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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Broski Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:51 am

    sepheronx wrote:If those tochkas are Armenian, I think it would be in russias best interest to physically remove Pashinyan
    Better option, let Pashinyan destroy what's left of Armenia before they become a province of Turkey again. The less parasites sucking the lifeblood of Russia, the better.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:34 am

    I al neither pro Ukraine or pro Russia here, and my comments have always showed that so to call me Nazi merely because I serve the US and have criticized how the Russians are handling this war is again tier S fucking dumb ass logic

    You declare neutrality but when Kiev attacks things like the Crimean bridge which Ukrainian military officials have admitted have no military value, you have said it is a legitimate target even though it is only civilians that are getting killed when the attacks are made.

    First how are you defining pro US

    I am not. Others are.

    But you are a soldier, so you understand the general public thinking you are baby killers when you come home from a conflict...

    Decisions like supporting nazism is above your pay grade so you don't care what you fight for... otherwise you might find yourself questioning orders...

    They will not run out of cannot fodder anytime soon. 10 million men, even at 10:1 it will cost 1m Russsian lives to kill them all and at 2000 men a day 13 years.

    Take 10 million men out of the work force and the country collapses long before they need to kill even 1/10th of them.

    Zelensky just signed a government order to stop payments on the money Kiev owes... Blackrock has just demanded dead soldiers be burned rather than buried so land that they own for farming is not ruined or tied up in less productive uses... and Trump is coming... not that he will be any better for the US, but he will be bad for the Ukraine simply because he is so easily manipulated and flip floppy.

    Can anyone predict how things may evolve in 13 years? Add maybe 5 million NATO volunteers and then you have a 20 year war. That seems to be the plan we are on. After all Afghanistan went on for 20 years.

    What is the problem... Russia is gaining territory and killing Ukrainian soldiers... this is not a stalemate, this is a slow moving steam roller crushing the enemy.

    There is no great encirclements... but they could easily cut a path direct to Moldova through the centre of the Ukraine and cut Odessa off from Kiev and then advance and encircle... most settlements wont last long cut off from all supplies and electricity and they will surrender and let the Russian force walk in... or they can just cut them off and let them eat each other.

    NATO knows perfectly well that Putin will do nothing. That is why it continues to escalate. They think Putin is a coward.

    These are the same people who thought they could arm up Kiev and just take back those separatist regions and Putin would do nothing because he will not risk a war in Europe against the Ukraine backed by all of HATO.

    They were wrong then, they were wrong about sanctions destroying Russia and getting Putin overthrown by the Russian population, they were wrong about this conflict destroying the Russian economy. They thought they could diversify their own energy needs and it would be Russia begging to sell cheap oil and gas to the west again.

    They have been wrong about almost everything.

    It does not look like anything has changed.

    F-16s attacking targets in Russia or Ukraine are legitimate targets no matter where they operate from...

    (you can bet they wont operate from US bases).

    That is a good point but like the Ukrainians who flew Soviet stuff, they could volunteer to be trained as F-16 pilots. Money is an excellent incentive.

    He is likely right, but there were plenty of UK pilots who took contracts from China to train pilots to fly planes and I don't think they would be using Harriers or Typhoons there.

    Putin will not use any R-33 with a nuclear warhead nor will he attack a NATO base with an Iskander. This is nonsense.

    Of course not... he is not a pilot.

    Ukrainian planes in Ukrainian airbases and Ukrainian airspace are not a threat to the existence of the Russian Federation.

    Ukrainian planes based in a HATO country represents war against HATO and HATO has nuclear weapons and a large though largely incompetent military force that is a real threat to the RF that would warrant the use of nukes in some cases... remember the F-16 is a nuclear capable strike aircraft..

    The nuclear R-33 is intended to take out a large group of aircraft flying in formation from a considerable distance... it wont be used for ground strikes... they could carry much longer ranged missiles for that job... the upgraded Kh-31 could reach further... about 250km or so with a nuke warhead, compared with the 150-160km of the R-33.

    If those tochkas are Armenian, I think it would be in russias best interest to physically remove Pashinyan

    Easy enough to check the serial numbers from the wreckage... but it is not Russias style under Putin to regime change, but they can certainly cut economic and political ties to countries supporting their enemy.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Kiko Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:46 am

    Since Russia has already lost, Kyiv is ready to make peace immediately, by Kirill Strelnikov for RiaNovosti. 08.04.2024.

    Probably, nothing can surprise us anymore in the total schizophrenia of the West, but strong antidepressants are doing their job, and new chimeras are emerging in the Western information field, passed off as official policy.

