at the moment does not produce the old

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  zepia Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:18 pm

    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:
    Isos wrote:160 killed in one attack. That's terrible losses for ukrainians. And zelensky say only 1300 ukrainians killed. Russians are actually massacring them.


    "An important note: this American is a special ops veteran who completed combat deployments to Afghanistan. He came to Ukraine before Russia's full-scale war on Feb. 24. He is an experienced, well-trained soldier who gave up his lucrative career in the US in order to help Ukraine"

    Once again, these veterans, no matter how much field experience they've accumulated haven't fought a war like this where they're completely outnumbered and outgunned, where there isn't air support a call away etc.

    They expected an Afghan kinda trip. They got an Afghan kinda trip, just on the receiver end.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  zepia Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:20 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  LMFS Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:24 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    Not clear if the whole plant has been destroyed or just some administratlive offices. It the plant is mostly safe For Russia it would not be bad to have a second marine and energy gas turbine plants Ina friendly Novorussian state. Especially since they produce also the reduction gearboxes, for which  Zvezda in Saint Petersburg had several issues and delays.
    Russia at the moment does not produce the old

    Apparently only the administrative buildings and storage of finished goods, not the manufacturing facilities nor the design bureaus. The plant will be disabled for the duration of the conflict, but not destroyed.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  ATLASCUB Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:26 pm

    Folks should stop reading too much into fairy tales of British or American "volunteers" angling for the "helplessness narrative" (please send help against this big bad bully). All of these guys are either on CIA payroll, or similar intelligence service. They're cynics and survivalists of the highest caliber and they know all they have to do is wave a white flag, next to the American one and Russians won't kill a single one of them if they surrender. So you should question why someone with a guaranteed hefty paycheck "volunteering", knowing what the way out is, "stays" for hopeless martydom.

    The guys at the training center... those had their choice taken away from them by miscalculating. As will those, knowing what happened, that continue to stay. They'll obviously change tactics to go for high profile civilian buildings exposing high collateral, to hide and scheme.

    Stop buying the BS, these ain't religious fanatics.

    Putin clearly said he wouldn't allow anyone to interfere, as any self respecting great power would do in a similar situation. 2 weeks in, NATO laughed at it, pushing to see what they could get away with, shipping in more personal and more hardware on top of their expected, initial, left behind assets. CNN and other Western media doesn't roll around Kiev alone, you better believe that. They didn't get to Gostomel by accident, nor were they ready for such a massive psy op by accident. They know where to look, they know where to be, when to be and they know what to report.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:42 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:28 pm

    The strike on Yavoriv was payback for khasham

    300 western mercs wasted with a gift basket of kalibr and kh101

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 16 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  LMFS Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:39 pm

    First Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Daniil Bezsonov @neoficialniybezsonov

    The war in the Donbas continues and is gaining new momentum. Despite the success in liberating the territory of the DPR, the main city — Donetsk-continues to be under daily artillery fire from the enemy. For several days, the villages of Aleksandrovka and Trudovskie in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, as well as the Kiev and Kuibyshev districts of the city, have been under heavy shelling.

    Over the past day alone, 40 residential buildings and seven civilian infrastructure facilities were shelled, resulting in injuries of varying severity to six civilians. Some who live far away from here often ask with disbelief why dozens of houses come under fire, while only a small number of people are injured or killed. I'll answer it. In the Donbass, the war has been going on for eight years. People have learned to survive under bombardment. Sometimes you even intuitively feel the bombardment before it starts. Do you notice that the dogs start howling in a different way, etc.

    Last night, as a result of an artillery strike by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the city fire and rescue unit of Dokuchaevsk, nine employees of the DPR Ministry of Emergency Situations were injured, and one rescuer was killed.

    By this time Volnovakha is completely cleared of the enemy. Mariupol is surrounded by a dense ring, and our units entered the city yesterday, where they are conducting a sweep of Ukrainian militants. There are heavy urban battles going on. Aircraft and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces attacked enemy positions in the city. Sniper groups are actively working in the city, which makes it difficult for our infantry to move quickly. Tanks of the DPR Armed Forces practiced sniper, machine-gun, grenade launcher and other enemy firing points, which were located, among other things, on the roofs and in apartments of multi-storey residential buildings, while civilians were hiding in basements. The enemy is suffering heavy losses and preparing a breakthrough from the city under the cover of the local population.

    According to our intelligence, the militants of the Azov regiment with the remnants of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy plan to break through from Mariupol to the territory controlled by Ukraine, taking local residents with them as hostages. They plan to disguise this operation as a large-scale evacuation of civilians, hiding behind which they themselves will try to leave through the provided green corridor.

    Finally, the offensive actions of our units in the Donetsk region have begun. In the morning, massive artillery training began on Ukrainian positions, after which our units launched offensive operations aimed at liberating Avdiivka.

    As a result of the effective actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces aviation and artillery of the DPR Armed Forces, the Ukrainian army in the Donetsk direction began to experience a shortage of fuel and some types of ammunition, which complicates the organization of supplies and the ability to maneuver for all units of the enemy group in the Donbass. Also, this fact completely excludes the possibility for this entire group to make a march to organize the defense of such regional centers as Dnepropetrovsk or Zaporozhye, not to mention Kharkiv. But this increases the risk that the enemy will try to break through our positions by all means and go as far as possible into the urban development of Donetsk. But our military also foresaw this and prepared for it. In any case, the elimination of the Ukrainian group of troops in the Donbas is only a matter of time.

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