    A great example is a recent report published in the online publication Geopolitical Monitor, which is a perfect illustration of the Russian proverb "without me, they married me."

    It is impossible to read it without a big green lamp and popcorn, and, in fact, it is not necessary - it is enough to just get acquainted with its main passages:

    • The outlook for the Russian economy is bleak; internal repression and emigration have "strained the economic and social fabric."

    • Russia's armed forces have shown the world their weakness, and Russia "can no longer be considered a superpower and the main threat to the United States and its allies."

    Well, you get the idea: torn shreds, chips from washing machines, rusty guns, hungry soldiers, isolation and all that stuff – all the classic stuff.

    But then come the conclusions for which it is simply necessary to come up with a special Nobel Prize nomination:

    • Once the original goal of weakening Russia on the part of the US has been achieved (!), it is time to "change the strategy on Ukraine" because (attention!) "continuing the conflict no longer serves the interests of the West" and could "bring negative consequences for the US and its allies" and "the losses will be greater than the benefits."

    • The US goal has been achieved, so it is necessary to begin negotiations with Russia, which "will require significant concessions from Ukraine."

    In other words, the US has quietly defeated Russia and now it is urgently necessary to negotiate with it so that the defeated Russia does not defeat the victorious West. Fanfares, applause, curtain.

    However, to be fair, it should be noted that the Western propaganda about the need to conclude peace, which has become much more frequent recently, is much less optimistic. On the contrary, the growing gloom and inevitability of the end being delayed with all possible efforts are obvious to everyone, but the West's disappointment in Ukraine is felt most strongly : its pimps have invested so much effort in creating the image of an "unbending nation" that the information about the true mood of the residents of Nezalezhnaya causes a real shock.

    A prime example is an uncharacteristically minor article published recently by the Conversation, the main conclusion of which is that the successes of the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield have changed the Ukrainian position on the negotiations.

    The authors of the article cite the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the International Kyiv Institute of Sociology, according to which almost 60 percent of Ukrainians believe that the country's authorities should begin negotiations with Moscow to resolve the conflict, and the number of those who are ready to make territorial concessions right now has more than tripled in just one year - from ten percent in May 2023 to 32 percent at the moment.

    At the same time (coincidence?), The New York Times published an article titled "As War Grows Grim, More Ukrainians Want a Peace Deal." The authors claim that there has been a "tangible shift" in Ukrainian society (and its leadership), and it is felt most strongly in the regions most affected by the conflict. An interesting example: according to the authors of the article, a year ago in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Kherson and Odessa regions, 86 percent of respondents were categorically against territorial concessions. Now there are 46 percent.

    The picture is complemented by other polls (for example, recently conducted by the Ukrainian Foundation for Democratic Initiatives), according to which only 37 percent of Ukrainians surveyed are confident in continued support from the US authorities.

    It is clear that believing Western and Ukrainian polls is the same as believing that thimbleriggers sincerely want to improve your financial situation. However, the general trend is no longer disputed by anyone, including Ukrainian influencers who used to cross themselves with a trident, but now suddenly began to call for peace: "Nothing is more important than people's lives", "Nobody needs the borders of 1991", "A bad peace is better than war" and all that.

    Also interesting are the results of the analysis of the Ukrainian segment of Telegram based on the statistics of the query "свiт з россійю" ("peace with Russia"). In the last three months, the frequency of this query has been growing exponentially - from 675,287 views in May to 2,261,806 views in July.

    According to information from sources "on the ground", "the office of the President of Ukraine is carefully monitoring changes in public sentiment", and "the readiness of Ukrainians for negotiations with Russia is higher than it might seem from the published results of polls".

    Apparently, the gap between the real mood and what can be allowed to be published is so great that the pseudo-president Zelensky, who previously declared on all European stumps and hummocks that any negotiations with Russia were impossible and criminal, recently seriously disgraced himself: in one of his daily "national appearances" he, without batting an eyelid, declared that the country's "main need" is to end the hostilities "as quickly and fairly as possible." Where did the often promised quick victory with the unanimous support of the united West go and how to conduct negotiations with Russia when he personally issued a decree banning them, he kept silent.

    Based on the fact that the Kiev leadership is just a screen for Western interests, we need to understand that the paper with this statement was simply placed on Zelensky’s desk and in the same way he (or anyone else, if he resists) will be forced to sign any agreements - and here we need to look and think about what all these signatures are worth.

    For now, one thing can be stated: the West has realized that it is losing on a front it did not think existed - a spiritual front, where the main weapons are morality and faith in a just cause. The puppeteers of the Kyiv regime firmly believed that they would be able to maintain an endless flow of Ukrainian "meat" to the front, but they were wrong - the vaunted spirit of "free non-brothers" is turning into a wrinkled pumpkin before our eyes.

    While on the other side people are forced to die for false values, false heroes and alien goals - our army goes forward for truth, life and the future, and no Western weapons and no money can defeat this.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Mir Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:56 am

    • Once the original goal of weakening Russia on the part of the US has been achieved (!), it is time to "change the strategy on Ukraine" because (attention!) "continuing the conflict no longer serves the interests of the West" and could "bring negative consequences for the US and its allies" and "the losses will be greater than the benefits."

    Words fail to describe this...but it does sound vaguely familiar unshaven

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  ALAMO Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:15 pm

    Mir wrote:
    • Once the original goal of weakening Russia on the part of the US has been achieved (!), it is time to "change the strategy on Ukraine" because (attention!) "continuing the conflict no longer serves the interests of the West" and could "bring negative consequences for the US and its allies" and "the losses will be greater than the benefits."

    Words fail to describe this...but it does sound vaguely familiar unshaven

    I have told you that a long time ago.
    They will just call a major triumphant victory, and walk away.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Aug 04, 2024 2:07 pm

    Nice advances in the general push towards Pokrovsk.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 3augus10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Arrow Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:41 pm

    F 16 over Odessa

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  ALAMO Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:36 pm

    About a safe distance to make commercials Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Broski Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:41 pm

    Arrow wrote:F 16 over Odessa
    Soon enough, F-16's burning in cow pastures. Another g̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶ w̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶w̶a̶f̶f̶e̶  piece of NATO hardware that'll have the Vatniks retreating back to Vladivostok.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Belisarius Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:52 pm

    It's time again to release an updated list of Ukrainian settlements that have changed hands since the beginning of the year. Settlements in Bold are settlements that were captured/claimed captured since my last update a month ago.  

    Confirmed captured by Russia:  
    Sakko I vansetti  
    Ivanivka (Kupyansk direction)
    Novoselivka Persha

    Claimed captured by Russia:  
    Andriivka  (Chasiv Yar direction)
    Stepova Novosilka
    Vesele (Pokrovsk direction)

    Confirmed liberated by Ukraine:
    Sotnytskyi Kozazhok

    Claimed liberated by Ukraine:
    Vesele (Siversk direction)

    That's a total of:
    65 confirmed captured by Russia
    8 claimed captured by Russia
    2 confirmed liberated by Ukraine
    1 claimed liberated by Ukraine

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Mir Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:56 pm

    I'm still have some money on a F-16 defection. Maybe this will help?

    Russian chicks are just so much hotter than...
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Zxy-ca10

    the Euro trash you get these days Shocked
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Zx-cap10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  ALAMO Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:06 pm

    You need to drink some water from the Seine to properly phew, like the others Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:27 pm


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:25 pm

    Mir wrote:I'm still have some money on a F-16 defection. Maybe this will help?

    Russian chicks are just so much hotter than...

    the Euro trash you get these days Shocked

    Off topic starts:

    Not everywhere is like that. I just saw a video about the finalists for miss Poland 2024 and I doubt you would find something to complain about

    Off topic ends.


    Ukrainian Underground: F-16 Fighter Jet That Appeared in the Sky Over Odessa Flew Away to Moldova

    The F-16 fighter jet that appeared in the skies over Odessa today has gone towards Moldova, this was reported by the coordinator of the Nikolaev underground, Sergei Lebedev, citing his Odessa colleagues. This was reported by the TG channel "Shaggy Z Nikolaev".

    Some of the aircraft transferred to Ukraine may be based in Moldova, and Ukrainian airfields may be used as landing sites. This was reported back in late July by the Ukrainian TG channel "Resident", citing a source in the General Staff. This allows the fighter jets to be hidden, and during a counteroffensive, intermediate airfields will be used for short-term parking, replenishment of combat equipment, refueling and operational maintenance.

    They report about the F-16 flyby. It is interesting, of course, but more interesting is where they charge and refuel. After landing over Odessa, it flew off towards Moldova.

    - Lebedev said.

    Earlier, Zelensky held an official ceremony to hand over F-16 fighters to the Ukrainian Air Force, the ceremony took place at the Vasilkova airfield near Kiev. According to available data, Ukraine has received ten combat aircraft in total, and will receive the same number by the end of the year, but will only be able to use ten. The fact is that Kiev has only twenty pilots trained to fly F-16s, and not all of them have completed their training. Traditionally, two pilots are assigned to one aircraft.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Mir Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:34 pm


    Chill bro it's only a joke! Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  ucmvulcan Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:06 pm

    Kiko wrote:Since Russia has already lost, Kyiv is ready to make peace immediately, by Kirill Strelnikov for RiaNovosti. 08.04.2024.

    Probably, nothing can surprise us anymore in the total schizophrenia of the West, but strong antidepressants are doing their job, and new chimeras are emerging in the Western information field, passed off as official policy.

    A great example is a recent report published in the online publication Geopolitical Monitor, which is a perfect illustration of the Russian proverb "without me, they married me."

    It is impossible to read it without a big green lamp and popcorn, and, in fact, it is not necessary - it is enough to just get acquainted with its main passages:

    • The outlook for the Russian economy is bleak; internal repression and emigration have "strained the economic and social fabric."

    • Russia's armed forces have shown the world their weakness, and Russia "can no longer be considered a superpower and the main threat to the United States and its allies."

    Well, you get the idea: torn shreds, chips from washing machines, rusty guns, hungry soldiers, isolation and all that stuff – all the classic stuff.

    But then come the conclusions for which it is simply necessary to come up with a special Nobel Prize nomination:

    • Once the original goal of weakening Russia on the part of the US has been achieved (!), it is time to "change the strategy on Ukraine" because (attention!) "continuing the conflict no longer serves the interests of the West" and could "bring negative consequences for the US and its allies" and "the losses will be greater than the benefits."

    • The US goal has been achieved, so it is necessary to begin negotiations with Russia, which "will require significant concessions from Ukraine."

    In other words, the US has quietly defeated Russia and now it is urgently necessary to negotiate with it so that the defeated Russia does not defeat the victorious West. Fanfares, applause, curtain.

    However, to be fair, it should be noted that the Western propaganda about the need to conclude peace, which has become much more frequent recently, is much less optimistic. On the contrary, the growing gloom and inevitability of the end being delayed with all possible efforts are obvious to everyone, but the West's disappointment in Ukraine is felt most strongly : its pimps have invested so much effort in creating the image of an "unbending nation" that the information about the true mood of the residents of Nezalezhnaya causes a real shock.

    A prime example is an uncharacteristically minor article published recently by the Conversation, the main conclusion of which is that the successes of the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield have changed the Ukrainian position on the negotiations.

    The authors of the article cite the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the International Kyiv Institute of Sociology, according to which almost 60 percent of Ukrainians believe that the country's authorities should begin negotiations with Moscow to resolve the conflict, and the number of those who are ready to make territorial concessions right now has more than tripled in just one year - from ten percent in May 2023 to 32 percent at the moment.

    At the same time (coincidence?), The New York Times published an article titled "As War Grows Grim, More Ukrainians Want a Peace Deal." The authors claim that there has been a "tangible shift" in Ukrainian society (and its leadership), and it is felt most strongly in the regions most affected by the conflict. An interesting example: according to the authors of the article, a year ago in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Kherson and Odessa regions, 86 percent of respondents were categorically against territorial concessions. Now there are 46 percent.

    The picture is complemented by other polls (for example, recently conducted by the Ukrainian Foundation for Democratic Initiatives), according to which only 37 percent of Ukrainians surveyed are confident in continued support from the US authorities.

    It is clear that believing Western and Ukrainian polls is the same as believing that thimbleriggers sincerely want to improve your financial situation. However, the general trend is no longer disputed by anyone, including Ukrainian influencers who used to cross themselves with a trident, but now suddenly began to call for peace: "Nothing is more important than people's lives", "Nobody needs the borders of 1991", "A bad peace is better than war" and all that.

    Also interesting are the results of the analysis of the Ukrainian segment of Telegram based on the statistics of the query "свiт з россійю" ("peace with Russia"). In the last three months, the frequency of this query has been growing exponentially - from 675,287 views in May to 2,261,806 views in July.

    According to information from sources "on the ground", "the office of the President of Ukraine is carefully monitoring changes in public sentiment", and "the readiness of Ukrainians for negotiations with Russia is higher than it might seem from the published results of polls".

    Apparently, the gap between the real mood and what can be allowed to be published is so great that the pseudo-president Zelensky, who previously declared on all European stumps and hummocks that any negotiations with Russia were impossible and criminal, recently seriously disgraced himself: in one of his daily "national appearances" he, without batting an eyelid, declared that the country's "main need" is to end the hostilities "as quickly and fairly as possible." Where did the often promised quick victory with the unanimous support of the united West go and how to conduct negotiations with Russia when he personally issued a decree banning them, he kept silent.

    Based on the fact that the Kiev leadership is just a screen for Western interests, we need to understand that the paper with this statement was simply placed on Zelensky’s desk and in the same way he (or anyone else, if he resists) will be forced to sign any agreements - and here we need to look and think about what all these signatures are worth.

    For now, one thing can be stated: the West has realized that it is losing on a front it did not think existed - a spiritual front, where the main weapons are morality and faith in a just cause. The puppeteers of the Kyiv regime firmly believed that they would be able to maintain an endless flow of Ukrainian "meat" to the front, but they were wrong - the vaunted spirit of "free non-brothers" is turning into a wrinkled pumpkin before our eyes.

    While on the other side people are forced to die for false values, false heroes and alien goals - our army goes forward for truth, life and the future, and no Western weapons and no money can defeat this.

    Sorry USA gymnastics team, although your performance was pretty good, you can only be given the silver. The mental gymnastics required to believe the western narratives merit gold

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:27 pm

    At 15:30 Moscow time, the RAF Airbus A330 Stratotanker landed in Constanta, Romania.

    From the current configuration, it follows that the British Stratotanker will refuel Ukrainian F16 aircraft that take off from a NATO airbase in Romania and land at the Limanske airfield in the Odessa region on the border with Romania.

    It was there that four F-16 aircraft were ferried on August 1 for Zelensky's speech and a ceremonial line-up on this occasion. A Patriot and two IRIS-T were also brought here for cover.
    The Limanske airfield previously housed two MiG-29 regiments, the runway is 2500 m, 45 meters wide. It was recently repaired to receive F-16s.

    After a "run-through" for the picture, the aircraft were again driven to Constanta. Away from the Crimean Geraniums and Iskanders.  Moreover, they enter the Odessa region via Moldova, fearing to fly along the Black Sea within the hunting radius of our S-400 and SU-57.

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    Post  Arrow Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:33 pm

    So the F-16s began operations from NATO bases.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:12 pm

    NATO will be watching how they get on downing drones and cruise missiles, adding the information to the Israeli experience. They did bet the farm on aircraft defence not SAMs.

    F-16 fighter jets in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been equipped with AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, as well as external fuel tanks to increase their airborne endurance for intercepting cruise missiles and kamikaze drones.

    Missile launch detection and countermeasure systems are also visible. One of the extra items that elevate these F-16s above their original standard.

    This is the MILDS F system from Hensoldt, in use with Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Belgium.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 GUJOb0HbUAAitxJ?format=jpg&name=small

    EDIT Used by DAF and NoAF to illuminate RuAF tail numbers at night. Not sure they will be much use for the UAF.

    ⚡Another interesting detail of 🇺🇦Ukrainian F-16 interceptors. All 🇩🇰Danish F-16s are equipped with a searchlight mounted on the nose of the fuselage on the port side, in front of and directly below the cockpit. The searchlight is used for identification during night interceptions and uses a 450W bulb. This modification is the same as on the 🇳🇴Norwegian F-16. The Royal Danish Air Force already installed this searchlight during initial production.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 GUJSLt-WcAABRnv?format=jpg&name=360x360

    Last edited by JohninMK on Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:18 pm

    Big Serge ☦🇺🇸🇷🇺
    You will never love anything as much as the AFU loves sitting in pockets until the very last possible minute.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 GUJZ81WbUAAKDlO?format=jpg&name=small

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:19 am

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Firebird Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:36 am

    Time to smash filth scum in Romania.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:34 am

    JohninMK wrote:Probably not a good idea to be too close to an airbase munitions dump when it is attacked and effectively eliminated. This is Morozovsk.

    'Ordinary World' by Duran Duran is excellent choice of soundtrack for this kaboom

    Lyrics are very appropriate thumbsup

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:30 am

    Yet more advances towards Pokrovsk...

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 4augus10


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #59

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:13 am

    Sorry USA gymnastics team, although your performance was pretty good, you can only be given the silver. The mental gymnastics required to believe the western narratives merit gold

    But don't you see they deserve gold?

    They are offering to surrender the entirety of Ukraine with generous concessions to Russia... they will keep the stuff worth lots of money and surrender the rest for Russia to spend money on to fix and rebuild and then they will start another colour revolution and try again in 20 years time.

    So the F-16s began operations from NATO bases.

    They arrived and landed and took off again and flew to Moldova, which is not a HATO country.

    When they try to destroy something then they will be shot at.

    I suspect it will be like the Challenger tanks... it will be there for quite a while before it gets anywhere near the front line.

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